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poll: are you an ape?

are you an ape?

  • Total voters


Garbage propaganda that's been thoroughly refuted.

The entire movie is fully supported by empirical science.

This is the problem with all the ostriches with their heads in the sand believing that science is their god and refusing to accept anything but the lies it teaches - like the silly fairy tale of evolution.

Truly sad.

The video wasn't posted for you anyway.


And you don't know what scientific consensus is. When 98+% of experts in a field agree, a question is settled until new evidence appears that contradicts the theory.
Scientific consensus?


So you and all your buddies agree?

And what was it you were saying about scientific evidence?

Here's a free one for ya:

Science and medicine change their mind about every 5-10 years, if not more often.

Explain that from your position of infallibility.


Here's how I reproduced your words. These are all your words. I took related quotes from you and juxtaposed them because they were related:
View attachment 86649

Here they are in the original:

View attachment 86651

View attachment 86650

As you can see, the words were yours. You might say that the second sentence was sarcasm which wasn't obvious when removed from the rest of your comment, but I don't think anybody had any difficulty recognizing that. You're a zealous creationist, meaning that the words were either sarcasm or you miswrote them. I can't see anybody believing that you actually consider unbelievers more authoritative regarding matters of your deity and Bible, although I and many other skeptics do. The believer is a motivated reader trying to understand how the words in his book are actually error and free from contradiction, and the god depicted therein moral.

Incidentally, I don't lie. I don't need to, and I have no desire to do so. It wouldn't benefit me at all if I did, which is why I can give a more dispassionate and objective interpretation of scripture than the zealous believer.

We are animals. Specifically, great apes. So are you.

Sorry to set you off like that, but why such an emotional reaction from you? What do you care if science declares human beings animals and apes? Those disagreeing with you don't have emotional reactions to you taking the opposite position. Why would anybody care that you choose religious ideas instead? What the critical thinkers care about is correcting misinformation, not disabusing any given believer of it. That never happens.
None of that gets you off the hook one single bit.

You cherry-picked 'sound bites' and reorganized them to say what YOU wanted them to say in order to ATTEMPT to make me look stupid.

For the record, that is flat-out misrepresentation

I could easily take a word of yours, from here and there, and frankenstein them together to make you look even more stupid than you do right now.

Attacking somebody's quotes by representing them fraudulently is an attack on the messenger - and an attack on the messenger only takes place when the message can no longer be addressed due to incompetence.

Clearly you have been defeated in your efforts to counter all arguments against the theory of evolution.

Praise the Lord God Almighty and His Truth of Creation!!!
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Veteran Member
Of course Creationists are a minority. True Christians are a minority.

The vast majority of professed Christians are not Christians at all. They are worldly, just like you. They embrace almost all of the science that you do and they walk the wide road to destruction.

The Bible clearly teaches that True Christians are few and far between. They walk the Narrow Road, in Wisdom and Truth, to Salvation.

Jesus says "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life."
Jn. 14:6

Those who don't "follow Jesus Christ" are not truly Christians and do not see the world through spiritual eyes and do not have spiritual understanding. They do not live in "the Way" that Jesus teaches.

It's no surprise that the Christians you think are dumb/stupid, who embrace exactly what the Bible teaches, are rare and are unbending in their convictions that modern science is nothing but falsehood. Those who agree with the world do not, and cannot, agree with, or understand, the things of God. (1 Jn. 2:15)
Ah, the evocative skirling of the pipes, as another True Scotsman comes into view.…:laughing:

Or should that be Jehovah’s Witness, rather than Scotsman?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

The entire movie is fully supported by empirical science.

This is the problem with all the ostriches with their heads in the sand believing that science is their god and refusing to accept anything but the lies it teaches - like the silly fairy tale of evolution.

Truly sad.

The video wasn't posted for you anyway.
If science is a lie then you need to toss all of your medicine and technology - including the device you're using to access this forum - into the trash. You have no business using any of it.


Don't give me that nonsense. I could make a very good argument that you are not a "True ChristianTM".

It is a pity that you have to keep yourself scientifically illiterate to be a creationist. It limits our ability to have a meaningful discussion.
Ignorance limits our ability to have a meaningful discussion - and your ignorance stems from your brainwashed habit of accepting anything your told by those you deem to be authorities on a matter without honestly and diligently looking deeply into that matter yourself.

It's really not that hard to discover that the theory of evolution is completely false, whether one is Christian or atheist.


Veteran Member

The entire movie is fully supported by empirical science.

This is the problem with all the ostriches with their heads in the sand believing that science is their god and refusing to accept anything but the lies it teaches - like the silly fairy tale of evolution.

Truly sad.

The video wasn't posted for you anyway.
If empirical science shows evolution to be false, why do all people with knowledge of science accept the theory?


why should I waste my time on some moronic video that says the book of Genesis is history?
You shouldn't - it wasn't posted for you.
I am a 21st century person with an education ... , I refuse to waste my time on such stupidity
There's your problem.

Many with an education have climbed their way outta the hole of ignorance they were brainwashed and indoctrinated into, but, sadly, most do not ever.

And those who "refuse to waste their time on such stupidity" as looking into a subject for themselves will never learn anything of value in this life.


Humans are apes.
Ahhh, so your new claim is that proteins came together in the soup of evolution and immediately formed APES. No single-celled organisms and no other species prior to apes.

Nice. Yet another ridiculous turn in the desperately winding, and ever-changing, explanation of the theory of evolution.
If you are going to debate a position, it would be helpful to have a working understanding of the position of those with which you engage in debate.
Ohhh, so I should only debate with you on a topic within your specified parameters of rules?

Of course. How silly of me.

If your pet theory were true at all, it wouldn't have any need to limit the way it can be discussed. Truth stands for itself against all investigation and has myriad support from many other Truths.

LIES, on the other hand, must be handled very carefully, as they are very fragile with no Truth to support them anywhere. Thus there must be strict guidelines with which they must be debated as they may very easily fall apart.


Veteran Member
Scientific consensus?


So you and all your buddies agree?
How would you define scientific consensus and why?

And what was it you were saying about scientific evidence?

Here's a free one for ya:

Science and medicine change their mind about every 5-10 years, if not more often.

Explain that from your position of infallibility.
It's easy, scientific evidence. When the evidence changes, a theory gets re-evaluated. And no major scientific theory was falsified in the last 100 years. How does that correlate with changes every 5-10 years? Minor details get added or corrected as favoured hypothesis are supported or contradicted by new evidence.
New evidence, by the way, that gets produced by scientists, not by creationists. The later never put their ideas to the test by making predictions and conducting experiments that could disprove their hypothesis.


If science is a lie then you need to toss all of your medicine and technology - including the device you're using to access this forum - into the trash. You have no business using any of it.
Couldn't agree more.

I would love to.

Unfortunately, a bunch of greedy idiots got together and outfitted the entire world in such a way as to control absolutely everything and now we're all stuck with communicating on these stupid light boxes and eating and medicating with the only things available to us anymore.

I'd love to be a full Luddite, but the only way to get the Truth out anymore is through the corrupt medium that we are all stuck with.

It is what it is, and I'd bet even your party would agree it's not set up in the most healthy, or beneficial, way for mankind.


Veteran Member
Ahhh, so your new claim is that proteins came together in the soup of evolution and immediately formed APES. No single-celled organisms and no other species prior to apes.

Nice. Yet another ridiculous turn in the desperately winding, and ever-changing, explanation of the theory of evolution.
How did you come to that non sequitur?


Not according to Paul Nelson - and he was in it and is still connected to the DI.
New Film Is Genesis History? Presents a False Dichotomy: I Dissent from My Role in It | Evolution News
Seems consensus isn't that strong in the creationist world either.
1. His argument is not that the entire movie is fraudulent.

2. One dissenting person among many does not prove anything at all.

3. Since when is consensus some scientific evidence of anything?

If everyone doesn't agree, it can't be true?

That's weak.


Veteran Member
Couldn't agree more.

I would love to.

Unfortunately, a bunch of greedy idiots got together and outfitted the entire world in such a way as to control absolutely everything and now we're all stuck with communicating on these stupid light boxes and eating and medicating with the only things available to us anymore.

I'd love to be a full Luddite, but the only way to get the Truth out anymore is through the corrupt medium that we are all stuck with.

It is what it is, and I'd bet even your party would agree it's not set up in the most healthy, or beneficial, way for mankind.
Then how do you explain why the "stupid light boxes" function at all? Do you assume some black magic?
Or do you agree that they work because they rest on working science?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Ahhh, so your new claim is that proteins came together in the soup of evolution and immediately formed APES. No single-celled organisms and no other species prior to apes.

Nice. Yet another ridiculous turn in the desperately winding, and ever-changing, explanation of the theory of evolution.
Your debate tactics seem to involve building straw men and misrepresenting what others say.

I have no inclination to interact with those who engage is such juvenile and pathetic tactics to win an argument.

I leave you to bask in your own ignorance.


Veteran Member
1. His argument is not that the entire movie is fraudulent.

2. One dissenting person among many does not prove anything at all.

3. Since when is consensus some scientific evidence of anything?

If everyone doesn't agree, it can't be true?

That's weak.
That is exactly your argument against the scientific consensus on evolutionary biology. Just because some religious zealots don't agree with the ToE, it doesn't make it false or even questionable.