I was in US for 10 years. Just returned back to India. Did not like US idea of government at all. Research was fine though.You might want to Google the Bill of Rights. The first and foremost "right" of an American is freedom FROM the government. The government does not give you these rights, they are yours just for breathing. But these rights are not free, you have to be willing to fight to protect them. Is it the majority view? You bet your life it is. You're happy where you are, that's fine, but any time you want a taste of freedom just drop on by; we'll leave the light on for you.
We are free enough, thank you. The government is there to serve us, provide us with the goods that I mentioned in an efficient manner. We vote for or against various parties based on how good they were delivering these goods. We may be poor, but we are growing well and political participation is very high throughout the country. We are the Masters of our government and we have no reason to fear it.