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Pornography poll

Should pornography be bannes? If so, is it because or partially because it exploits women?

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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You're not a theist, so your explanation suffices.

I wouldn't say I anticipate the possibility of change with any type of worry or fear. I, too, subscribe to a fairly uncommon archetype of sexuality. I wouldn't be surprised if I had to change it, for perhaps my mind is not properly aligned with nature... and I'm missing out on something transcendent.

I'm not going to lie to you. I find heterosexual polyamory disturbing & offensive. Homosexual polyamory, not so: you can entertain all the same-gendered partners you want, but to entertain more than one opposite-gendered partner is what I cannot comprehend. :shrug:

A world with homo & hetero monogamy, as well as homo polyamory, is the most "open" moral system of sexuality I am willing to accept. Hetero polyamory, especially those practicing sessions of group "activity", is where I draw the line.

Current law systems make it impossible for me to protest such behaviors the way I'd like to. Hopefully vigilantism makes a return in the next world. I'm waiting with bated breath... :beach:

Why is heterosexual polyamory so disturbing to you to the point of wishing to commit violence against those who practice it?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to lie to you. I find heterosexual polyamory disturbing & offensive. Homosexual polyamory, not so: you can entertain all the same-gendered partners you want, but to entertain more than one opposite-gendered partner is what I cannot comprehend. :shrug:

wow, that went right over my head.
Is it because of creating life and having more than one family?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
You're not a theist, so your explanation suffices.

I wouldn't say I anticipate the possibility of change with any type of worry or fear. I, too, subscribe to a fairly uncommon archetype of sexuality. I wouldn't be surprised if I had to change it, for perhaps my mind is not properly aligned with nature... and I'm missing out on something transcendent.

I'm not going to lie to you. I find heterosexual polyamory disturbing & offensive. Homosexual polyamory, not so: you can entertain all the same-gendered partners you want, but to entertain more than one opposite-gendered partner is what I cannot comprehend. :shrug:

A world with homo & hetero monogamy, as well as homo polyamory, is the most "open" moral system of sexuality I am willing to accept. Hetero polyamory, especially those practicing sessions of group "activity", is where I draw the line.

Current law systems make it impossible for me to protest such behaviors the way I'd like to. Hopefully vigilantism makes a return in the next world. I'm waiting with bated breath... :beach:

What offends you so much about other people's decisions concerning their own lives?


yawn <ignore> yawn
I don't care enough to read through several hundred posts about porn.

So I'll just ask. Is straight boy porn the only subject here?


Active Member
Why is heterosexual polyamory so disturbing to you to the point of wishing to commit violence against those who practice it?
wow, that went right over my head. Is it because of creating life and having more than one family?
If I had a logical answer I would give one.

What offends you so much about other people's decisions concerning their own lives?
You're trying to generalize this a bit too much. Sexuality is the only subject that I have found I take offenses to... and even then, it is only one subgenre of sexuality. I'm willing to wager that even you take offense to certain expressions of sexuality - pedophilia? necrophilia? rape? bestiality?

Are there some forms of sexuality that you would retaliate violently to? There has to be.

Sexual violation of your conscience, the type that serves as the basis for violence, is present in all of us. It's part of being a human. We're limited in consciousness...


Well-Known Member
If I had a logical answer I would give one.

When gays look at their partner, they are looking at them the same way heterosexuals do.
I assume if they could actually produce life, they would as well and it destroys them because they cant.
This is why I respect them, because they adopt and give a child a home and parents that love them.

What offends you so much about other people's decisions concerning their own lives?
Why do atheists worry so much about religious people and what they do and how they raise their kids.
Lets not play the "terrorist and such card" for a change.
Look at the thread on Dawkins.
Tons and tons of people are trying to assert on how others should be raising their kids and are deeming it child abuse, when it is not.

The double standard on this is somewhat disturbing.
There are tons of threads started about religion and tons of people strawman the hell out of it and generalize and pick and choose the bad areas to deem the whole world of religion to be bad.
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If I had a logical answer I would give one.
And yet you're only prevented from violence for legal reasons?

You're trying to generalize this a bit too much. Sexuality is the only subject that I have found I take offenses to... and even then, it is only one subgenre of sexuality. I'm willing to wager that even you take offense to certain expressions of sexuality - pedophilia? necrophilia? rape? bestiality?
Excuse me, you're comparing polyamory to rape and child molestation? Having two boyfriends to having sex with a corpse? Rape isn't "expression of sexuality" it's assault. How are any of these comparable to adults having consensual sex?

Are there some forms of sexuality that you would retaliate violently to? There has to be.
No there really doesn't.

Sexual violation of your conscience, the type that serves as the basis for violence, is present in all of us. It's part of being a human. We're limited in consciousness...
No, it really isn't. This combined with the desire to commit violence constrained apparently only by laws - and apparently not joking - is incredibly disturbing.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
If I had a logical answer I would give one.

You're trying to generalize this a bit too much. Sexuality is the only subject that I have found I take offenses to... and even then, it is only one subgenre of sexuality. I'm willing to wager that even you take offense to certain expressions of sexuality - pedophilia? necrophilia? rape? bestiality?

Consensual relationships among adults are incomparable to any of the things you mentioned.

Also, I usually try to avoid nitpicking, but classifying rape as an "expression of sexuality" is one of the things I view as harmful because it propagates myths about rape. "An expression of violence" or "a display of complete disregard for other people's personal boundaries" seems to be a more appropriate description, in my opinion.

Are there some forms of sexuality that you would retaliate violently to? There has to be.
Laws and law enforcement agencies exist for a reason. If unauthorized people "retaliated violently" to behavior they found to be criminal and adopted vigilantism, we would most likely end up with mobs using violence against each other every time they disagreed on something.

Sexual violation of your conscience, the type that serves as the basis for violence, is present in all of us. It's part of being a human. We're limited in consciousness...
It seems to me that people who would personally resort to violence for disagreeing with consensual relationships between adults don't make up the majority of humans, thankfully.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Why do atheists worry so much about religious people and what they do and how they raise their kids.
Lets not play the "terrorist and such card" for a change.
Look at the thread on Dawkins.
Tons and tons of people are trying to assert on how others should be raising their kids and are deeming it child abuse, when it is not.

The double standard on this is somewhat disturbing.
There are tons of threads started about religion and tons of people strawman the hell out of it and generalize and pick and choose the bad areas to deem the whole world of religion to be bad.

What does any of this have to do with what I asked?


Active Member
And yet you're only prevented from violence for legal reasons?

Excuse me, you're comparing polyamory to rape and child molestation? Having two boyfriends to having sex with a corpse? Rape isn't "expression of sexuality" it's assault. How are any of these comparable to adults having consensual sex?
I'm going to ignore most of your drivel as you seem to be confused as to what we're talking about.

The current topic is sexuality and what offends you. You're saying that there is no form of sexuality that offends you? None at all that violates your conscience? Nothing you'd consider perversion? Not possible.

And stop trying to reiterate what "sexual expression" entails. Rape is a sexual experience. Don't even play games with logic here. We can't possibly communicate if you're going to distort the linguistics of the argument.

No there really doesn't.
If a woman was raping her baby, you would just sit there and soak up the whole experience? It would be unthinkable of you to intervene?

No, it really isn't. This combined with the desire to commit violence constrained apparently only by laws - and apparently not joking - is incredibly disturbing.
Personally, I'd love to see a civilization built upon heterosexual polyamory - just to watch it fail miserably. Hetero polygamy is a similar vein, and there's a reason that the cultures that practice these behaviors are mocked as cesspools of the world:


Consensual relationships among adults are incomparable to any of the things you mentioned.

Also, I usually try to avoid nitpicking, but classifying rape as an "expression of sexuality" is one of the things I view as harmful because it propagates myths about rape. "An expression of violence" or "a display of complete disregard for other people's personal boundaries" seems to be a more appropriate description, in my opinion.

Laws and law enforcement agencies exist for a reason. If unauthorized people "retaliated violently" to behavior they found to be criminal and adopted vigilantism, we would most likely end up with mobs using violence against each other every time they disagreed on something.

It seems to me that people who would personally resort to violence for disagreeing with consensual relationships between adults don't make up the majority of humans, thankfully.
I have nothing to argue in this post, but I still feel you avoided the question as to whether or not you find certain sexual actions offensive...



I'm going to ignore most of your drivel as you seem to be confused as to what we're talking about.
I'm talking about your advocating violence restrained only by the law. That is screwed up.
The current topic is sexuality and what offends you. You're saying that there is no form of sexuality that offends you? None at all that violates your conscience? Nothing you'd consider perversion? Not possible
There is nothing that would have me advocating "vigilantism" if only it were legal. I don't care if you loathe poly, I care if you threaten violence.
And stop trying to reiterate what "sexual expression" entails. Rape is a sexual experience. Don't even play games with logic here. We can't possibly communicate if you're going to distort the linguistics of the argument.
No sexual experiences are not violations of consent. The dismissal of assault and the conflation of it with consensual sexual activity says more about your opinions on sex than anything.
If a woman was raping her baby, you would just sit there and soak up the whole experience? It would be unthinkable of you to intervene?
Intervention isn't vigilantes and consensual sex isn't child rape.
Personally, I'd love to see a civilization built upon heterosexual polyamory - just to watch it fail miserably. Hetero polygamy is a similar vein, and there's a reason that the cultures that practice these behaviors are mocked as cesspools of the world
So racism too? You know polygamy is practiced in the United States right? And that Muslim or Mormon polygamy is entirely unlike polyamory right?

I don't even understand how it makes sense to be opposed to opposite sex poly but be cool with same sex poly but that doesn't matter. What matters is you fun violence acceptable and if only the laws let you partake in it. That is dangerous and screwed up.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think it would be foolish to ban porn since there are those who do enjoy being in it, and it provides a sexual outlet for many. Better to just address the reasons of why so many people (woman AND men) go into the porn business, such as a lack of even decent paying jobs and positions and helping those involved find and develop skills so they do not have to resort to porn for income.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be foolish to ban porn since there are those who do enjoy being in it, and it provides a sexual outlet for many. Better to just address the reasons of why so many people (woman AND men) go into the porn business, such as a lack of even decent paying jobs and positions and helping those involved find and develop skills so they do not have to resort to porn for income.

Why give porn this stigma that people should be saved from it though? Why can't it just be treated as any other business industry? I mean, you are basically saying, or implying, that porn is inherently bad, but some people want to do it anyways so we should just try to help those who wouldn't do it if they had other opportunities. Why is porn inherently bad, and inherently is the key word here, because there are negative aspects of porn that are more the result of the stigma placed on porn and pushing porn kind of into an underground environment, so by inherently, I mean, what is it about just filming nude men and women having sex that it would be necessary to save people from it, not what is negative about the seedy underground that porn is forced into by society, what is negative about consenting men and women getting paid, and paid extremely well, to have sex on camera?


ground state
As long as there is nothing but consenting adults involved I don't see the problem. I see the paternalistic attitude toward full grown women deciding to sell their sexuality in one way or another a bit insulting to women.


Well-Known Member
I see the paternalistic attitude toward full grown women deciding to sell their sexuality in one way or another a bit insulting to women.

But men don't matter because they are just animals right? Just walking penises with no other purpose but to ejaculate on stuff? Heck, they're lucky they even get paid for it, they should just be content with being in the same room as a woman.


Well-Known Member
But men don't matter because they are just animals right? Just walking penises with no other purpose but to ejaculate on stuff? Heck, they're lucky they even get paid for it, they should just be content with being in the same room as a woman.

I think they get like 8 bucks too :facepalm:
Most men are pigs, we all know that.

The few women that do make $$$$, good for them.
Nothing wrong with porn, in general.


ground state
But men don't matter because they are just animals right? Just walking penises with no other purpose but to ejaculate on stuff? Heck, they're lucky they even get paid for it, they should just be content with being in the same room as a woman.

How the hell did you come up with that comment from mine? My view has been that ideally grown men and women see each other as fellow human beings with mutual respect. Women have a right to make money on their sexuality just as much as men do, and so on.


Well-Known Member
As long as the women are involved in the porn production willingly and are not being forced to, what's the problem?