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Post your pic 2!


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Wayyyyy back file.



Well-Known Member
Dammmmm. You look exactly like my uncle. And you have the same attitude.

Don't tell me you have a Harley. That would mess me up.:p
Ok I will not tell you about the 1340 shovelhead (the very last of the shovelheads) or the fact I read" Do not go gentle" at my dads funeral, :)

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Yesterday was Pride and pool, then everyone in the entire world somehow ended up at my house. It was one of those nights I was actually tired early so it was one of those GO HOME PLEASE moments (but I absolutely love everyone that was there <3)

[GALLERY=media, 9589]Merp by Meow Mix posted Aug 22, 2021 at 9:51 AM[/GALLERY]


Veteran Member
Yesterday was Pride and pool, then everyone in the entire world somehow ended up at my house. It was one of those nights I was actually tired early so it was one of those GO HOME PLEASE moments (but I absolutely love everyone that was there <3)

[GALLERY=media, 9589]Merp by Meow Mix posted Aug 22, 2021 at 9:51 AM[/GALLERY]

Well when you look THAT good Erin, I wouldn't go home either.

(Just having some fun with you.)