No this is an actual experiment where the proposal has been achieved, the synthetically made cell has actually taken o nutrients, grown and replicated for three generations. They are not speculating. They have done it and they are reporting it. See below the actual images of the experiment as well as the schematic.
A recursive vesicle-based model protocell with a primitive model cell cycle : Nature Communications
We found that four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division) emerged spontaneously during our pursuit of a constructive approach towards a recursive model protocell. Our model protocell completed this primitive model cell cycle, in which individual processes in each phase collaborated with the next, specifically responding to external stimuli from the environment.
(a) Self-proliferation of GV (Giant Vesicle) -based model protocell from 1st generation to 3rd generation. DNA amplification in mother GV was followed by the first division to give rise to daughter GVs. Ingestion of dNTP in conveyer GV by daughter GVs and DNA amplification in daughter GV led the second division to give granddaughter GVs (bottom). (b) Differential interface contrast microscope image of DNA-amplified daughter GV (left). Fluorescence microscope images of the red fluorescence emitted from the vesicular membrane (center) and the green fluorescence from inside the daughter GV (right). Scale bar, 10 μm. (c) Division of the daughter GV to afford granddaughter GVs by the addition of precursor V* of the membrane lipid. Scale bar, 20 μm.