Well-Known Member
So, there is no 'said law' to be cited that prohibits a journalist from taking a photo in a public venue. To put this in perspective, the journalist violated no laws and he was assaulted needlessly. Glad we cleared that up.
In other news, let's hope Mizzou can clear up it's campus racism.
No, there is. The right to be left alone is the privacy law. Missouri hasn't cleared it except in terms of Court cases. So there's your answer. So we're both right. It's there in terms of the privacy right but Missouri hasn't cleared it up with any legislation. They really should do that. Especially if we're going to be having more of these protests coming in the future. It would help journalists and citizen's to know their rights on each side of the issue. The only thing they have now are Court cases. And that doesn't really help in situations like this.
And he was not assaulted. Nobody touched him. Assault is unwanted touching. None of that happened.
And apparently they're not. There was a dorm that had a swastika in feces. A student was arrested for bringing a gun on campus and making threats.
Students are being harassed and threatened with violence and they're trying to tell their professors about it to not come on campus during this time. Some professors are canceling class but some aren't and not going to let them make up exams. It's really not resolved... :\
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