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Proof Against Evolution


It says there they are modifying an existing life-form to get it to become something else. Hasn't this been done before with GM foods? The only difference here is a synthetic chromosome. Interesting, but not Frankenstien just yet.

Yet one more retreating step for the god crowd and the god of the gap.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Religion is hung up on finding the begining because it already believes it can see the end.
And evolutionists are a afraid to discuss and or find the beginning, because it may all point to a creator, if they can stay clear of the beginning ,leave it at," we decended from a common ancestor",they can avoid the questions that everyone is asking including the evolutionists ,where, when and how did this all happen.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Welcome to the Forum, Daquine!

There are tens of hundreds of books that will tell you just how easily your "case for God" is refuted. A recent one is "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. But any introductory level textbook in philosophy that has a section on arguments for creationism and/or intelligent design will help you understand why your argument holds no water.

That there is the problem ,men rely on their wisdom to refute Christ, yet listen to what Christ says regarding man's wisdom that they rely on so heavily

This is worth the read if you rely on your wisdom to prove or disprove God

1Cr 1:1717 For Christ didn't send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News-and not with clever speeches and high-sounding ideas, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power.

The Wisdom of God
18 I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God. 19 As the Scriptures say,
"I will destroy human wisdom
and discard their most brilliant ideas." [fn3]
20 So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters? God has made them all look foolish and has shown their wisdom to be useless nonsense. 21 Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save all who believe. 22 God's way seems foolish to the Jews because they want a sign from heaven to prove it is true. And it is foolish to the Greeks(philosophers) because they believe only what agrees with their own wisdom. 23 So when we preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended, and the Gentiles say it's all nonsense. 24 But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, [fn4] Christ is the mighty power of God and the wonderful wisdom of God. 25 This "foolish" plan of God is far wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God's weakness is far stronger than the greatest of human strength.
26 Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you. 27 Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, 29 so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
30 God alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made Christ to be wisdom itself.,


Born Again,Spirit Filled
I know it has been said to death but i just have to say it again. There is lots, and i mean LOTS of evidence for evolution. If you are really interested in this then i suggest you pick up a basic biology text book. Have a look at the simple organisms, when they were around and follow their progression. A tree or ape didn't just appear one day. They gradually evolved from other creatures/plants.

"what chance was there that life would arise out of all of this?" Well it seem quite abig one. look up something called The Anthropic Principal. Basically says if many of the universal constants wern't exactly as they are then life would not have formed. That is another point though.

So you believe life always existed ,is that how you get around discussing the beginning, it's a very convenient and rather safe position to maintain,because in reality everything has a beginning,it's just easier to say we always existed so as to fill some of those enormous gaps in evolution.

Ya,we all understand that speicies evolve somewhat, but lets not turn micro into macro ,claiming one species turned into another through gradual,random mutation, ulitmately forming into the most complex species on the planet ,mankind, that is just grasping at the wind.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
And evolutionists are a afraid to discuss and or find the beginning, because it may all point to a creator, if they can stay clear of the beginning ,leave it at," we decended from a common ancestor",they can avoid the questions that everyone is asking including the evolutionists ,where, when and how did this all happen.
One more time!

“Evolutionists” are not afraid to discuss the beginning because it may lead to a creator. Many people who believe in the theory of evolution also believe in a “Creator”.

Evolution is not the theory that there is no God!

How many time does that need to be pointed out to you?


Master Designer
I personally think that the theory of evolution carries a lot of wieght.

I don't "believe" in evolution because it's the wrong word to use. Evolution is not a belief, I look at it as a theory based on facts. It's just a big jigsaw in my eyes. One that contains 100 pieces and scientists have found 75 of them for arguments sake.

I seem to be getting the impression more often that the belief of God is only used as a filler for a lot of people. It only ever seems to pop up when an unexplained point of evolution is discussed. "Eeeer, God did that bit." I just look at it as unexplained. I think that there is a scientific explanation, it just hasn't been found yet.


If you don't believe in evolution, how do you explain all of the differances in mankind? If we were "created in God's image" wouldn't we all look the same (at least similar)?

This passage from Genesis is not supposed to be read literally (which is obvious, concidering the fact that Adonai has no human form in the bible before the coming of The Christ). I don't know if you intended that as a jest/joke, but I'm just saying... It's a figure of speech for "The Breath of Life", the soul, the divine light within the human being; whatever you want to call it is fine by me, I'm simply saying that it's a spiritual image and not a physical one...


roli said:
Ya,we all understand that speicies evolve somewhat, but lets not turn micro into macro ,claiming one species turned into another through gradual,random mutation, ulitmately forming into the most complex species on the planet ,mankind, that is just grasping at the wind.

Grasping at the wind, eh?

Roli, you have repeatedly proven yourself to know absolutely nothing about the Theory of Evolution, yet you still act like you know what you are talking about. Give up and admit you do not have any weight to offer (since you have no scientific knowledge about the subject) or learn something about Evolution (not from only reading Creationist books) and then comment.


Grasping at the wind, eh?

Roli, you have repeatedly proven yourself to know absolutely nothing about the Theory of Evolution, yet you still act like you know what you are talking about. Give up and admit you do not have any weight to offer (since you have no scientific knowledge about the subject) or learn something about Evolution (not from only reading Creationist books) and then comment.

Well, talk about stooping to his (Roli's) level.. I'd be hurt by that comment..


roli said:
Well, talk about stooping to his (Roli's) level.. I'd be hurt by that comment..

I did not mean to be insulting. Roli is a nice person (I like him)... I have no doubt that he means well. Sometimes, however, you need someone to be blunt with you. I will give you an example. For about a year, I was a conspiracy theorist. I believed virtually all the important events in the world were manufactured by some High Cabal. If it wasn't for a friend who called my sh*t, sh*t and showed me my ideas were insane, far-out hysteria, I would probably still think that everything is manufactured.

Sometimes bullsh*t needs to be called bullsh*t.


Lucid Dreamer
And evolutionists are a afraid to discuss and or find the beginning, because it may all point to a creator, if they can stay clear of the beginning ,leave it at," we decended from a common ancestor",they can avoid the questions that everyone is asking including the evolutionists ,where, when and how did this all happen.

I see you've learned nothing from your previous thread.
Why don't you post something in this thread, which is actually about the origin of life.


And evolutionists are a afraid to discuss and or find the beginning, because it may all point to a creator, if they can stay clear of the beginning ,leave it at," we decended from a common ancestor",they can avoid the questions that everyone is asking including the evolutionists ,where, when and how did this all happen.

Much in the same manner that Physicists don't explain where the physical laws came from. They still apply.

And we do have an answer to where, when, and how. It's called "I DON'T KNOW"

Yeah, sucks I know, but we don't know. Damn, better make something up quick.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
And evolutionists are a afraid to discuss and or find the beginning

uhhhh, have you ever heard scientist talk about the big bang or talk about how a stars or glalaxy forms? Just hit youtube atleast and look some of this stuff up. So, NO.....no one is "afraid" to discuss the beginning.

You fear us because you seem to believe that science is out to prove that a god is not needed and everything can be explained through science. I have said this before and it needs to be said once more. Science is not out to prove God does not exist. We have legitamate questions that can't be answered by the bible or theologians.

If evolution is SOOOOOO Wrong can you at leat present some one credible who can refute the claims made by scientist? Who are you getting your information from and have they taken the information presented and have proven to the science community that they are in error.

Some time ago, either in this thread or another evolution thread, (they seem to keep popping up and we keep repeating ourselves)......I mentioned the flu virus and how it evolves and how it can adapt. Look it up and you can get a clear and basic understanding of evolution.

Evolution and the avian flu

where, when and how did this all happen.

Has been answered already.....by scientist....:sarcastic


Admiral Obvious
three hundred posts and evolution has not been proven anything but the most accurate info available today


I did not mean to be insulting. Roli is a nice person (I like him)... I have no doubt that he means well. Sometimes, however, you need someone to be blunt with you. I will give you an example. For about a year, I was a conspiracy theorist. I believed virtually all the important events in the world were manufactured by some High Cabal. If it wasn't for a friend who called my sh*t, sh*t and showed me my ideas were insane, far-out hysteria, I would probably still think that everything is manufactured.

Sometimes bullsh*t needs to be called bullsh*t.

Well, I apologize if I was being somewhat judgemental; in fact I would agree with you statment regarding "bullsh*t". It's just that personally (I believe), if you're (you as in 'general', a.k.a. society as a whole) going to call somone out on what they are doing, do it in the "smoothest" way possible. That is all (not that I do not make these mistakes myself as well). Once again, if you're offended, well then hopefully you can atleast concider my comment as more of a constructive criticism rather than an insult. I didn't intend it to be taken as the latter..