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Proof Against Evolution


RF Addict
A single molecule of H20 is called water but when there are many of them you do not call it waters. A single photon is called light, but many photons are not called lights.

I am not affiliated with Scientology whatsoever.

The general law is as I described. The universe is designed for beings to grow, develop, and gain knowledge through a certain process. Think of a pyramid with the answer to a difficult physics problem being the top block, you must first discover and understand ALL the lower blocks of this specific pyramid before you will be allowed to discover the top block with the answer. This is the way God's library works. You have to earn it but all knowledge of God is available to you.

In the discussion of spirit you already have some of the blocks you just don't know how one block relates to another block in the pyramid. I'm only helping you put together a puzzle, you already have the pieces.

Why would aliens land on the lawns of the UN? Do you think the aliens respect the UN?
Some of them think of you as you think of cattle, do you introduce yourself to a cow? They come here because they are curious about God's newest addition to the universe. Some of them come here because you have something they desire - spirit.
There are many good aliens but they abide by the policy of non-interference, which is another general law.

Firstly, in your argument about plurals, different words have different plural forms. There are different ways of signifying plurals in enlish. One radius, two radii, one sheep, two sheep, one priestess, two priestesses, one spirit, two spirits. Those are a couple of different plural forms of english.

I am saying that if aliens come to earth, they are not going to be best friends with the United States of America. The UN is the closest organisation that we have to an impartial world body, and if you wanted to talk to the world without appearing to play favourites with any particular country, that is where they would choose, if they did not choose an area under international treaty.

I like your cow analogy, and I will tell you why it actually works as an analogy in my favour. Many farmers are quite friendly to their cows. They might talk to them, soothe them, care for their welfare, even groom them. Obviously, a relationship between two sentient beings of different intelligence levels would be different to cows, but as far as your analogy goes, I would agree.

And saying that aliens are coming here in their desire for spirit sounds awfully like a scientology idea, even should you not claim membership.

What do they gain by stealing spirit?

Super Universe

Defender of God
A farmer talks to cows, soothes them, cares for them, grooms them, then he kills and eats them. The ones that come here are not here for your benefit, they're here for their own.

I am not a member of any Scientology group and I don't really know anything about them or their ideas. My ideas also sound like Christian ideas, Islamic ideas, Buddhist ideas, Native tribal beliefs, Hindu beliefs...

I made a mistake when I said one alien group comes here in search of spirit, they actually come here for souls - a sentient form of spirit that qualifies as a being or entity. They do not have souls because of the way they were designed. This particular group comes here because we are technologically weak and we can't do anything about them. They are a species that was designed by another race to be servants with no hope of ever reaching heaven. They are trying to combine their DNA structure with ours in order to attract a soul and eventually make it to heaven.


RF Addict
A farmer talks to cows, soothes them, cares for them, grooms them, then he kills and eats them. The ones that come here are not here for your benefit, they're here for their own.

I am not a member of any Scientology group and I don't really know anything about them or their ideas. My ideas also sound like Christian ideas, Islamic ideas, Buddhist ideas, Native tribal beliefs, Hindu beliefs...

I made a mistake when I said one alien group comes here in search of spirit, they actually come here for souls - a sentient form of spirit that qualifies as a being or entity. They do not have souls because of the way they were designed. This particular group comes here because we are technologically weak and we can't do anything about them. They are a species that was designed by another race to be servants with no hope of ever reaching heaven. They are trying to combine their DNA structure with ours in order to attract a soul and eventually make it to heaven.

Farmers do not always kill cows. Cows bred for milking are not good meat cows. Cows bred for meat are not good for milk.

I apologise for mistaking your beliefs for scientology, but there are obvious parallels, quite apart from the existence of aliens - the aliens are after souls for their own purposes, they were designed by a master race, and so forth.

Your ideas do not sound Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or so forth - none of those religions state that aliens exist, let alone that they wish to steal souls, and combine DNA to make it to heaven.

Apart from this one race of aliens that have arrived on earth, as you say, what if a second or third race arrived? Would that show that these alien's motives are based on a greed for spirit as well?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Do you see people in other countries as being different or alike? I bet you see them as being completely different. You eat food, they eat food, you talk to communicate, they talk as well, you breathe, they breathe, you laugh and cry, and so do they.

You find one thing that is not a professed tenet of Christian church's and suddenly everything I believe contradicts Christianity.

What do Christians know about the universe? Little because they don't care about it. They are afraid of it because their faith is so shallow they think that science just might prove that God does not exist, but this is not possible. They only care about their own make believe relationship with a God who they think tempts, tortures, and murders people. Well they got it wrong, big time.

I am a Christian because I do my best to follow the teachings of Jesus. I am a Hindu as well and appreciatte the chakra information they provide. I am a Muslim because I know that Mohammad was a prophet. I am many things.

Who do you think the Elohim were? The Nephilim? The race of giants?

Many races have visited the earth for various reasons but, as far as I know, only one is after souls.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
spirit is not a being.

These beings that rarely possess humans are higher dimensional beings.

:sarcastic........You've cleared that up.....

They are evolved souls that have chosen selfish personalities and are stuck in the next dimension because they won't be allowed any higher.

Prove it.....Something...give me somethiong......

Data? Believe it or don't believe it.


What I give you is a tiny sliver of the universe

Actually you haven't given me anything. That's why I asked.

There are two kinds of laws in the universe, those physical laws that are unbreakable and general laws that all beings should abide by with consequences for breaking them. Giving unearned knowledge to immature beings is a violation of a general law. You have to earn it the normal way.

Again, since we have't been able to physically leave our solar system we have't a real clue as to what is in the universe. We have a minute amount of pictures and a whole bunch of theories....

If you have some proof that we don't already know about or some testable date then basically you're adopted esoteric opinions start to sound like white noise.

No one has ever been able to prove the existence of souls? No human.

But you're speaking on something that you are ilequipped to backup.

Oh, that's right, all those star systems above you in the night sky must be completely unoccupied. They must be because...?

I never said that they were unoccupied. There is no data to show that life exist or doesn't exist. Again, if you do have some can you share that info with us....

Super Universe

Defender of God
Listen, you don't want to believe anything I say, then don't believe it. It changes nothing.

You want absolute proof? There is no absolute proof of anything for a person who refuses to believe.

A man has never been to Paris yet believes the Eiffel Tower exists. Why? Because many puzzle pieces (it's not against any rule of physics, it's in the nature of humans to build towers, there are many writings about the Eiffel Tower) agree with the existence of an Eiffel Tower even though, to this man, the pieces that prove it without a doubt are still missing.

I've already given you too much as it is, yet you want more. This tells me you haven't done enough research or that yours are wrong. You don't have enough true puzzle pieces for any of this to make sense.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Listen, you don't want to believe anything I say, then don't believe it. It changes nothing.

I would if you could prove what you say.
You want absolute proof? There is no absolute proof of anything for a person who refuses to believe.

Sure there is. It's been proven that fire is hot and you can tell a child that it is hot and don't touch it. They may not beleve that it is hot or that it will hurt them so what do they do? They reach for it and touch it only to realize that it was hot and it hurt them. What happens as they get older. They have learned from that incident and go forth not touching fire. The data they collected, although mentally, lets them know not to touch because they are aware of the effects.
A man has never been to Paris yet believes the Eiffel Tower exists. Why? Because many puzzle pieces

He may not believe it until what??????

He has the ability to go to Paris and touch the tower, ride in the elevator....etc.

So far you have not done that here. All of your esoteric theories are not testable. None of them have any raw reald data behind them.
I've already given you too much as it is, yet you want more. This tells me you haven't done enough research or that yours are wrong. You don't have enough true puzzle pieces for any of this to make sense.

You've provided nothing but words.

You've given me so much but yet so little. I belive your puzzle is a few pieces short of a full picture.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I would if you could prove what you say.

Sure there is. It's been proven that fire is hot and you can tell a child that it is hot and don't touch it. They may not beleve that it is hot or that it will hurt them so what do they do? They reach for it and touch it only to realize that it was hot and it hurt them. What happens as they get older. They have learned from that incident and go forth not touching fire. The data they collected, although mentally, lets them know not to touch because they are aware of the effects.

He may not believe it until what??????

He has the ability to go to Paris and touch the tower, ride in the elevator....etc.

So far you have not done that here. All of your esoteric theories are not testable. None of them have any raw reald data behind them.

You've provided nothing but words.

You've given me so much but yet so little. I belive your puzzle is a few pieces short of a full picture.

Fire isn't hot to molten iron. There is a fireplace video I can watch on my computer but it doesn't burn up the screen. You can't force me to believe anything you say, ever. You've provided no proof, only letters in strange groups, they are not concrete.

The man can go to Paris, and touch what? There is no Eiffel Tower. There never was.

Finding proof of spirit, and the soul, is something that your scientists will one day discover (give it another 70 years), of course, if you are still alive you won't believe it then either.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Fire isn't hot to molten iron.

I guess you're right but since I never brought up molten iron...who cares......

But it's still hot to a child....and as the child becomes burnt by it he or she has enough data to conclude that if they touch it again it will surely hurt them.

There is a fireplace video I can watch on my computer but it doesn't burn up the screen.

True but I know some people, in cluding myself, that has reached out and touched the screen.... thus concluding that one can not be burnt by it. Theory, theory tested....FACT.....
You can't force me to believe anything you say, ever. You've provided no proof, only letters in strange groups, they are not concrete.

I'm not sure what you mean here but OK......

The man can go to Paris, and touch what? There is no Eiffel Tower. There never was.

Again, you're not making any sense here. If he went to Paris to the spot where the tower is said to have been, and he goes there and, sure enough, there's a tower fitting the description.... then it does exist.
Finding proof of spirit, and the soul, is something that your scientists will one day discover (give it another 70 years), of course, if you are still alive you won't believe it then either.

If you say so. All I know is....you can't prove it now. "OUR" scientist aren't trying to prove or disprove the existance of spirts or spirit energy.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Doesn't matter if the Eiffel Tower really exists, all I know is you can't prove it now. There are children born without pain receptors.

We really can go on like this forever. There is nothing anyone can prove to you. It's obvious that you have your mind made up so why are you wasting my time?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Doesn't matter if the Eiffel Tower really exists, all I know is you can't prove it now. There are children born without pain receptors.

We really can go on like this forever. There is nothing anyone can prove to you. It's obvious that you have your mind made up so why are you wasting my time?
How is he wasting your time? Is it even possible for him to waste your time?

The real question is why are you wasting your time? You admit you have no proof for your claims; so continuing to argue is absolutely pointless. If there is proof and if it is to be found, it will be found by those skeptics who refuse to believe without proof. Only those who keep demanding evidence will find it. Even if you have nothing to offer DreGod07 I admire him for asking challenging questions. He is not wasting his time, even if the only thing he learns from this is that you have nothing to offer as proof.


Resident Schizophrenic

All carbon is not turned into living beings again.
But some of it is.Invalidating your claims.

The order? I don't know what you are asking here.
Would a 1 block long piece of DNA be alive? Nice try with the trick question.
Answer: If it isn't dead.
That does not address the point i brought up. Does a one block long DNA attract spirit?
Non-life becomes life? No, it doesn't. Nitrogen does not live, it does not become alive.
It is just nitrogen. Spirit may surround RNA/DNA, it may inhabit it, but the nitrogen/carbon/oxygen are not alive.
And what stops it from inhabiting TNT?
My view is infinite. One you'd see if you could look up and open your mind.
Lets just end this "debate" here. It is painfully obvious that you will accept no other view except your own. That one statement shows exactly how limited your view is.

Super Universe

Defender of God
fantôme profane;941576 said:
How is he wasting your time? Is it even possible for him to waste your time?

The real question is why are you wasting your time? You admit you have no proof for your claims; so continuing to argue is absolutely pointless. If there is proof and if it is to be found, it will be found by those skeptics who refuse to believe without proof. Only those who keep demanding evidence will find it. Even if you have nothing to offer DreGod07 I admire him for asking challenging questions. He is not wasting his time, even if the only thing he learns from this is that you have nothing to offer as proof.

He wastes my time by always asking me the same exact question, where's your proof?

Yet he never provides anything to disprove what I say. It's a game that he knows will end in a draw.

He hasn't asked a single challenging question. A challenging question would be - How does spirit/string energy compare to EMR. Or this one, in the universe matter changes into EMR but is it possible for EMR to change back into matter?

No one has proof of anything. Anyone can cast doubt upon any supposed fact.

Super Universe

Defender of God
But some of it is.Invalidating your claims.


That does not address the point i brought up. Does a one block long DNA attract spirit?

And what stops it from inhabiting TNT?

Lets just end this "debate" here. It is painfully obvious that you will accept no other view except your own. That one statement shows exactly how limited your view is.

I made no claim that carbon was derived from living organisms. Once again you read too fast and misunderstood. I said "organic is something derived from and a part of living organisms". Oh, and as I said, it was YOUR scientists claim, not mine.

Does a one block long DNA attract spirit? Answer: It depends on many factors. Not only does the DNA have to be intact but the surrounding cell has to be able to supply the DNA with the things it needs to remain intact.

Hypothetically, if the DNA is intact then it will attract spirit. How long the DNA remains alive with spirit depends on whether the cell can maintain the DNA. It's like asking - Is a man in a sealed box alive? It depends on many things, the oxygen inside, CO2, CO, water, food, temperature, was he alive to begin with...

What stops spirit from inhabiting TNT? The laws of physics, ones that involve God energy (your scientists call it String Theory but they're in the primitive stages of understanding it). Don't even ask what this law states, I won't be giving it to you.

Accept no other view? Not true, my entire belief is built on the view of others who are much more informed than I.

But yes, lets stop this debate. You're not one I'm looking to connect with.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
He wastes my time by always asking me the same exact question, where's your proof?
It is still your choice, and your choice alone to spend your time in this way. If you really believe it is a waste of time, then you choose to waste your time. Only you can waste your time.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Doesn't matter if the Eiffel Tower really exists, all I know is you can't prove it now.

I can show you a picture of the tower and 100% of the world would agree with me that's what it is. I would then offer as further proof you getting on a plane with me and going to Paris to the tower. And yes it will be marked Eiffel Tower. If you go there and still don't believe then that is on you.

The fact is, is that the tower is physically there, thus making the theory of its existance (testable).

There are children born without pain receptors.

Your assuming that a child with no pain receptors will be in disbelief of others who can feel pain. If I were that child, and forsake of argument, didn't believe that one can fee pain because I don't then I would find a way to test the theory that others can feel pain. I can accomplish this by pinching one of my friends that would not suspect that I was going to pinch him. I can gauge his reaction to my pinch, collect the data mentally and conclude that his pain receptors are fact. Even if I pinched one, two or three more people and got a similar reaction my theory has gone from there to theory tested then to fact.

We really can go on like this forever. There is nothing anyone can prove to you.

Again, you misunderstand me or my intentions here. Alot of things have been proven where there may have been doubt but the theories were tested and it was proven to be fact.

Your theories haven't been proven because as you admit, you have no proof. That was my intentions from the first question I asked.


The two questions about spirit energy were honest questions that you danced around. If it was simply (YOUR) theory then you should have said that. But instead you proceeded as if it was fact that you were privilaged to know. I simply just wanted to know how you knew this.

It's obvious that you have your mind made up so why are you wasting my time?

Not so at all. Truth be told...NO ONE can "waste" your time but you.


When did the Finns patent their own evolutionary product?

It would be interesting to count (or estimate) the individual changes involved in getting from the beginning to now, including all the species, and calculate how often a change had to happen to get to where we are. I wonder if there has been enough time.
Yes,there's been nearly 15 billion years of it :)