Thank you for your reply. It was a general response that truth comes from within in post # 101.
Should have been more clear meaning that none of us find ' truth ' from within oneself.
Sure, once we find the ' truth ' then we can take in the ' truth ' , but 'truth' does Not originate from within.
Thats not a fact, though. Everything we experience, perceive, eve pain, comes from how we think and personify things. The truth comes from within is when we, ourselves, come to an awakening-point of self. We understand by feeling and thought the world around us and in some people their place. It is not external. External things can
influence this but its not the source.
There is no external source to truth. If you took the external source away, for example, all you have is you. Its
you who needs to be comfortable with truth and reality. Dependence on anything outside is more co-dependence. Something you feel you cant live without. Things change, form into something else, and come out of our know existence into anothers.
Sometimes external things help but I would not mistake them for the source. That is from personal experience of both mental and physical brain issues, experiences with life, and just different forms of spirituality Ive experienced, different religious books, and being around people in general.
When you do that, you get see a pattern in peoples natures-atheist included-and its something to see on the outside
and something I am also apart of.
But, in my opinion, you cant get to that enligthenment when youre depend on things that change. Kind of like trying to stand on a high wire thinking because you are standing on a rope, it wont rock from under you.