I realize I'm dragging up some older posts but... damn.
Love does not equal sex. And the desrire to shagg someone does not equal love. Perhaps you love sex with eachother - still not love.
Who are you to say whether people love each other or not? That's the most presumptuous, arrogant thing I've ever heard.
There is no proof that it is not a choice - no one is forced to engage in sex acts. Some go through life as virgins, this is a choice.
So what if it is a choice. Who are you to say that your personal choice is correct for everyone. I like vanilla ice cream and you like chocolate but I'm right so you should eat vanilla ice cream or no ice cream. Chocolate is a sin, it's dirty and disgusting. As for virginity being a choice this isn't always the case, I mean look at you.
I wonder why nearly every television show now features Gay men. Fashion shows, lose weight show, how to dress right shows, makeover shows on and on and on it goes, why does it have to be so in our faces. Gay men who act like women, the campest of camp gay men, are all over TV land. WHY?
Hey, most of the gay guys I know are football players and I'm not ashamed to say that they are manlier than I am as a straight man. Effeminate gays are a stereotype all too common on tv and I don't approve either. The fact remains that you can change the channel. This is kinda like saying "why is golf so in my face on tv? with its own channel and all the other sports channels covering it?"
Ask my brother, he caught aids doing it.
Your brother is gay and you are still this stupid? Tell him to slap you for me.
Im talking about over eating and alcoholism, its the same thing as shagging 10 different arses a week - that's what these people are up to.
Its a promiscuous lustfull addiction.
Oh, all gays are promiscuous sex addicts with no control over themselves. DAMMIT, YOU'RE RIGHT!!! WHY DIDN'T I SEE IT BEFORE!!! Oh my god, you are a clever one. Those sneaky gays tried to pull the wool over your eyes by fighting for the right to get married but you saw right through it. I wish I was as insightful as you are.
You know what? I take back what I said before. THIS is the most presumptuous, arrogant thing I have ever heard. You don't have to be gay to be promiscuous and if you can't see that you are literally too stupid to live.
I wish I had an emoticon that flipped people off.:computer: