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Question for Jews, Christians and Muslims

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
I'm Rastafarian and I think without a doubt that slavery is absolutely wrong. Okay, I'm not really a Rastafarian, but I smoke a lot of pot and love Bob Marley. So, that's the closest I get to being religious.


Intentionally Blank
I'm Jewish. Well really I'm atheist but one is the closest number to zero, so that's the closest I get to being religious. And I know that slavery is wrong.
I'm Jewish. Well really I'm atheist but one is the closest number to zero, so that's the closest I get to being religious. And I know that slavery is wrong.

How do you know it is wrong?

I am not being antagonistic or say it is right, its just I have read a lot of your posts before joining the site and you usually have points of logic, evidence and reason to back up your stances on certain things.

Just want to know, how you know it is wrong, in your words, is it nature or nurture etc.




Intentionally Blank
How do you know it is wrong?

I am not being antagonistic or say it is right, its just I have read a lot of your posts before joining the site and you usually have points of logic, evidence and reason to back up your stances on certain things.

Just want to know, how you know it is wrong, in your words, is it nature or nurture etc.



What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor. aka golden rule.


Intentionally Blank
I wonder why no religionists are interested in or willing to answer this question. To me, an atheist, it seems elementary.
What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor. aka golden rule.

Kind of like Romans 13:9, with you on it.
A Golden rule.

Was just probing on concepts of right and wrong.

I read an article last year (was paper, so no link I am afraid) that stated there are more slaves in the World today than at any point in human history.
(it took into account sex trafficing, forced labour etc)
The figure was over 10 million (by some margin, exact figure escapes my memory)
was a very depressing read, indeed.
That in this day and age it goes on and in such numbers,
or even atall.


Well-Known Member
b-b-but you just don't understand. being a slave in them olden times was just being in debt. You had a choice in the matter and it wasn't exploitative at all. God can't help what men do, even though he has unlimited power and is the smahtest guy ever, his hands are tied. If he helped us even a little he'd be treated like some magic genie, that little girl has to be raped for years and then murdered when she's no longer useful to prove a point.


Intentionally Blank
Kind of like Romans 13:9, with you on it.
A Golden rule.

Was just probing on concepts of right and wrong.

I read an article last year (was paper, so no link I am afraid) that stated there are more slaves in the World today than at any point in human history.
(it took into account sex trafficing, forced labour etc)
The figure was over 10 million (by some margin, exact figure escapes my memory)
was a very depressing read, indeed.
That in this day and age it goes on and in such numbers,
or even atall.

Yes, it is.
Well, you're the first religionist to enter the conversation, so could you give us your view? Is slavery right or wrong?
O.K., in that case what do you think of a moral system that does allow people to buy and sell slaves? That is, the moral system set forth in the Bible?

To my modern eyes, ofcourse it seems wrong, after all I have never seen slavery first hand, second hand or third hand.

Even things like capital punishment I feel to be wrong.
And there is a heck of a lot of that in the OT.

My fallible mind and time of being leaves a lot of the past and a lot of things beyond my ability to comprehend fully all angles concerned, all I have is my gut reaction to it.

We have the good fortune not to live under the law any more, thanks be to Jesus.
The same arguement I put to any 10 percent tithe thieving pastor as it happens but I go off at a tangent.

Slavery does not sit well with the golden rule I mentioned,

I fear I may be the wrong "religionist" for your sport here, as I am very firm in my theology as to why Jesus died for us and what it means (which would be another topic), I think you need one of the 10 percent tithe thieving OT/NT blending preachers I mentioned (and I would kick their *** with you).
Once the blood was shed, everything altered by my POV.

That was not a very belt a braces answer but its the whole ball of wax for me.



Intentionally Blank
God never told US that WE could do anything of the sort, we are not that old, though my knees would beg to differ.

O.K., I don't buy that but let's go with that. Jesus told the Jews they could buy slaves. (Jesus = God, so simple math.) So what do you think about Jesus' morals? Apparently, and the NT supports this, He is fine with slavery, which you think is wrong.
O.K., I don't buy that but let's go with that. Jesus told the Jews they could buy slaves. (Jesus = God, so simple math.) So what do you think about Jesus' morals? Apparently, and the NT supports this, He is fine with slavery, which you think is wrong.

Thats handy because I do not have paypal to receive.

Rhetorical question, was Jesus dead when he said this?

until the moment Jesus was sacrificed the OT law was still in effect.

The shedding of the blood and the ressurection is everything and everything changed because of it.

While Jesus was alive, the law was the law.

And again I am a modern, fallible man.

An expansion of the golden rule starting Romans 13:8
A clear indication that the law is finished with and a set of instructions that nobody could declare were compatible with slavery.

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Which about closes the case on that line.

Jews and Muslims up next I reckon
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