I don't see it that way. I don't understand intelligence
and that doesn't mean I lost out on something. You see intelligence
and that doesn't mean you lost out on something (we both said). It just means we see different views god and no god included.
With god, if I defined him (it), it's an experience of wholesomeness and gratitude for life. It's our culture (even if we don't think we have one), it's our values, and it's our beliefs. It's what makes us who we are. The
spirit of life is an active spirit that keeps us moving, keeps our hearts pumping, our brains working, and so forth. It's a beautiful outlet of connections
but I wouldn't call it intelligences and design sounds new age. If I took myself out of the picture, I'd assume (since I'm not a plant or animal) that plants, animals, and all natural life and things like rocks do it's own thing. There isn't an order just as our bodies do not have an order-if it did, it wouldn't create it's own diseases and it would age nor decay. Our bodies are made to keep functioning until we can't function anymore.
That's enlightenment. When you go into a dark room yourself and put god aside for a minute and just think "I am not special" and really say to yourself
I am not special you put yourself
with the vastness of the universe (literal universe) beyond just this planet. You are acknowledging that you are one speck out of many. It also helps with ego. It pulls one down out of the rafters of heaven and see the knowledge or "intelligence" of what we know from our perspective of earth and space.
If god is a being, I do not understand how it has unconditional love. If god IS life, then unconditional love is inherent in us so we experience god through the actions we do and what we experience both good and bad. It is nice that many can confirm these feelings from the bible, quran, or so have you but other religions depend on experience of god directly without depending on a book to confirm their feelings. It's innate and the only help they may have is service to their community, practice, and receiving oral transmission of thought from those who have more experience.
Here is food for thought: Plato:
The Myth of the Cave
I thought this interesting because although you don't see were in illusions, because of our physical and mental limitations (are there limitations? If so, compared to who and what?) or differences, we cannot see what is outside. We only know the shadows in front of us.
If I sat in a dark room, that is something that I'd have to be comfortable with: Not knowing.
If you are yearning to cut on the light to see, you trick yourself into thinking once you can see, you know more than those who cannot. That is not always true. I live in the same complex with two completely blind individuals. I have a vision problem but I go double sighted rather than blind. They can travel. They can sew. They can cook. They can play scrabble. They can play Bingo. They can...
When I'm double sighted, I can't do half the things they can do without vision. I'm ignorant of the world around me because I'm seeing in illusion. I don't know how far or how close things are.
However, if I were full sighted, I'd be able to tell. If I were completely blind, I would with practice on different skills I would if I were sighted. In both cases, none are ignorant. There is no "who am I?" Darkness or light are on the same token.
Humanity is more double sighted. Plants, animals, and nature are either blinded or sighted. They experience and/or see the real world around us where we humans are constantly making things more complicated then they actually are.
God is one way to make things complicated. You can't see him so you're blinded (until you can see). You experience him (but you can see him even though you were blinded). But you can't say either is 100 percent true (because you can't see him) yet you say it is 100 percent true (because you experience him)
Basically, it's a catch 22 in a maze of contradictory logic. So, you use words such as "beyond", "human limitations", and "infinite". It's like the double sighted trying to describe what he experiences by saying he doesn't know because being blinded or sighted is above his level of awareness.
That is not true from personal experience. It's an illusion. The car is still the same distance no matter if I can see, see two or three cars, are see no car. It does not change reality. Regardless of our religion or belief in god (or so have you) reality doesn't change for us. It's to better us just as my white stick helps me "see" even though people think I can because I'm not completely blind.
God is the same way. Unless you understand god (double sightedness) as what it is, you will always either yearn to see or yearn to be blind. But if you use your cane (faith) rather than depend on the bible, you learn about yourself more and regardless if you are in a dark room or a lighted room, those wouldn't matter.
You learn how to take care of yourself how you are now regardless your eye vision. God is the same way. There is no "who am I?" in life. That's just for us to understand ourselves to continue. In a dark room there is no light.
Be comfortable in the dark. Understand your nature by understanding the shadows. Try not to turn your head so you won't hurt your neck. Be happy where you are today. I have seizures so I live in unpredictability. I don't understand order because that's not how I was raised.
That's alright. Just I find it weird how god enters into this conclusion and even more so the idea of intelligence when life isn't about that.