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Question on Intelligent Design


Thou art That
Is the Sun and the moon conscious and intelligent? Is it possible to render the universe unconscious? If the universe is conscious and intelligent can you have a stupid or unconscious Sun or moon?

You mis-read the question. I did not ask if the sun and moon were conscious and intelligent. I asked if the sun and moon were outside of your consciousness.

But to your question, if the universe is conscious and intelligent, no, you cannot have a stupid or unconscious sun or moon, because they are included in the conscious universe, 'The Universe' being Everything that exists.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I am not talking about any god! You're mixing things up and jumping to conclusions.

You said:

"The Buddha actually died. He no longer went through rebirth. That ended suffering."

So if he no longer was subject to rebirth, and suffering came to an end, then there is something 'beyond this world of suffering', which you deny. But the Buddha's teaching did not say one had to die first in order to be liberated; he achieved liberation while still alive in this world.

The mind with which the Buddha understood the nature of suffering and of this world was an enlightened mind. It is that mind which is in the state of Absolute Joy. If the average man realized the enlightened mind he already has, he would be free of suffering. But he has not yet realized his own enlightenment, thinking birth, age, sickness, and death to be the reality he is locked into and from which there is no escape. And so he creates a future world after physical death and a God to alleviate himself from metaphysical anxiety, but that is only temporary alleviation. The reason the average man thinks he is imprisoned is because he is asleep, dreaming, and thinks the dream to be reality. The problem with the average man is that he thinks he has a self called 'I'. It is this self that is the key to liberation because if there is no self, then there is no one who is born, ages, gets sick, and dies. There is, in fact, only birth, aging, sickness, and death. Remember that Buddhism teaches that the real you is not your body. The Heart Sutra makes it clear that no phenomena, including man, has no inherent self-nature. IOW, we are empty of a self-nature. And so the Zen question becomes:

"Who is it that lives?"

"Who is it that dies?"

So contrary to what you think, the Buddha did NOT die, because he transcended the illusion of self. And you will not die because there is no self that is born or dies. Your true nature is Unconditioned Consciousness, thinking it is born, ages, gets sick, and dies. It is a fiction you will one day realize. Until then, it is reality for you. That is just the way it is. If you are going to do real spiritual work, you would put all your energies into spiritual Awakening, but you won't do a thing until it dawns on you that you are not awake, though you think yourself to be so awakened.

You cling to the Buddha's teachings and so have baggage, which is now an obstacle to your Awakening. They have become a belief system for you. The Buddha's own Raft Sutra (look it up) makes clear that we should let the raft (ie The Dharma) go. Why? Because when you realize your own Enlightenment, you become the embodiment of the Dharma itself, because your authentic Self is the true source of the Dharma, not any scripture.

It is crucial that you understand what I mean when I say that the true nature of Reality lies beyond this world. I mean that it is beyond our ordinary view of what this world actually is. In reality, the experience is as close to you as your breath, an inner experience that is a transformation of consciousness from our ordinary conditioned view of life to a wholly unconditioned view; from a self-view to that of a universal one in which the self is dissolved (ie Nirvana) and an unfolding and awakening occurs, an experience beyond all words and beyond all ideas about what Reality actually is.

The Buddhistic transformation of consciousness that is beyond our ordinary view of life is not a philosophy; it is the direct inner authentic experience of the true nature of Reality. Everything else pales in comparison.

You still cling to this life and to this world. Do not allow this to be a deadweight that will carry you to the bottom. Did you know that 'dust' is a Buddhist metaphor for the suffering of this world?, which is why Buddhists say they have 'no attachment to dust'., an allusion to Hui Neng, the 6th Zen Patriarch, who said:

Fundamentally no wisdom-tree exists,

Nor the stand of a mirror bright.
Since all is empty from the beginning,
Where can the dust alight?

This applies even to the concept of self we maintain as reality. Let go the notion of self, and there will be liberation.

I have to leave out. But, if you read my posts in context, god-language or god-concepts means you are talking in mysticism or "beyond" "the absolute", "true reality", and all that type of talk

that I am not familiar with.

Call me the odd one out, but I am a hardcore atheist. I do not understand anything that is supposed to be higher or lower than me on any spiritual realm at all.

It has nothing to do with the word god. God is an object or person of worship. It's something or someone you put at a high standard than yourself.

Whether you call it "beyond human knowlege"

or belittle a person's intelligence by saying "They don't know the truth of reality"

however you put it, it is god-language.

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
But to your question, if the universe is conscious and intelligent, no, you cannot have a stupid or unconscious sun or moon, because they are included in the conscious universe, 'The Universe' being Everything that exists.
Oh. So to you the whole universe is like a conscious brain.


Thou art That
I have to leave out. But, if you read my posts in context, god-language or god-concepts means you are talking in mysticism or "beyond" "the absolute", "true reality", and all that type of talk

that I am not familiar with.

Call me the odd one out, but I am a hardcore atheist. I do not understand anything that is supposed to be higher or lower than me on any spiritual realm at all.

It has nothing to do with the word god. God is an object or person of worship. It's something or someone you put at a high standard than yourself.

Whether you call it "beyond human knowlege"

or belittle a person's intelligence by saying "They don't know the truth of reality"

however you put it, it is god-language.

To be continued...

Oh, boy!

You an atheist, still attached to god, and you don't realize it. The Buddha said:

"Think neither god, nor not-god"

Fom a Hindu POV, an atheist is just God pretending he doesn't exist, ha ha ....

Look here, Carlita, my dear. The experience the Buddha had was a mystical experience. Mysticism just means union with Everything. It is Universal Consciousness, as contrasted with a personal, self-view that is the view of the self, or 'I'. It is fully transcendent of 'I' and self. This is what yoga is. The famous yogi, Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, said:

'Yoga (ie divine union) is the cessation of all of the activities of the mind'.


Thou art That
Oh. So to you the whole universe is like a conscious brain.

I never said anything about any brain. I do not subscribe to Emergent Theory that the brain is the source of consciousness, anymore than I think that the images on your TV screen come from inside the TV set.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the average man is that he thinks he has a self called 'I'. It is this self that is the key to liberation because if there is no self, then there is no one who is born, ages, gets sick, and dies. There is, in fact, only birth, aging, sickness, and death.
Of course there is no "self" who is born, ages, gets sick and dies. There was no "me" until the brain in this skull evolved enough to create it and there'll be no more "me" when this brain stops functioning and dissolves.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
So if he no longer was subject to rebirth, and suffering came to an end, then there is something 'beyond this world of suffering', which you deny. But the Buddha's teaching did not say one had to die first in order to be liberated; he achieved liberation while still alive in this world.

What do you think death is?

(Maybe you're seeing death through an abrahamic view? I don't know, but Dharmic view of death is a cycle not linear.) Actually, many religions outside of Abrahamic, such as African religions, don't view death as the final end but a cycle. There is an African quote I saw once that said when babies are born, they are the reincarnation (for lack of better translation) of elders when they pass away physically.

That, and how can I deny something that I do not believe is true?

Maybe you mean, I deny what you believe is true. That, yes, I reject it. Deny is too passive of a word for me in this context.

To end suffering, yes, you have to understand it. When the physical body dies after understanding kamma and suffering, it no longer goes through the cycle of rebirth. The need to understand is gone, and the cycle ends. There is no more suffering. That is death.

Liberation is the end of suffering. When you die and no longer need to be reborn you fully understand the nature of suffering, and you actually no longer need to be present in this life to understand it. You have no reason to be here. I read in some Buddhist cosmology, there are other realms that enlightened people go to depending on their level of enlightenment. Then again, there are over thousands of suttas and sutras, so who is to say for sure about the levels.

The Buddha is a human being not a god or immortal. Why would you think he is excluded from suffering?

The mind with which the Buddha understood the nature of suffering and of this world was an enlightened mind. It is that mind which is in the state of Absolute Joy.

If the average man realized the enlightened mind he already has, he would be free of suffering. But he has not yet realized his own enlightenment, thinking birth, age, sickness, and death to be the reality he is locked into and from which there is no escape

Another god-word: Absolute Joy (Why the caps?) The Buddha said he suffered to. We are all part of suffering.

In order to be free from suffering, you have to be free from birth, age, sickness, and death. When you are no longer reborn in this cycle of kamma, you are liberated. There is no "revelations" and no "coming-back".

The point of The Buddha being The Buddha is that he did escape suffering. He didn't die on the cross like jesus, though. He just understood it from many times of rebirth, practice, and reflection. When he finally got it, he passed it on to his bodhisattvas and disciples. When he finally died, his disciples carried on his oral Dhamma. Now, what we read as his Dhamma is the words of his disciples. The Buddha didn't write anything down. It's not an abrahamic religion. De ja vu.

And so he creates a future world after physical death and a God to alleviate himself from metaphysical anxiety, but that is only temporary alleviation.

Huh???????? Are you trying to explain god in a godless religion to a godless person with god-related concepts that this person behind the screen reads as a foreign language????

The reason the average man thinks he is imprisoned is because he is asleep, dreaming, and thinks the dream to be reality. The problem with the average man is that he thinks he has a self called 'I'.

You can mysticize it all you want. It just means "we don't understand due to our upbringing into suffering. What we consider who we are is actually not who we are (Mahayana) but who we are is our capacity to be enlightened.

What you're saying sounds like "we are dead to inherited sin and to wake up, we need to understand we are sinners (the I) so we can see the light in some mystical world; and then say, we average humans can't understand it.

The Buddha taught otherwise.

It is this self that is the key to liberation because if there is no self, then there is no one who is born, ages, gets sick, and dies.

There is, in fact, only birth, aging, sickness, and death. Remember that Buddhism teaches that the real you is not your body. The Heart Sutra makes it clear that no phenomena, including man, has no inherent self-nature. IOW, we are empty of a self-nature.

The Heart Sutra is Mahayana teachings. It's one of the most popular of Buddhist teachings. Theravada is quite different on their approach to what Self is. They just say we are in illusions so there is no definition of who we are. We give ourselves definitions and that brings suffering. So, some people practice Zen to get rid of that. Some chant Daimoku to find their true-nature of Buddhahood. Some meditate to self-reflect. Some do this... some do that...

They all practice. Not philosophize.

So contrary to what you think, the Buddha did NOT die, because he transcended the illusion of self.

And you will not die because there is no self that is born or dies. Your true nature is Unconditioned Consciousness, thinking it is born, ages, gets sick, and dies.

It is a fiction you will one day realize. Until then, it is reality for you. That is just the way it is. If you are going to do real spiritual work, you would put all your energies into spiritual Awakening, but you won't do a thing until it dawns on you that you are not awake, though you think yourself to be so awakened.

Do you think he is some spirit abstract thought just hanging around like god entity or something?

This consciousness goes back to the intelligents thing. It's god-talk. I do not understand it.

Our physical bodies die. We live in spirit until we are ready to go in spirit. That is what I personally believe. From a Buddhist perspective, I don't know how to translate the afterlife. I just know death is not the end. We are in a cycle of rebirth. I believe in spirits many buddhist do not. A lot of them do believe in their ancestors and many I've witness do believe people are in different levels of understanding but have not reached enlightenment yet. When they do, they no longer suffer. They pass away.

You cling to the Buddha's teachings and so have baggage, which is now an obstacle to your Awakening.

They have become a belief system for you. The Buddha's own Raft Sutra (look it up) makes clear that we should let the raft (ie The Dharma) go. Why? Because when you realize your own Enlightenment, you become the embodiment of the Dharma itself, because your authentic Self is the true source of the Dharma, not any scripture.

This is also assuming that I bring the Dhamma with me like a christian does his Bible. I don't know where you live or who you are, but it's impossible to really read what's on the screen and determine whether I'm eating pizza and chatting with a friend over nonesense or really immersed in this conversation and suttas as if, like christians, if you don't understand me, you're going to hell.

I was not raised that way.

It sounds like you have some bias you have to get over first. Once you do that, then you can see life without attachments to correcting others for their truth and just believe what you believe and talk about it.

It is crucial that you understand what I mean when I say that the true nature of Reality lies beyond this world.

No it's not. Where did you get that from?

My values are totally different than what we are discussing. I just find truth and facts in what The Buddha taught. It's not my faith. It's life.

I mean that it is beyond our ordinary view of what this world actually is. In reality, the experience is as close to you as your breath, an inner experience that is a transformation of consciousness from our ordinary conditioned view of life to a wholly unconditioned view; from a self-view to that of a universal one in which the self is dissolved (ie Nirvana) and an unfolding and awakening occurs, an experience beyond all words and beyond all ideas about what Reality actually is.

The Buddhistic transformation of consciousness that is beyond our ordinary view of life is not a philosophy; it is the direct inner authentic experience of the true nature of Reality. Everything else pales in comparison.

That is god-language.

The Dhamma IS ordinary life.

The Buddha has nothing to do with it.

You still cling to this life and to this world.

Do not allow this to be a deadweight that will carry you to the bottom. Did you know that 'dust' is a Buddhist metaphor for the suffering of this world?, which is why Buddhists say they have 'no attachment to dust'., an allusion to Hui Neng, the 6th Zen Patriarch, who said:

Yes. I value this world. It took me a long hull to be alive today. I'm not like abrahamic god-believers who put down this world for a spiritual one.

Again, that comparison does not match with me. If you want me to understand, try another approach.

This applies even to the concept of self we maintain as reality. Let go the notion of self, and there will be liberation.

Let go the notion of ego and what we think we know. Drop it all for what we observe, reflect on, experience, and practice then we grow to understand life and be liberated.

One think I like about Hindu teachings is that you have a guru to help you out in the process. Unless in a monastary, I'm not familiar with any Buddhist priests that help lay Buddhists or lay followers on the road. Westerners see it as a solitary road. It actually isn't. If you follow the Hindu threads when they talk about community and service, it's basically that.

What we say here is based on upbringing and probably indoctrination? I don't know. That's my bias.

We all have them.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

You an atheist, still attached to god, and you don't realize it. The Buddha said:

How can I be attached to god when I never knew him in the first place?

I was never indoctrinated.
Never was raised in a god-family

Actually, never knew what a god was (I'm serious, never) until five years ago. The only reason I knew that is because jesus christ is an actual person. So when they said he was god, that's the only representation of god I understood was through jesus actual spirit. (The spirit of a deceased person like my grandmothers)

Then they talk about his father apart from jesus, that's where I go......

What in the world?@# are you talking about?

So I ask you, what in the world are you talking about????????


Outside of that, it's your choice to make Buddhism mystic. Maybe it helps you spiritually.

If I cannot look out my window and see spiritual teachings inherent in life, it is no longer spiritual for me, it's philosophical.

I can see The Buddha's teachings in people and just looking outside my window.

I cannot see that with god and theist talks.

So I have no clue what you are talking about. Take a different approach.


Well-Known Member
There is no 'process' of intelligence behind the world, in the manner of a creator-god and his creation. What you see occurring as evolution is intelligence itself.

"What you see occurring as evolution is intelligence itself"

That is not at all the question I asked? I asked you to explain how the planet went from a place where no life could exist at all to photosynthesis and then a blade of grass?
I never said anything about any brain. I do not subscribe to Emergent Theory that the brain is the source of consciousness, anymore than I think that the images on your TV screen come from inside the TV set.[/
I never said anything about any brain. I do not subscribe to Emergent Theory that the brain is the source of consciousness, anymore than I think that the images on your TV screen come from inside the TV set.

It doesn't matter in the slightest if you subscribe personally to any of the sciences or cherry pick the ones you personally like yourself. Your analogy of a TV as compared to the human brain, one of if not the most complex structure we know of in the universe is laughable at most.

FYI 2016
Harvard Scientists Think They've Pinpointed The Physical Source of Consciousness
Harvard Scientists Think They've Pinpointed The Physical Source of Consciousness

Consciousness on-off switch discovered deep in brain
Consciousness on-off switch discovered deep in brain

Although the last study was only one person it's still interesting and there are other ways to either change consciousness (which is even something you're doing when you meditate although that is a certain state your putting your brain into) or even make someone unconscious.


Well-Known Member
shawn001 said:
If we could pull all our energy straight from the sun, like photosynthesis, it would have been a better design if any designer was involved at all.

"program it, which requires intelligence."

Explain to me if you would the physical process of "intelligence" behind the evolution of photosynthesis?

There is no 'process' of intelligence behind the world, in the manner of a creator-god and his creation. What you see occurring as evolution is intelligence itself.

Are YOU having comprehension problems? That is not the question I asked?

Explain to me if you would the physical process of "intelligence" behind the evolution of photosynthesis?


Well-Known Member

"We are NOT made of atoms as once thought; we are not 'made' at all. That is the old materialist paradigm, and you are still attached to it."

Were are made of atoms and elements and those elements were formed in stars. That has not changed at all. Those atoms can be broken down further into subatomic particles. If we enter the QM world it gets stranger than anything we can imagine.
Yes, and that is, in part, because there are no such 'particles' upon which 'atoms' are built. All such 'particles' in the Universe are the result of standing waves having been created via fluctuations in the field within which they 'exist'.

QM, in fact does not say the world is composed of atoms, but is instead a 'superposition of possibilities'.

space and time (spacetime) and its contents, which includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic spaceand all matter and energy.

The Universe can be defined as everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist. According to our current understanding, the Universe consists of spacetime, forms of energy (including electromagnetic radiation and matter), and the physical laws that relate them. The Universe encompasses all of life, all of history, and some philosophers and scientists suggest that it even encompasses ideas such as mathematics and logic."

Universe - Wikipedia

...and I will add all multi-verses to this list.

Just another quick observation. Consciousness comes from our brains and because we are all different are perceptions of life can be different.

Yawn....yes, I know, 'Emergent Theory' which is not a bona fide scientific theory, but merely a poor hypothesis. Do the images you see on a TV set come from the TV set?

I stand by what I said in this thread and no need to quote Wikipedia on what the universe is to me.

Say you don't believe in Atoms while standing on top of a hydrogen atom being split!

Since you used Wikipedia I will use it as well.

"Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics or quantum theory), including quantum field theory, is a branch of physics which is the fundamental theory of nature at small scales and low energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.
Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia

Basically, you sound like a Pantheist who has thrown his or her own ideas on top of QM and Eastern philosophy, with an "I am an authority tone to it."

No one knows for sure if Multi-verses exist and if they do does not mean they are like ours or not. We also don't understand yet, most of the matter and some of the energy in our own universe.

The biggest search in physics right now is combining general relativity and quantum mechanics to come up with a unified scientific theory.


Well-Known Member
You mis-read the question. I did not ask if the sun and moon were conscious and intelligent. I asked if the sun and moon were outside of your consciousness.

But to your question, if the universe is conscious and intelligent, no, you cannot have a stupid or unconscious sun or moon, because they are included in the conscious universe, 'The Universe' being Everything that exists.

They are because even if you were personally dead and so not conscious, other people see the sun and the moon.

This is the "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Philosophy question.

If a person was born underground and was never told about the sun or the moon and it was outside their personal consciousness, the sun and the moon would still exist and hence would be outside their personal consciousness.


Thou art That
I read until that point and was going to respond to you in a proper manner.

But you don't deserve it. You aren't debating from a higher ground with your lack of proper effort.

You won't listen to what I am actually saying, and inserting things that just aren't there. You're incapable in your present state of mind to 'respond in a proper manner'. I keep pointing to an experience outside of the rational mind, but you persist in demanding proof for something that cannot be so proven via Reason, Logic, or Analysis. Once you understand that simple fact, you may get a glimpse beyond the thinking mind. That is all.


Thou art That
They are because even if you were personally dead and so not conscious, other people see the sun and the moon.

This is the "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Philosophy question.

If a person was born underground and was never told about the sun or the moon and it was outside their personal consciousness, the sun and the moon would still exist and hence would be outside their personal consciousness.

Likewise, if a person is conditioned from birth to see the world in a subject/object manner, they will see only themselves as conscious and intelligent, and the Sun and the moon only as objects, neither conscious nor intelligent.

The Sun and moon would be outside personal consciousness, but not outside of Universal Consciousness, which is the source of personal consciousness.

But none of this had to do with the question. I am asking

Are the Sun and moon outside your current consciousness?

When you die, what you call 'my' consciousness does not die, as you may think. The TV signal does not die when the TV set goes ka-putt. What dies is only your identity, as this came into being during this life, but was not in place at the time you arrived in this world. What was in place at that moment was your consciousness, without an identity. That consciousness is not a personal consciousness, but is the consciousness of That which brought you here, That being The Universe. It is Unborn, Uncreated, Uncondtioned, and Uncaused. You only THINK consciousness belongs to you, personally.

We have been over the 'tree in the forest' question extensively on these forums, and the conclusion is that, no, there is no sound, as sound is dependent upon a receptor and a processor to interpret sound pressure waves as auditory sound. Only pressure waves are present. No actual sound. None. Zip. Nada.
Last edited:


Thou art That

Say you don't believe in Atoms while standing on top of a hydrogen atom being split!

You can believe whatever you want. What you call 'atoms' are composed of 'particles' that in reality, are standing waves of energy. In your example, the proof of that is that nothing but energy is released.

"Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics or quantum theory), including quantum field theory, is a branch of physics which is the fundamental theory of nature at small scales and low energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.
Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia

Basically, you sound like a Pantheist who has thrown his or her own ideas on top of QM and Eastern philosophy, with an "I am an authority tone to it."

"All known elementary particles are standing waves of space.

The energy forces of gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear interactions are also standing wave patterns.


In its fundamental state, matter, or mass, is a standing wave. Mass is vibrating space quanta locked in ongoing interaction.

Each of the 12 elementary particles, six quarks and six leptons, comprises a standing wave of a specific frequency and wavelength. The individual motions of their component traveling waves result in each particle’s unique, vibrational signature.

Elementary particles interact with complementary particles to form new systems, including protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, simple and complex molecules, organisms, eco-systems, planetary systems, stars, galaxies, galactic clusters, and super-clusters."

standing waves | Quantum Wave Theory

No one knows for sure if Multi-verses exist and if they do does not mean they are like ours or not. We also don't understand yet, most of the matter and some of the energy in our own universe.

I never said multi-verses actually exist; I said that my definition of 'Universe' would include them, if they did exist.

The biggest search in physics right now is combining general relativity and quantum mechanics to come up with a unified scientific theory.

That question has been solved, here:



Thou art That
shawn001 said:

Explain to me if you would the physical process of "intelligence" behind the evolution of photosynthesis?

I heard you the first time. There is nothing 'behind' anything. What you see is it. Only the WAY you see it is via conditioned mind, which creates a conditioned view. Unconditioned mind yields unconditioned view, ie; 'the way things actually are', and not as conditioned mind THINKS they are. You don't see the world as intelligent because your conditioned mind, which operates on a subject/object split basis, sees only yourself as conscious, and everything outside of 'self' as dead material objects, for various reasons, one of which is your belief that consciousness only comes from DA BIG BAD BRAINIAC THINGIE. All bow down to LORD BRAIN!


Thou art That

How can I be attached to god when I never knew him in the first place?

I was never indoctrinated.
Never was raised in a god-family

Actually, never knew what a god was (I'm serious, never) until five years ago. The only reason I knew that is because jesus christ is an actual person. So when they said he was god, that's the only representation of god I understood was through jesus actual spirit. (The spirit of a deceased person like my grandmothers)

Then they talk about his father apart from jesus, that's where I go......

What in the world?@# are you talking about?

So I ask you, what in the world are you talking about????????


Outside of that, it's your choice to make Buddhism mystic. Maybe it helps you spiritually.

If I cannot look out my window and see spiritual teachings inherent in life, it is no longer spiritual for me, it's philosophical.

I can see The Buddha's teachings in people and just looking outside my window.

I cannot see that with god and theist talks.

So I have no clue what you are talking about. Take a different approach.

You're just playing mind-games, Carlita. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Why should I bend things just because you lack the insight for understanding?

You are the one who is hung up on God. I never mentioned God once, but you continue to harp on God on every single post. You are attached to the idea of God, and that is what makes you an atheist, but you can't see that simple fact. If you really want to be free, do as the Buddha suggested: 'Think neither god nor not-god'. Just go to your room, sit quietly, and allow that to be a reality. Then report back here and tell us what happened in your consciousness when you leaned neither to the left nor to the right. No god nor not-god, no atheist nor theist. No duality. Just seeing things as they are. That is Zen.

I am not turning Buddhism into mysticism! Understand that the Buddha had a mystical experience, and orthodox Buddhism came out of it, and then Zen, a mystical practice, came out of orthodox Buddhism in an effort to return to the heart of the Buddha's experience. Mystical experience is simply the realization as direct experience with Reality, that you are at one with Everything. Union, or yoga, is the key.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Why should I bend things just because you lack the insight for understanding?

I'm glad I don't know as much as my average peer does, actually. Given my background and stuff I've gone through, I put the dot on "ignorance is a bliss."

You and another RFer are the only two here that talk as if you guys have knowledge other people don't have. As if you walked other people's shoes just by one or two conversations on religious forums.

That, in itself, is, well, silly. Maybe it's just me, but get to know me first before making accusations about my intelligence.


Thou art That
Of course there is no "self" who is born, ages, gets sick and dies. There was no "me" until the brain in this skull evolved enough to create it and there'll be no more "me" when this brain stops functioning and dissolves.

So who, or what, was present before the brain created the self, if in fact that is what occurred.

The self, or the identity of a person, is the product of one's social indoctrination and environment. The brain simply processes the input from those sources and creates the idea that 'I' is something real, when, in reality, what is real is simply a set of experiences and impressions held in memory as a collection creating the appearance of a self. But the consciousness present before, during, and after all of these processes is the real person. What is that consciousness?