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Questions for God


Is God so bloodthirsty that He can't forgive our sins without someone being killed?
Clearly you don’t comprehend the extreme evilness and detrimental effects of sin. It cannot be “just forgiven “, it will be put to death and ultimately completely eradicated. According to the scriptures, the only forgiveness of sin is available through Jesus Christ because He took all the sins of humanity upon Himself to death, then resurrected in victory over sin and death.


Veteran Member
Yet you are still in the minority
We were talking about the OT and I said "I have but I don't buy into what it says that God did since it is anthropomorphic."
I am not in the minority because only about 31% of people in the world are Christians and Jews which means that 69% of people are not Christians or Jews, and not even all Christians and Jews believe that God actually did all the things it says in the OT.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
We were talking about the OT and I said "I have but I don't buy into what it says that God did since it is anthropomorphic."

That's your choice

I am not in the minority because only about 31% of people in the world are Christians and Jews

How many are Baháʼí, those non Abrahamics are irrelevant.

and not even all Christians and Jews believe that God actually did all the things it says in the OT.

Many do. You should see some of the debates here on RF

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
We were talking about the OT and I said "I have but I don't buy into what it says that God did since it is anthropomorphic."
I am not in the minority because only about 31% of people in the world are Christians and Jews which means that 69% of people are not Christians or Jews, and not even all Christians and Jews believe that God actually did all the things it says in the OT.

I don't know what percentage of evangelical Christians there are in the world, but I do know, as a former evangelical Christian myself, that it is taught and believed that the entire Bible was divinely inspired by God, and this belief is based on 2 Timothy 3:16–17, which states: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." This is what I was taught and what I taught as an evangelism team leader and street preacher. I've met Christians who aren't evangelicals who also believe that the Bible was divinely inspired based on this scripture. In fact, it was rare for me to meet Christians who didn't believe that the Bible was inspired by God.


Veteran Member
In fact, it was rare for me to meet Christians who didn't believe that the Bible was inspired by God.
Inspired by God is not the same thing as written by God, nor is it the same as what would have been written by a Messenger of God/Prophet..
I believe that 'some' of the Bible was inspired by God, but the Bible was written by men.

The Bahá'í viewpoint proposed by this essay has been established as follows: The Bible is a reliable source of Divine guidance and salvation, and rightly regarded as a sacred and holy book. However, as a collection of the writings of independent and human authors, it is not necessarily historically accurate. Nor can the words of its writers, although inspired, be strictly defined as 'The Word of God' in the way the original words of Moses and Jesus could have been. Instead there is an area of continuing interest for Bahá'í scholars, possibly involving the creation of new categories for defining authoritative religious literature.

A Baháí View of the Bible


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I guess you mean it is the only way to communicate in the language of Christians. It is not my language.

You could be right about not being Christian but I've discovered over time its the only language you understand


Veteran Member
You could be right about not being Christian but I've discovered over time its the only language you understand
No, that is absolutely not true. Their language is not my language because they do not share my beliefs about many things, including God and Jesus, the return of Christ, and the end times.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
No, that is absolutely not true. Their language is not my language because they do not share my beliefs about many things, including God and Jesus, the return of Christ, and the end times.

Actually it is with only minor changes for dialect, same words, different understanding of those words.


Veteran Member
Agreed. So why read it except for the reason one would read The Iliad - as literature with cultural significance? I might take advice from a deity, but not from ancient people who knew less about how the world works that any of us living today do, and whose moral (and intellectual) development lag behind the humanist's.
I don't read it. I take advice from the deity, not from ancient people who knew less about how the world works that any of us living today do, and whose moral (and intellectual) development lag behind the humanist's.
Agree again, but that's because I'm an atheist. I don't believe that the god of Abraham exists, but according to its description, it is omni-responsible, that is, everything that exists and every action is its doing and was foreseen.
I think we have already had this conversation. Just because God has foreknowledge that does not mean God 'causes' things to happen in this world. God's knowledge of what will happen is not the cause of things.

“Every act ye meditate is as clear to Him as is that act when already accomplished. There is none other God besides Him. His is all creation and its empire. All stands revealed before Him; all is recorded in His holy and hidden Tablets. This fore-knowledge of God, however, should not be regarded as having caused the actions of men, just as your own previous knowledge that a certain event is to occur, or your desire that it should happen, is not and can never be the reason for its occurrence.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 150

Question.—If God has knowledge of an action which will be performed by someone, and it has been written on the Tablet of Fate, is it possible to resist it?

Answer.—The foreknowledge of a thing is not the cause of its realization; for the essential knowledge of God surrounds, in the same way, the realities of things, before as well as after their existence, and it does not become the cause of their existence. It is a perfection of God.......
Some Answered Questions, p. 138
If I were an Abrahamists, I wouldn't be able to think like that. I'd be obligated to do what the faithful did - assume that everything in scripture is accurate and that everything that deity did was good, which would have me justifying the contradictions and errors in scripture with motivated rationalizations as are typical of Abrahamic apologists.
I believe that everything that deity did was good, and I do not have to justify any contradictions and errors in scripture, since the Bible is not my scripture.
Yet the world is imperfect, so you're forced to blame man, which topic I just discussed above, or to find some way of explaining how what appears to be indifference or even malice from this deity is actually love and good for man.
The reason the world is imperfect is because of man. There is no indifference or malice on the part of the deity. the deity did due diligence when through His Messengers He revealed the Book, which contains the laws humans are to follow. The deity is not to blame if people ignore or break those laws.

“God hath in that Book, and by His behest, decreed as lawful whatsoever He hath pleased to decree, and hath, through the power of His sovereign might, forbidden whatsoever He elected to forbid. To this testifieth the text of that Book. Will ye not bear witness? Men, however, have wittingly broken His law. Is such a behavior to be attributed to God, or to their proper selves? Be fair in your judgment. Every good thing is of God, and every evil thing is from yourselves. Will ye not comprehend? This same truth hath been revealed in all the Scriptures, if ye be of them that understand.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 149-150


Veteran Member
Actually it is with only minor changes for dialect, same words, different understanding of those words.
They are not minor.

Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus is God incarnate?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe Jesus is returning to earth?
Is it minor that Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah was the return of Christ?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe in original sin?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that anyone will rise from their graves?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that hell is a place where everyone but Christians go when they die?

The list goes on. ;)


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
They are not minor.

Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus is God incarnate?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe Jesus is returning to earth?
Is it minor that Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah was the return of Christ?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe in original sin?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that anyone will rise from their graves?
Is it minor that Baha'is do not believe that hell is a place where everyone but Christians go when they die?

The list goes on. ;)

It's minor to me. And im talking language, not beliefs


Veteran Member
Whatever happened to Zeus and Athena and the gang? They really got out there and mixed it in society. Julius Caesar had Venus / Aphrodite in his family tree, as you may know.
The real God doesn't mix with anyone.

“Beware, beware, lest thou be led to join partners with the Lord, thy God. He is, and hath from everlasting been, one and alone, without peer or equal, eternal in the past, eternal in the future, detached from all things, ever-abiding, unchangeable, and self-subsisting. He hath assigned no associate unto Himself in His Kingdom, no counsellor to counsel Him, none to compare unto Him, none to rival His glory. To this every atom of the universe beareth witness, and beyond it the inmates of the realms on high, they that occupy the most exalted seats, and whose names are remembered before the Throne of Glory.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 192