Not everybody. I am perfectly happy to answer questions and present the reasons. What I'm seeing is, the critics don't want to read or try to understand the reasons I've given because they assume they know everything that can be said on the subject.
Do you know, that's not quite right. Those of us who can't bring ourselves to believe in the existence of the deities we've been introduced to (by their adherents) don't claim to know everything -- we claim that what can't be reasonably demonstrated to be true (gods) or necessary (demands by the gods) needn't be paid much or any attention.
There are all sorts of things that seem truly bizarre -- absolutely bereft of any possible explanation, to most humans. Here's one example: the decimal number that is the "Golden Ratio," called Phi (Φ
) by mathematicians. This number is 1.6180339887… (a never ending decimal). But did you know, if you take the reciprocal of Φ (divide 1 by Φ), you wind up with 0.6180339887... (all the same numbers to infinity after the decimal). So dividing Phi into one results exactly in subtracting 1 from Phi (1/Φ = Φ - 1). Now, mathematicians can explain that, but to the rest of us, it's pretty mysterious.
But what's even crazier, is that there's another way to get to Phi -- the Fibonacci series; start with 0 and 1, and then every term after that in the series is just the sum of the two preceding terms. Thus, the series is {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89...). The farther along that series you go, dividing one term by the term before gets you closer and closer to Phi. Thus, 113490317/701408733 (both adjacent terms in the series) is 1.6180339887.... Hey, this is bloody magical, isn't it?
Going further, this same ratio turns up right under out noses: this same number defines the spiral of the chambered nautilus, and the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower!
Our point is not that we understand everything, but through examination, we can find reasons to explain all of this (the Fibonacci series is strongly related to growth in the way it is constructed), and we can determine that it is natural and not a question for God after all.