I have quite a few.
a) If Islam is God's perfected religion and God sent Jesus as a mere messenger, why is Christianity the world's dominant religion and has been nearly since its inception? Why would Allah do that?
b) How is the Qur'an perfect and universal if it can only be studied and properly understood in Arabic? Also, why does the oldest copy not match up to any known copy we have today?
c) Why do all the earliest Mosques face Petra? And why does Petra fit the descriptions given in the Qur'an, not Mecca?
d) Provide me some non-Islamic evidence that Mecca existed in the time of Muhammad.
"Surprising as it may seem, not one map before 900 AD even mentions Mecca. This is 300 years after Muhammad’s death" http://www.academia.edu/1776803/The_Mecca_Question
e) Why couldn't Allah preserve the original message and where were the supposed 24,000 messengers that were sent to everywhere? Evidence?
f) Why isn't the word 'Muslim' or 'Muhammad' used during the Arabian conquests? Why do these words only appear years after Muhammad?