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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Well-Known Member
I need to remind you what Brother Jimmy said again. I am using your magic Bible this time, perhaps you will understand it:

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

In other words if you have only "faith" then you probably are not saved. Catholics believe in faith and works, and they are supported even by the KJV in that. Perhaps they emphasize works a bit more because it is easy to claim to have faith. Heck, I could claim to have faith. It is by one's works that one can see if a person's claims are true or not. That is why in Christianity works is so important in many sects. Jesus's own teachings advocated works. I sometimes seriously doubt if you are following the Bible in the Christian spirit. If you were you probably would not be putting down others that followed the orders to perform works.

Please note, none of them will say that only works is enough. You may have been advocating that as a strawman argument, but I doubt if you can find a single branch of Christianity that ignores faith.
And James is writing to the 12 tribes of Israel not to Gentiles,
And justification was just before men not before God,
And there are no sacraments or other pagan rituals which are just works in that .
And you do not understand the gospel of Christ or the word of God.
Thanks for fulfilling lots of prophecies,


Well-Known Member
So you believe, without, it would seem from what you've posted here, the slightest hint of evidence or reasoning.
So how ddi the giraffe get such a long neck.

Let me get this straight.
All the other animals were just fine with eating the vegetation at lower levels.
But the giraffe starting with a normal neck got an advantage when some giraffes necks were about an inch longer even though they still could not reach the upper vegetation for about 100,000 years of blind evolution.
You are still using Darwin and Lamark’s crazy theory and do not even know it.
BTW, the giraffe has special valves that allow it have a long neck. They control blood flow.
Satan has deceived you.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
So how ddi the giraffe get such a long neck.

Which has been explained to you a great many times

The neck of a giraffe is only a huge mystery to the pig ignorant

Evolution is I think is a lot more convincing than saying The Big Man In The Sky designed it and then magiced it into existence

Evolution is reasonable and based on evidence

The Big Man In The Sky is ludicrous it is like a fairy tale people tell little kids it is hilarious you think this is more likely than evolution

Evolution is based on the systematic study of REALITY based on actual evidence

The Big Man In The Sky is ignorant fantasy

When pitted against each other Evolution will always win because it is based on reason, not ignorant faith that basically denies that natural processes exist
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And James is writing to the 12 tribes of Israel not to Gentiles,
And justification was just before men not before God,
And there are no sacraments or other pagan rituals which are just works in that .
And you do not understand the gospel of Christ or the word of God.
Thanks for fulfilling lots of prophecies,
Why would that make a bit of difference? Why would it only be valid for Jews? Why would it have even been included in the Bible since at the time it was formed it was a book for "Gentiles"?

You only demonstrated your terrible ignorance of your own book of myths.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is just me, maybe ask around to see, but bold empty threats are even less effective than bold empty claims.
Chimps have 48 chromosomes and mankind 46.

Supposedly they are descended from a common ancestor.

But how could this have happened through evolution given sexual reproduction?

Just show how this plays out for 20 generations of offspring.
Start with 48 chromosomes.
A primate with 48 by some weird event has an offspring with 46 .
The offspring then mates with another primate of the same species which of course has all 48.
Now each donates 1/2 and then what?
How many chromosomes from each parent does the first offspring have?
24 from each or 24 from one and 23 from the other?
How could that offspring even survive?
How did it ever have an offspring?
Who did the first offspring mate with if it is not another primate with 48 chromosomes?
How could 2 chromosomes fuse if their ends are protected?
Keep going until 20 generations.

And do not forget the over 100 million differences in the DNA between chimps and people.

And of course, there can be no common descent if the chromosome counts are different for any proposed species pairs.
I have proved that macro evolution is a lie.

And I have also proved abiogenies is impossible without God and the Big Bang too.


Admiral Obvious
Chimps have 48 chromosomes and mankind 46.

Supposedly they are descended from a common ancestor.

But how could this have happened through evolution given sexual reproduction?

Just show how this plays out for 20 generations of offspring.
Start with 48 chromosomes.
A primate with 48 by some weird event has an offspring with 46 .
The offspring then mates with another primate of the same species which of course has all 48.
Now each donates 1/2 and then what?
How many chromosomes from each parent does the first offspring have?
24 from each or 24 from one and 23 from the other?
How could that offspring even survive?
How did it ever have an offspring?
Who did the first offspring mate with if it is not another primate with 48 chromosomes?
How could 2 chromosomes fuse if their ends are protected?
Keep going until 20 generations.

And do not forget the over 100 million differences in the DNA between chimps and people.

And of course, there can be no common descent if the chromosome counts are different for any proposed species pairs.
I have proved that macro evolution is a lie.

And I have also proved abiogenies is impossible without God and the Big Bang too.
Already answered in one of your other threads:

The only things you have proven is that you do not know what you are talking about, that you are proud that you do not know what you are talking about, that you have little to no understanding when it comes to the Bible or science, or logic, or reason, that you have your own personal definitions for a rather large number of everyday words. that you refuse to learn anything outside your box of beliefs...​
Yet you have not even come close to proving the things you have claimed to have proven.​

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Chimps have 48 chromosomes and mankind 46.

Supposedly they are descended from a common ancestor.

But how could this have happened through evolution given sexual reproduction?

Just show how this plays out for 20 generations of offspring.
Start with 48 chromosomes.
A primate with 48 by some weird event has an offspring with 46 .
The offspring then mates with another primate of the same species which of course has all 48.
Now each donates 1/2 and then what?
How many chromosomes from each parent does the first offspring have?
24 from each or 24 from one and 23 from the other?
How could that offspring even survive?
How did it ever have an offspring?
Who did the first offspring mate with if it is not another primate with 48 chromosomes?
How could 2 chromosomes fuse if their ends are protected?
Keep going until 20 generations.

And do not forget the over 100 million differences in the DNA between chimps and people.

And of course, there can be no common descent if the chromosome counts are different for any proposed species pairs.
I have proved that macro evolution is a lie.

And I have also proved abiogenies is impossible without God and the Big Bang too.
Once again, this was explained to you. And not only be me. We cannot help if if you are too afraid to debate honestly.

Apologize for your past behavior and I will explain it to you again.