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Rabbi Reveils Name of the Messiah

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Angel Of The North
The topic belongs in a cesspool.
That is stagnation. The way is forward my friend, even for the Jews.
We must all see the glorious light. pls dont rubish this thread as it is for a sensable coversation about what the Rabbi wrote with his own hand and what his son had to say about the angel and the crosses. IMO they have nothing to do what so ever with the crusifiction of Jesus... your missing the point m8.
If you dont like this thread plz dont comment. Theres a place to debate this as I mentioned above and it is in the correct forum.
dabate here....


he is the Messenger of GOD.. the one who convey messages from GOD via his soul and made apparent via his speech.. and who is he..?..
HE is Prophet Jesus known by the Christians as mention in the holy Bible.. Prophet Isa (PBUH) known by the muslims as mention in the holy Quran.. because WE are actually worship the same GOD.. the GOD of the Moses, the God of Jesus, and the GOD of Muhammad.. only that we are in total denial and hardly accept each other for that reason (worshipping of the same GOD)
The essence Of God is within us all imo
I see where you are coming from but we are discussing my origional post. Forget Jesus for now. I want opinions on The Rabbis beleifs witnessed by his son and the words that is by his own hand and the visions in dream etc..

For all you people coming to the wrong conclusion to the reason behind this thread...
I truly beleive in the Rabbi and his visions and that he is a true prophet.
IMO he is talking about the messiah and not about Jesus who died about 2000 yrs or so ago. He is on about a man of our times!!!! I highlighted bits for to consentrate our thoughts on and would really like some genuine feedback instead of jokes and insults!
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That is stagnation. The way is forward my friend, even for the Jews.

The way forward often though first comes by putting yourself in the shoes of another and seeing what it is *they* have already been through. Then, you could possibly understand their reactions to and in this thread. Until there is understanding of this particular People rather than just the spewing of random hearsay (MOST OFTEN which is false and created for the specific purpose of undermining them as a People), there will never be any true movement forward that benefits all of us in the light of these religions (Judaism and the two that claim to be the replacement of). :confused:
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Angel Of The North
The way forward often though first comes by putting yourself in the shoes of another and seeing what it is *they* have already been through. Then, you could possibly understand their reactions to and in this thread. Until there is understanding of this particular People rather than just the spewing of random hearsay (MOST OFTEN which is false and created for the specific purpose of undermining them as a People), there will never be any true movement forward that benefits all of us in the light of these religions (Judaism and the two that claim to be the replacement of). :confused:

I am not Jewish, I am not Religious as in been taught it! but I make my mind up based on what I see and how that makes me feel!
The truth is that if I were going to pick a religion it would definately be messianic judaism, I'm not totally sure why but I just feel like a part of the movement and that is forward! I feel for ALL of the Jews and if I had my way, they will get what was promised to them! Or what I understand of it. It is my Job to bring the world together as one... thats everybody and there will be no rasism either. because we will all be one people.
The mentioned Angel will save the world soon!
Lol, I thought that I was posting in my Real messiah thread for a minute!
I am considering contacting the Rabbis son to see if he will recognise me. I have genuine code that Related me to Jesus/Yesuah. Its my birthright.
Yesuah done what he was meant to, no more and no less. It is his Angel that is the Messiah IMO, "I send forth my Angel... I am the Root of David!!! you see; "we are one"
Look at my avatar, That is the cross and that is the Angel that I was born right behind!!!... True.


I am not Jewish, I am not Religious as in been taught it! but I make my mind up based on what I see and how that makes me feel!
The truth is that if I were going to pick a religion it would definately be messianic judaism, I'm not totally sure why but I just feel like a part of the movement and that is forward! I feel for ALL of the Jews and if I had my way, they will get what was promised to them! Or what I understand of it. It is my Job to bring the world together as one... thats everybody and there will be no rasism either. because we will all be one people.
The mentioned Angel will save the world soon!
Lol, I thought that I was posting in my Real messiah thread for a minute!
I am considering contacting the Rabbis son to see if he will recognise me. I have genuine code that Related me to Jesus/Yesuah. Its my birthright.
Yesuah done what he was meant to, no more and no less. It is his Angel that is the Messiah IMO, "I send forth my Angel... I am the Root of David!!! you see; "we are one"
Look at my avatar, That is the cross and that is the Angel that I was born right behind!!!... True.

MOst of what you say, I am not sure what you are speaking of. Sounds a bit too mystical for my taste personally, but that is beside the point.

Read Exodus 23 as that shed light on the importance of the words that are attributed to Jesus as it would apply to the People. One thing that is for sure is that Jesus was clear of his support for the People and their role in the world. John 4:22 and Matthew 5:17-19 To separate him at all from the People is to idolize him ... and that is missing the point of what it is he was trying to enlighten his own to. His mission was only to his own and not meant to speak to other ppls (for he knew that the People, Israel, (both those in the land and those among the nations) is the signature on the covenant between mankind and God), and in that, it was not to convert them to some new religion, but to confirm the value of their Laws and traditions ... to encourage them to remain the People they were created to be.


Angel Of The North
MOst of what you say, I am not sure what you are speaking of. Sounds a bit too mystical for my taste personally, but that is beside the point.

Read Exodus 23 as that shed light on the importance of the words that are attributed to Jesus as it would apply to the People. One thing that is for sure is that Jesus was clear of his support for the People and their role in the world. John 4:22 and Matthew 5:17-19 To separate him at all from the People is to idolize him ... and that is missing the point of what it is he was trying to enlighten his own to. His mission was only to his own and not meant to speak to other ppls (for he knew that the People, Israel, (both those in the land and those among the nations) is the signature on the covenant between mankind and God), and in that, it was not to convert them to some new religion, but to confirm the value of their Laws and traditions ... to encourage them to remain the People they were created to be.
I'll look it up... thanks. I couldnt get my head around jesus suposedly being a Rebel.
That was Lucifer. IMO Jesus will fit the bill in the second coming and that will bring the christian Jews and the other Jews together. Hes not suposed to appeer untill after that I think but I beleive he will appeer before and soon. Ariel is hanging on till his return! You must have read in the bible "I send forth my Angel, I am the root of David, WE are one? Theres things Jesus has said that has a deeper meaning than how it was taken IMO... The Rabbi knows who the Messiah is and I bet you anything you want that it is David!!! and his DOB is a code that connects him to jesus and the time Jesus sowed that seed... He was 30yrs old when he left the most northern horn!!! But this is just my honest opinion :)


that will bring the christian Jews and the other Jews together.

Christianity and Judaism are two separate religions. Though Christianity rides the back of Judaism for momentum, the difference between the two is night and day. When Christians are able to admit this, then perhaps there will peace. However, the two religions can NOT merge into one religion ... one is about the People and the other is to cater only to the individual as well as there are many other major differences that make the two religions incompatible. The best any one can hope for is that the two can live side by side, each respecting the other's right to exist and their right to exist separately. One religion understands what it is to respect the rights of others and I think is looking toward a day when perhaps they will have their right to exist wholly without the attacks made on their People and traditions by other religions. The other has a very long journey down the path of self discovery before they will see how it is their religion is not based on Judaism and has nothing to do with the Jewish People .. though, I don't hold my breath so much given a great many of the ppl are drawn to it because the focus is on their own individual salvation from ... err ... the nature in which they were created (that being, human).

Point is ... the "christian jew" is non-existent. That would be the equivalent of calling someone a muslim christian <--- though, who would think to call a person that given the differences of the religion? That ppl call themselves Jewish who are actually Christian is due to extreme ignorance in regard to the Jewish People and their religion, Judaism. :confused:

Now, if Christians started actually looking at what it is Jesus said and measuring it to the Tanach as Jesus commanded, then they would see that their concept of Jesus as the saviour of the world is purely fictional ... having come from the mind of Paul who is the creator of Christianity. Jesus came for his own and not for the world. This he stated clearly. He came to confirm to them the Law of God and he enlightened them to what it is their prophets were trying to get across about the People to the People. Whilst the memory of Jesus lives (though properly so only in the minds of those who found the understanding of his words), Jesus himself is no longer alive ... and in fact, he will not come back. That is contrary to what it is written in their Scriptures. As for his memory, Paul saw to it that it was violated via turning Jesus into a demigod type who he claimed was the replacement for the role that the People is meant to fill on earth.

Then, as has been said, these attempts to undermine the Jewish People ARE disgusting, and their reason for being upset is that they are not oblivious to what lengths other peoples are willing to go to so as to pull the jewish away from the People, even by fabricating stories based on the greek concept of salvation and attributing it to their rabbis (as is the case in this thread, though on your part I would not dare assume your intent beyond that you were curious of this rumor, as well as was the case with what Christianity did to the memory of Jesus). They, the Jewish, are protective of their own; and that, IMHO is a very good thing.
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Angel Of The North
I think, IF U KNEW didnt realise that I was on about the Jewish people that do recognise and follow Yeshua (Jesus Christ)

What about the crosses and visions of the Angel by the Rabbi? Areil Sharon is still alive! I think if Jesus was mentioned is was to do with "his ANGEL" and the crosses were very significant... as I have said it has nothing to do with Jesus on the cross... search... Angel of the North. IMO that is what the Rabbi visioned and it is my beleif that the Angel/messiah was born right behind it! :)
even the toughest nut will crack open to let in the glorious light!


I think, IF U KNEW didnt realise that I was on about the Jewish people that do recognise and follow Yeshua (Jesus Christ)

No, I did not realize that as I do not know any Jewish People who recognize Jesus as the Christ (which implies the Christian worship of him). It was really difficult to tell. I was not so much arguing what it is you may (or not) imagine to be truth, but it seemed to me that you had mistaken christianity for Judaism. Then, I was trying to clear up why it is some would have been offended by what you originally put up. A little amazed by the last couple of responses to be honest in light of the whole thread, but perhaps I should not be surprised. :run:
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Angel Of The North
No, I did not realize that as I do not know any Jewish People who recognize Jesus as the Christ (which implies the Christian worship of him). It was really difficult to tell. I was not so much arguing what it is you may (or not) imagine to be truth, but it seemed to me that you had mistaken christianity for Judaism. Then, I was trying to clear up why it is some would have been offended by what you originally put up. A little amazed by the last couple of responses to be honest in light of the whole thread, but perhaps I should not be surprised. :run:

I am a seeker/learner of Religions :)
plz talk with me as I am being serious! I dont mean to insult and I state that the crosses have nothing to do with crucifiction!


Here's a fairly good list I found. Some are about the person but most are about the times he will comes in. We have to keep in mind that in the Jewish scriptures there is very little said about the actual man who will be the mashiach but a great deal about the times and conditions of those times. It is also worth pointing out that nowhere in the Jewish writings does it ever say that the mashiach is to be worshiped, prayed to or even must be followed in order to gain salvation. Enjoy.

Judaism teaches that the messiah will fulfill the following prophecies:
* The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26)
* Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance. (Isaiah 2:4)
* The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:17)
* He will be descended from King David (Isaiah 11:1) via King Solomon (1 Chron. 22:8-10)
* The Moshiach will be a man of this world, an observant Jew with "fear of God" (Isaiah 11:2)
* Evil and tyranny will not be able to stand before his leadership (Isaiah 11:4)
* Knowledge of God will fill the world (Isaiah 11:9)
* He will include and attract people from all cultures and nations (Isaiah 11:10)
* All Israelites will be returned to their homeland (Isaiah 11:12)
* Death will be swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25:8)
* There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease (Isaiah 25:8)
* All of the dead will rise again (Isaiah 26:19)
* The Jewish people will experience eternal joy and gladness (Isaiah 51:11)
* He will be a messenger of peace (Isaiah 52:7)
* Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did to Israel (Isaiah 52:13-53:5)
* The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23)
* The ruined cities of Israel will be restored (Ezekiel 16:55)
* Weapons of war will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9)
* The Temple will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 40) resuming many of the suspended mitzvot
* He will then perfect the entire world to serve God together (Zephaniah 3:9)
* Jews will know the Torah without Study (Jeremiah 31:33)
* He will give you all the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4)
* He will take the barren land and make it abundant and fruitful (Isaiah 51:3, 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30, Isaiah 11:6-9)

Christian's call this the second coming of Christ, which will be the end of days. You can read all about it in The Book of Revelations which is the last book in the common New Testament half of the Christian Bible whether it be King James, NIV, etc.. It was written by the Apostle John. I hope you will gander at it.
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Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Christian's call this the second coming of Christ, which will be the end of days. You can read all about it in The Book of Revelations which is the last book in the common New Testament half of the Christian Bible whether it be King James, NIV, etc.. It was written by the Apostle John. I hope you will gander at it.

Some of us don't accept 'Revelations' as canon, however. Not to debate, as per D.I.R. rules, but to simply state another POV.

Welcome to RF brother. You do know we have our own D.I.R. forum? Stop on by! :D

With Shabbat and Pesach soon upon us, I'm going to be fairly busy soon (understatement lol) so if you post, it may be a while before I can reply. I'm just about the only MJ on these boards.



Some of us don't accept 'Revelations' as canon, however. Not to debate, as per D.I.R. rules, but to simply state another POV.

Welcome to RF brother. You do know we have our own D.I.R. forum? Stop on by! :D

With Shabbat and Pesach soon upon us, I'm going to be fairly busy soon (understatement lol) so if you post, it may be a while before I can reply. I'm just about the only MJ on these boards.


This is true. Shalom to all.


I am a seeker/learner of Religions :)
plz talk with me as I am being serious! I dont mean to insult and I state that the crosses have nothing to do with crucifiction!

Ooops! I am NOT the one in which you should be talking to .. though I can give my own view of it (but that is all it is, my view). I am not Jewish ... only, I can see where it is the content of your thread would have offended others (and believe me, I only recognize offense given that I am the expert at being an offender of others though it is NEVER my intent ... honestly).

Personally, I was quite impressed, not with the whole of it particularly the op, *bites nails,* but rather with the part you mentioned of Jesus being an "angel" due to the words attributed to him ... that is why I have pointed out Exodus 23.

I do not believe in the after life that most of the superstitious hold to and rather, I believe that there is the spirit in the words of the great that lives on. In Exodus 23, it seems to me that the angel that Moses would be alluding to for the People would be just that ... and given verse 7 and 8 and what it is most would believe of Jesus ... well, the warning makes it all that much more a possibility in my mind.

But keep it in your head that I do not believe Jesus is alive as the Christians teach, only the spirit of the People can be found in the words attributed to him (for the most part) .. and in that sense, the spirit of the People reaches out to the world. I 100% agree w/ verses 7 and 8 .. human sacrifice is barbaric and I do not believe that it justifies ANYONE and rather is a mark against those who would accept such. Then, that Jesus said that it was not his will to die, I think that looking at his life and the People in which he loved and was clear he came for (even he was clear it was not for the world) is enough to realize that anyone who TRULY believes him would support the People, Israel, and their ways of living (including their laws as it applies to them, a special People, and not all of mankind ... though, why anyone WOULD NOT accept them is beyond me as they teach Wisdom that is so deep as to, certainly, be of Divine origin, IMHO).

When the focus is placed on his life, the picture is MUCH different than that which is generally painted when the focus is placed on his death. The latter has caused GREAT harm. The cross? <--- well, that was merely something I wanted to point out as a symbol of the harm that mankind has caused the Jewish People and not only one of their own. That, the cross, is not something that we should look at with admiration and rather, as the rest of the world, with shame for what it is we have put them through. Do you not believe that Jesus would agree given that he was hardly the only one suffered in such a way, even clearly getting out of it much more quickly than others of the Jewish did? Not to undermine his suffering as his suffering is what affected me so greatly as to make me sit up and take note of something being SO wrong w/ the mentality of so many that they would promote and glory in such torture of ANY ONE .. especially someone who most agree was good. :sad:

Anyway, I did not take it that you meant to offend anyone. I do not hold the cards to know what anyone else would say of it ... only ...

well, how would you feel if several of those you loved were tortured to death in horrific ways and yet only one was held up ... and not as an example of what we should NOT do to others, but as an example of why it is human sacrifice supposedly paid off?

The People, Israel, is the Messiah .. that is, the annointed .. according to the Scriptures that Jesus not only taught from (the Tanach) but also confirmed as seen in Matthew 5:17-19. To lift up one above the other is to deny the GORGEOUS work that is of God ...

but, so as to not offend anyone else ... that is not to debate. Only that is my opinion. Not the opinion held to of everyone else and even I know all too well how in the minority I am in my ways of thinking .. then, I understand why it would be that my thoughts are rarely taken seriously. If you think I am wrong, then in your head I assure you, I am. I can live with it and thus, I will no longer be responding to this thread. There are others who are, I am quite sure, better suited to discussing this with you than I would be.

Good luck on your search. :yes: :eek:
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Active Member
I am a seeker/learner of Religions :)
plz talk with me as I am being serious! I dont mean to insult and I state that the crosses have nothing to do with crucifiction!

:slap:Cut with the crap, it is well known among Jewish communities through out the world that it is fabricated information by some Christians. What a sick and idiotic thing to do, to claim something in the name of the person who died, you should really be embarrassed of your self. Only looser can do what you are doing because dead person can't defend him self.

The world evolves people and ideas change and grow but you:angel2: people remain the same.


Angel Of The North
:slap:Cut with the crap, it is well known among Jewish communities through out the world that it is fabricated information by some Christians. What a sick and idiotic thing to do, to claim something in the name of the person who died, you should really be embarrassed of your self. Only looser can do what you are doing because dead person can't defend him self.

The world evolves people and ideas change and grow but you:angel2: people remain the same.

what exactly are you on about?


Angel Of The North
Christian's call this the second coming of Christ, which will be the end of days. You can read all about it in The Book of Revelations which is the last book in the common New Testament half of the Christian Bible whether it be King James, NIV, etc.. It was written by the Apostle John. I hope you will gander at it.

The Moshiach will be a man of this world, an observant Jew with "fear of God" (Isaiah 11:2)

* Death will be swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25:8)
* There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease (Isaiah 25:8)
* All of the dead will rise again (Isaiah 26:19)

HI, I hope they could be different meenings to these?
I beleive the Messiah is not Jewish but could be desended from the Jewish people!
And he is a jewish obserber!!!! Obserbs the Jews? He will have no Religious upbringing! JMO.
*Death will be swallowed up forever! What death?
No illness?
All the dead will rise again?
Surely there is different meanings... Spiritual death? spiritual illness maybe!
The rest of the list I agree on but not sure if it is line of David or Joseph but maybe he is one!!!! JMO.


Angel Of The North
Ooops! I am NOT the one in which you should be talking to .. though I can give my own view of it (but that is all it is, my view). I am not Jewish ... only, I can see where it is the content of your thread would have offended others (and believe me, I only recognize offense given that I am the expert at being an offender of others though it is NEVER my intent ... honestly).

Personally, I was quite impressed, not with the whole of it particularly the op, *bites nails,* but rather with the part you mentioned of Jesus being an "angel" due to the words attributed to him ... that is why I have pointed out Exodus 23.

I do not believe in the after life that most of the superstitious hold to and rather, I believe that there is the spirit in the words of the great that lives on. In Exodus 23, it seems to me that the angel that Moses would be alluding to for the People would be just that ... and given verse 7 and 8 and what it is most would believe of Jesus ... well, the warning makes it all that much more a possibility in my mind.

But keep it in your head that I do not believe Jesus is alive as the Christians teach, only the spirit of the People can be found in the words attributed to him (for the most part) .. and in that sense, the spirit of the People reaches out to the world. I 100% agree w/ verses 7 and 8 .. human sacrifice is barbaric and I do not believe that it justifies ANYONE and rather is a mark against those who would accept such. Then, that Jesus said that it was not his will to die, I think that looking at his life and the People in which he loved and was clear he came for (even he was clear it was not for the world) is enough to realize that anyone who TRULY believes him would support the People, Israel, and their ways of living (including their laws as it applies to them, a special People, and not all of mankind ... though, why anyone WOULD NOT accept them is beyond me as they teach Wisdom that is so deep as to, certainly, be of Divine origin, IMHO).

When the focus is placed on his life, the picture is MUCH different than that which is generally painted when the focus is placed on his death. The latter has caused GREAT harm. The cross? <--- well, that was merely something I wanted to point out as a symbol of the harm that mankind has caused the Jewish People and not only one of their own. That, the cross, is not something that we should look at with admiration and rather, as the rest of the world, with shame for what it is we have put them through. Do you not believe that Jesus would agree given that he was hardly the only one suffered in such a way, even clearly getting out of it much more quickly than others of the Jewish did? Not to undermine his suffering as his suffering is what affected me so greatly as to make me sit up and take note of something being SO wrong w/ the mentality of so many that they would promote and glory in such torture of ANY ONE .. especially someone who most agree was good. :sad:

Anyway, I did not take it that you meant to offend anyone. I do not hold the cards to know what anyone else would say of it ... only ...

well, how would you feel if several of those you loved were tortured to death in horrific ways and yet only one was held up ... and not as an example of what we should NOT do to others, but as an example of why it is human sacrifice supposedly paid off?

The People, Israel, is the Messiah .. that is, the annointed .. according to the Scriptures that Jesus not only taught from (the Tanach) but also confirmed as seen in Matthew 5:17-19. To lift up one above the other is to deny the GORGEOUS work that is of God ...

but, so as to not offend anyone else ... that is not to debate. Only that is my opinion. Not the opinion held to of everyone else and even I know all too well how in the minority I am in my ways of thinking .. then, I understand why it would be that my thoughts are rarely taken seriously. If you think I am wrong, then in your head I assure you, I am. I can live with it and thus, I will no longer be responding to this thread. There are others who are, I am quite sure, better suited to discussing this with you than I would be.

Good luck on your search. :yes: :eek:

If you think I am wrong, then in your head I assure you, I am. I can live with it and thus, I will no longer be responding to this thread. There are others who are, I am quite sure, better suited to discussing this with you than I would be.
:no: you see. People always mistake my aproach. Even people that disagree and see me as an idiot etc... do recognise the real me after a while and realise my words when they look deeper. I do value your opinions actually. You have already pointed out to me something that is relivent. And that I supose is the will of the father! They see me as enemy first but then open up to me with the truths that I seek! JIMO.

I find exodus 23: v 20,21 and 22 relivent.
Personally, I was quite impressed, not with the whole of it particularly the op, *bites nails,* but rather with the part you mentioned of Jesus being an "angel" due to the words attributed to him ... that is why I have pointed out Exodus 23.
Jesus being an Angel... To me, he is passing on words of the father for the Angel/Messiah. "I send forth my Angel to testify... I am the root of David!!!!... We are one!!!! Jesus promised to take peter to be re-born with him on earth... People traslate this as Jesus is teaching Peter for denying him three times!!!! To me, The Angel "the essence" of Jesus and God, Is the Messiah of 'these times'!
The Messiah is called David and he has a brother called Peter. Just infront of the Birthplace is THE ANGEL!!!! see my avatar! This is the cross that the Rabbi scribbled all over!!! It is not a crucifix, is it :no: it is the Angel of the most Northern horn! The Rabbis Son knows the truth IMHO.
I read somewhere that The Messiah will reveil himself to a Jew!!!! That was fullfilled over three years ago now! Turned out to be his orthodox Doctor. And he is not offended by this wacco! They are now friends!

To me Jesus done what he was willed to do by God, no more and no less! I bet he sowed his seed in the most northern horn when he was 30yrs old then left known his own fate. JMO The Messiahs ID will be his birthright and will link him to Jesus! also the code will be recognised by the chosen ones around the world!
He will claim that throne with his very name on it :)

Thanks for being helpfull :)
David 69 (the eagle has landed :yes:)
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