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Race riots in England


Oldest Heretic
I’m quite sure as are the people chanting “from the river to the sea” means the annihilation of Israelis a consequence the Jewish community were asked not to look too Jewish,is that special protective laws?.

PS the British Jewish people are here not there,the people inciting violence against Israel aren’t there either and the people who decide what happens there are not here either,go figure.

The war between Israel and the palastinian people has been ongoing since the end. Of the British. Mandate. The Jewish terrorist had been fighting and killing the British Palestine. Police.
If you look at the gradual erosion of the palastinian land, year by year since then, and the encroachment of Jewish settlements. It is clear for any one to see, that there has been an ongoing undeclared war ever since.. one side are called.terroriss with no rights, and the other freedom fighters..

I can see no possible end to this war. Unless the world were to impose a two state solution, which is unlikely.

I Can see no actual evidence that the Jewish people. In the UK are under a greater threat now than they have ever been, and considerably less than they were at the time of Mosley's black shirts.
They have considerably great protection than the general population of the UK.

However whenever active warfare breaks out in Palestine, Antisemitism is given a boost here..
As a result police scrutiny of the situation is always increased. This is unlikely to change any time soon.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
There's a war going on over there .. if you hadn't noticed.
I'm sure the same sentiment was expressed by France, when they were occupied.

We all know there’s a war over there but it’s not here,the people who decide what happens there are not here,true?.

There’s war in other places too where the the protagonists aren’t here either,does the war there make it special?.
To keep the peace, one has to be objective.
Religious extremists on both sides perpetuate this war.
Did God create the whole of mankind, or just one particular party?

Or did one particular party,or parties create their particular god?.

We all return to God eventually, and He will judge between us.
Nobody is guaranteed success, whatever religion they profess.

Do we,is your god a man then?,quaranteed success in what exactly?.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The war between Israel and the palastinian people has been ongoing since the end. Of the British. Mandate. The Jewish terrorist had been fighting and killing the British Palestine. Police.
If you look at the gradual erosion of the palastinian land, year by year since then, and the encroachment of Jewish settlements. It is clear for any one to see, that there has been an ongoing undeclared war ever since.. one side are called.terroriss with no rights, and the other freedom fighters..

Before the mandate ended,France and Britain were given mandates after WW1 which upset many Arabs who wanted self rule,in a way they were given hope that this would happen,it didn’t.
I can see no possible end to this war. Unless the world were to impose a two state solution, which is unlikely.

Good luck with that one,”imposed”,how would you police that?.
I Can see no actual evidence that the Jewish people. In the UK are under a greater threat now than they have ever been, and considerably less than they were at the time of Mosley's black shirts.
They have considerably great protection than the general population of the UK.

I dunno,maybe the suggestion that wearing anything Jewish like a kippur could put you in danger.
However whenever active warfare breaks out in Palestine, Antisemitism is given a boost here..
As a result police scrutiny of the situation is always increased. This is unlikely to change any time soon.

Selective scrutiny maybe but never honest.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I disapprove of rampant unregulated immigration and I am not right wing, sorry to spoil your fantasy

Anyone who runs around as a part of a mob setting fire to things and shouting racial slogans at members of the public and attacking the police should be banged up for a good length of time

Those total and utter nut jobs are profoundly un-British

I think it's quite predictable that these now long standing, horrific immigration policies are causing these sorts of reactions. These "mobs" have been having their country and culture stolen out from under them for decades now.


Oldest Heretic
I dunno,maybe the suggestion that wearing anything Jewish like a kippur could put you in danger.

these days anyone wearing exclusive religious attire, certainly makes them stand out.. this could be seen as a target by other religious extremists so probably not the safest thing to do during times of unrest. This is a problem for all religions not just Jews.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I think it's quite predictable that these now long standing, horrific immigration policies are causing these sorts of reactions. These "mobs" have been having their country and culture stolen out from under them for decades now.
What culture?


Veteran Member
I think it's quite predictable that these now long standing, horrific immigration policies are causing these sorts of reactions..
Why 'single out' immigration policies?
Why is it that the North of England is affected more than the Midlands, for example?

No .. the last govt. had a policy of cutting public services .. while also advocating cutting taxes.
That means that the poorest in society suffer more than those who can purchase their own services ..
have less need for public services.
..and how many people are on Universal Credit, whether in employment or not?
How many people struggle to pay their bills and struggle to buy quality food?

'Divide and rule' .. the wealthy v the rest of us.

These "mobs" have been having their country and culture stolen out from under them for decades now.
Pointless rhetoric .. we live in a multicultural society .. that's the modern world.
Nobody is stopping people living how they want to live .. except those that keep all the wealth for themselves.


Veteran Member
I think it's quite predictable that these now long standing, horrific immigration policies are causing these sorts of reactions.
Much more likely the result of decades of hysterics, misinformation and racism in the right wing press and politics. Compounded by the dismination of neo nazi talking point online, like the one below:

These "mobs" have been having their country and culture stolen out from under them for decades now.
Please stop spreading neo nazi propaganda.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
these days anyone wearing exclusive religious attire, certainly makes them stand out.. this could be seen as a target by other religious extremists so probably not the safest thing to do during times of unrest. This is a problem for all religions not just Jews.

Or cultures,seems like two tier kier hasn’t grasped “ all should be equal” yet.


Oldest Heretic
Or cultures,seems like two tier kier hasn’t grasped “ all should be equal” yet.

Kier has a better idea on how to prosecute racial and social unrest than previous governments. It was his previous job to do so.
As a result there has been swift arrests, prosecutions and sentencing. And things are already quietening down on the streets.
He has handled the situation well.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Why 'single out' immigration policies?
Why is it that the North of England is affected more than the Midlands, for example?

No .. the last govt. had a policy of cutting public services .. while also advocating cutting taxes.
That means that the poorest in society suffer more than those who can purchase their own services ..
have less need for public services.
..and how many people are on Universal Credit, whether in employment or not?
How many people struggle to pay their bills and struggle to buy quality food?

'Divide and rule' .. the wealthy v the rest of us.

Pointless rhetoric .. we live in a multicultural society .. that's the modern world.
Nobody is stopping people living how they want to live .. except those that keep all the wealth for themselves.

I think you have a point here. Having thought about it a bit more I think what we're seeing here is a "perfect storm" of two things:

- Islamists
- Oligarchs

The oligarchs keep push the propaganda that economies must grow endlessly, which of course the politicians must agree with. So the politicians open up the borders to create fake economic growth. And then of course thousands of Islamists immigrate and do what Islamists always do once they have sufficient numbers.

Note: I used the word Islamists on purpose and instead of saying Islam or Muslims. Islamists are a subset (although a big subset), of all Muslims.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Or cultures,seems like two tier kier hasn’t grasped “ all should be equal” yet.
So you don't much like Sir Kier ?
Please may I ask ...who did you vote for?
I voted ' Green' because the green candidate promised to sort our buses out in addition to her national responsibilities. :laughing:

But I don't mind Labour in power.