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Rape culture

Me Myself

Back to my username
So premeditated rape is worse than spontaneous rape?
Right, Tell that to the chick who just got raped.
However, I see the point. Premeditated isn't worse for the girl, But it is worse in the sense that they intended/planned to do it, And the only difference between the two crimes is premeditated should have a longer sentence (as with murder)

I've actually met a few girls who've threatened their boyfriends etc by saying they would go to the police and lie about the boyfriend raping them.
That, to me, Is almost as bad as raping someone in and of itself.
You're hurting women, Who will be less inclinded to be believed, If they're surrounded by people who've been lied to about a similar crime.

When it comes to men claiming the women asked for it by how the woman dressed, I have to call absolute BS on it. I've seen many men, Who wear tight as jeans, Low neck T-shirts, However I've never in my life felt compelled to rape them, Nor have I felt that they're being asked to be raped.
It's crap, utter crap.

I totally disagree with what he was saying, It's his fault he was continuously sexually harrassed, Because he never reported it. If he had a problem, He should have reported it because men have the same rights as women. Excuses excuses.

When he was talking about the romanticising of rape, I'd have to say they've got a point.
I once searched up dark romance (As a genre for books) Thinking I'd get something like you know, Evil or hardships in the book.
However, Most of them were about rape. And not just rape, But being kidnapped, Raped, Then falling in love with said rapist.
It's insane, Especially how popular the books are.

And on the point where he was talking about how the women say no, but need to be pushed to say yes (And they eventually cave)
As an avid book reader, It's unfortunately true.
Most of the romances, The woman says no alot before she finally succumbs to the passion her body wants, but not her mind.
I have to admit, It's a little messed up how common and popular and commonly used that ploy is in romance literature.

But if you want to know the difference between a woman who wants to be chased and persuaded, and a woman who doesn't then it's this.
If she hangs around, whilst saying no, She probably wants it. If she tries to get away from you, She probably doesn't.

Meh. Physical persuasion is used both men and women.

I wouldnt say it is that easy to say if the woman wants the man to pursue simply by that. The problem is that it is one of those cases were it is too dependant on subjective language.

Wow, so you know more than one woman directly that threatened her boyfriend with that? That sounds like a heck of a different twist to "its a rape culture"

Ghey can destroy a man's reputation that way, and only with their words.

One problem in rape cases is her word against man's word.

Imagine cases where she wants bdsm? Then she gets the bruises she consensed to and both enjoyed and puts a lawsuit?

Not cool.... Its really a problematic crime. Its one's word against another one's .

Me Myself

Back to my username
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why rape seems worse than murder.
I suppose because with murder, There is usually a somewhat reasonable explanation.
(Greed, revenge etc)

Whereas lust is not reasonable and easily ignored/forgotten/endured, And forcing yourself on someone is just ruining their life, Which I suppose in a sense could be worse than having no life (dying).

In short, because real rape is psychological torture.

I wouldnt say its worst, but I can hate more someone who tortures for say twenty mins than someone who kills someone with a gun in a sec.


Meh. Physical persuasion is used both men and women.

I wouldnt say it is that easy to say if the woman wants the man to pursue simply by that. The problem is that it is one of those cases were it is too dependant on subjective language.

Wow, so you know more than one woman directly that threatened her boyfriend with that? That sounds like a heck of a different twist to "its a rape culture"

Ghey can destroy a man's reputation that way, and only with their words.

One problem in rape cases is her word against man's word.

Imagine cases where she wants bdsm? Then she gets the bruises she consensed to and both enjoyed and puts a lawsuit?

Not cool.... Its really a problematic crime. Its one's word against another one's .

However, There can usually be evidence (DNA etc)

But yeah, It can also be a case of he said, she said (Where without proof, The perp can sometimes get off)

Curious George

Veteran Member
I watched the video. I strongly disagree with the notion that rape culture does not pervade our society to some extent. I feel as though he largely misunderstands what some of those points were discussing, and used strawman after strawman.

A huge part of rape culture is assuming males must be perpetrators. When you try to imagine a rapist or rape, what do you see. Culture put those connotations in your mind. That we often overlook many acts of rape because they do not fit the rape in our minds is a sign of rape culture.


Well-Known Member
A huge part of rape culture is assuming males must be perpetrators. When you try to imagine a rapist or rape, what do you see. Culture put those connotations in your mind. That we often overlook many acts of rape because they do not fit the rape in our minds is a sign of rape culture.

When I picture a murderer I picture a male. How come we don't talk about murder culture? I can think of at least a dozen movies, or TV shows that glorify killing, I can't think of one that glorifies rape. Why do we only hear about rape culture, and how is rape culture different and/or worse than any other criminal culture?

Curious George

Veteran Member
There are degrees of rape/sexual assault in most states.

So, some raped are more vile and the laws reflect that. However, the way some places define rape, a woman cannot rape a man, and I am not sure if any states still exclude rape by spouses but in the past most did. This has changed in most if not all states. However, some states still do not count forced oral sex as rape.

Curious George

Veteran Member
When I picture a murderer I picture a male. How come we don't talk about murder culture? I can think of at least a dozen movies, or TV shows that glorify killing, I can't think of one that glorifies rape. Why do we only hear about rape culture, and how is rape culture different and/or worse than any other criminal culture?

And I would say that our society presents violence as a male trait.

This is talked about by those in gender studies and by feminists, and masculinists. Rape is glorified by portraying sex in general as positive and refrain from sex as negative. Moreover, many movies only have women as sexual objects. To deny a man sex in many movies is portrayed negatively. Combine this with a culture that encourages one to take what they want whether by intelligence or force and voila.


Admiral Obvious
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why rape seems worse than murder.
I suppose because with murder, There is usually a somewhat reasonable explanation.
(Greed, revenge etc)

Whereas lust is not reasonable and easily ignored/forgotten/endured, And forcing yourself on someone is just ruining their life, Which I suppose in a sense could be worse than having no life (dying).

IMO, the reason rape is worse than murder is the after math for the victim.
A murder victim is dead.
End of story.

A rape victim on the other hand has to relive the event over and over and over, and that is just for the police, the attorneys, the court...

Curious George

Veteran Member
IMO, the reason rape is worse than murder is the after math for the victim.
A murder victim is dead.
End of story.

A rape victim on the other hand has to relive the event over and over and over, and that is just for the police, the attorneys, the court...

Yet, we do not consider rape worse than murder by and large, otherwise our laws would reflect that sentiment.


Well-Known Member
No, we are considered a murder culture. Haven't you read the threads about "murika" and guns.

That's gun culture, and the link between the two is highly debatable since the number of firearm homicides committed each year are vastly lower than the number of gun owners and even lower compared to the number of guns owned. So that's probably a bad example, but I digress, we have enough gun threads we don't need one here.

Curious George

Veteran Member
That's gun culture, and the link between the two is highly debatable since the number of firearm homicides committed each year are vastly lower than the number of gun owners and even lower compared to the number of guns owned. So that's probably a bad example, but I digress, we have enough gun threads we don't need one here.

The point is that guns, music, movies, have all been cited as part of our culture encouraging murder.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the reason rape is worse than murder is the after math for the victim.
A murder victim is dead.
End of story.

A rape victim on the other hand has to relive the event over and over and over, and that is just for the police, the attorneys, the court...

There are more victims after a murder than just the murdered person. The whole family has been victimized, and there is no prosecuted crime that isn't relived over and over with police, the attorneys, the court... why is rape special?


Admiral Obvious
There are more victims after a murder than just the murdered person. The whole family has been victimized, and there is no prosecuted crime that isn't relived over and over with police, the attorneys, the court... why is rape special?

Is it your claim that the rape victim is the ONLY one victimized from a rape?


There are more victims after a murder than just the murdered person. The whole family has been victimized, and there is no prosecuted crime that isn't relived over and over with police, the attorneys, the court... why is rape special?

And families are affected by rape aswell,
Except they get to live on with the traumatised, psychologically tortured person.
It may get better, And it may get worse.

Atleast with murder, It's a finality of pain and fear.