Me Myself
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So premeditated rape is worse than spontaneous rape?
Right, Tell that to the chick who just got raped.
However, I see the point. Premeditated isn't worse for the girl, But it is worse in the sense that they intended/planned to do it, And the only difference between the two crimes is premeditated should have a longer sentence (as with murder)
I've actually met a few girls who've threatened their boyfriends etc by saying they would go to the police and lie about the boyfriend raping them.
That, to me, Is almost as bad as raping someone in and of itself.
You're hurting women, Who will be less inclinded to be believed, If they're surrounded by people who've been lied to about a similar crime.
When it comes to men claiming the women asked for it by how the woman dressed, I have to call absolute BS on it. I've seen many men, Who wear tight as jeans, Low neck T-shirts, However I've never in my life felt compelled to rape them, Nor have I felt that they're being asked to be raped.
It's crap, utter crap.
I totally disagree with what he was saying, It's his fault he was continuously sexually harrassed, Because he never reported it. If he had a problem, He should have reported it because men have the same rights as women. Excuses excuses.
When he was talking about the romanticising of rape, I'd have to say they've got a point.
I once searched up dark romance (As a genre for books) Thinking I'd get something like you know, Evil or hardships in the book.
However, Most of them were about rape. And not just rape, But being kidnapped, Raped, Then falling in love with said rapist.
It's insane, Especially how popular the books are.
And on the point where he was talking about how the women say no, but need to be pushed to say yes (And they eventually cave)
As an avid book reader, It's unfortunately true.
Most of the romances, The woman says no alot before she finally succumbs to the passion her body wants, but not her mind.
I have to admit, It's a little messed up how common and popular and commonly used that ploy is in romance literature.
But if you want to know the difference between a woman who wants to be chased and persuaded, and a woman who doesn't then it's this.
If she hangs around, whilst saying no, She probably wants it. If she tries to get away from you, She probably doesn't.
Meh. Physical persuasion is used both men and women.
I wouldnt say it is that easy to say if the woman wants the man to pursue simply by that. The problem is that it is one of those cases were it is too dependant on subjective language.
Wow, so you know more than one woman directly that threatened her boyfriend with that? That sounds like a heck of a different twist to "its a rape culture"
Ghey can destroy a man's reputation that way, and only with their words.
One problem in rape cases is her word against man's word.
Imagine cases where she wants bdsm? Then she gets the bruises she consensed to and both enjoyed and puts a lawsuit?
Not cool.... Its really a problematic crime. Its one's word against another one's .