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Rejection of Christ


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
How does one "reject" anything that one does not "accept" (at "true/truth") at the outset?

You are welcome to claim that an invisble pink elephant is sitting comfortably in my den's barcolounger at this very moment.
Your claim might even be true.
But is such a claim worthy of rational acceptance beyond a reasonable doubt?
Is it unreasonable to conclude that such an extraordinary and (erstwhile inevidence) claimed invisible elephant: absent any visible droppings, crushed furniture, or residually wafting peanut breath; is in fact a valid claim to be (somehow/otherwise) thusly and circumspectly irrationally denied?

There is more evidence of gravity, than there is of any omniscient deity.

I "know" that gravity exists (despite it's "invisbilility"), not only because I can see and perceive it's existence; but also within the confident knowledge that I can test and measure the observable effects of gravity. To deny the existence of gravity within these parameters would be irrational.

Can a claimant of a veritable (ongoing) "existence" of Christ satisfy these simple burdens of rational acceptability?

What part of human reason dictates that faith-based claims are to be morefact credible/acceptable than conclusions predicated upon testable, measurable, and independantly observable ?

May our lord Zeus spare His judgmental wrath from those that doubt His existence...

[Somehow, my lack of faith in any claims of a veritable Santa Claus have yet to result in any punative fire-stoking coals of impious unrepentance in my stocking...go figure.]


Done here.
Sunstone said:
That is, to some people the Christian message is simply absurd, and rejecting it has absolutely no more to do with a distaste for Christ than rejecting invisible toads necessarily has something to do with an animosity towards toads.
Exactly. I don't reject Jesus, I reject Christianity. In fact, I see Christianity itself as a systematic rejection of the teachings of Christ, and in that light, Christian teachings about Christ seem irrelevant at best.


Well-Known Member
Tell me, then, how do hope to get to Heaven? Christ himself said if we believe in Him, that He would pay for our sins, we have eternal life, and if we do not believe, we are already condemned. (John 3) Are you going to pay for your own sins? Are you going to work to 'earn' salvation? How much good must you do? How much is enough? The Bible says God is perfectly holy and no sin can be in His presence in Heaven. He gives us Christs' righteousness as a free gift by trusting in Him. Christ said He must die for us so that the SCRIPTURE BE FULFILLED. That is the Old Testament Scripture. There is no other name given whereby we may be saved, it is God's plan, He was satisfied with the payment, it has the authority of Holy Scripture. How else are you gonna get to Heaven? Any ideas one may have have absolutely no assurance whatsoever. But the Bible was written that we may KNOW we HAVE eternal life by believing in Christ. God gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us, our brains, our conscience, and His creation, and His Word. Many have made Christianity religiousized, but it is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I trust in Him, I know He loves me and loves all of us, and He gave His life for us. That is the way, there is no other.


Active Member
joeboonda said:
Tell me, then, how do hope to get to Heaven? Christ himself said if we believe in Him, that He would pay for our sins, we have eternal life, and if we do not believe, we are already condemned. (John 3) Are you going to pay for your own sins? Are you going to work to 'earn' salvation? How much good must you do? How much is enough? The Bible says God is perfectly holy and no sin can be in His presence in Heaven. He gives us Christs' righteousness as a free gift by trusting in Him. Christ said He must die for us so that the SCRIPTURE BE FULFILLED. That is the Old Testament Scripture. There is no other name given whereby we may be saved, it is God's plan, He was satisfied with the payment, it has the authority of Holy Scripture. How else are you gonna get to Heaven? Any ideas one may have have absolutely no assurance whatsoever. But the Bible was written that we may KNOW we HAVE eternal life by believing in Christ. God gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us, our brains, our conscience, and His creation, and His Word. Many have made Christianity religiousized, but it is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I trust in Him, I know He loves me and loves all of us, and He gave His life for us. That is the way, there is no other.

Where in all the Scripture are we promised to go to Heaven? ......... No where....... Are we not to be in the Kingdom of Yahshua here on earth? I suppose that we are going to say now, to save face, that it is Heaven on earth.

Where in all the world does it say that Miryam (Mary) called her Son Jesus when they did not speak English or Greek? ............. No where......They spoke Hebrew and maybe some Aramaic. I have allot of trouble believing that a true Hebrew, that obeyed the law as they knew it then, which was one's that did move about that much would learn to speak a language that to most if not all Hebrews was considered an abomination unto YAH.

Where does it state that by the word which is used "Fulfilled" is to mean to bring to a end or to do away with? ......... It doesn't........ He made the prophecies that were told about Him come to light therefore He fulfilled those prophecies. He also fulfilled the will of His Father. Does that mean He did away with the will of YAH? lol, I KNOW not.

One thing is for sure.........Religion is not the way but a man made death trap.

Now we will here the twisting and maiming of the word to what is easily acceptable to the ear of man. Shum she.


Active Member
joeboonda said:
Tell me, then, how do hope to get to Heaven? Christ himself said if we believe in Him, that He would pay for our sins, we have eternal life, and if we do not believe, we are already condemned. (John 3) Are you going to pay for your own sins? Are you going to work to 'earn' salvation? How much good must you do? How much is enough? The Bible says God is perfectly holy and no sin can be in His presence in Heaven. He gives us Christs' righteousness as a free gift by trusting in Him. Christ said He must die for us so that the SCRIPTURE BE FULFILLED. That is the Old Testament Scripture. There is no other name given whereby we may be saved, it is God's plan, He was satisfied with the payment, it has the authority of Holy Scripture. How else are you gonna get to Heaven? Any ideas one may have have absolutely no assurance whatsoever. But the Bible was written that we may KNOW we HAVE eternal life by believing in Christ. God gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us, our brains, our conscience, and His creation, and His Word.

But keep in mind that many of us who don't believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior do not believe in the Bible either, and therefore don't believe any of what you just stated.

joeboonda said:
Many have made Christianity religiousized, but it is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I trust in Him, I know He loves me and loves all of us, and He gave His life for us.
I'm glad for you that you've found the religion/relationship for you and that you're so secure in it.

joeboonda said:
That is the way, there is no other.
It's a pity you feel that way.


Deviled Hen
ChrisP said:
I know that's what the bible teaches. I used to believe it was true.

Did you believe it to be true because that's how you were raised, or did you really believe it?

For me, it was just the former. But I certainly knew the message well enough to reject that. Well, maybe I just rejected an interpretation of the message that would've required me to treat others poorly and/or turn off my brain, but maybe not.


Judas walked, talked, ate, and prayed with Jesus in the flesh. Even saw His miracles first hand, even he turned his back on the truth. People KNOW if i break the speed limit i'll get a ticket, if i kill someone i'll go to jail or be executed, if i smoke i could get lung cancer, if i drink and drive i might cause a serious accident. Get my point???


Will to love
But much of the time all of the disciples were fairly clueless about what was going on, not just Judas, until Christ rose.



mr.guy said:
Ha! The extended warranty for my bread-maker reads identically.
I will sell my children to pay out enough frubals for that one!


Done here.
joeboonda said:
Tell me, then, how do hope to get to Heaven?
I have no more hope -- or interest -- in getting to heaven than in getting to Asgard or Oz.

Even when I was a Christian, I didn't believe in substitutionary atonement or the monstrous plan of salvation presented by Evangelicals, so I'm not about to fall for it now.


i s non belief of someone elses belief ,really rejection to reject jesus you would have to meet him hear his word and then decide, i could not believe that i am doomed by not taking the word of any one other.


New Member
It's hard to articulate this point but I'll try - Christianity seems to be founded partially on the concept that one must deny all other forms of deism and therefore all other deities in order to be rewarded with the promised salvation referred to in its texts, and on the concept that all people under the sun will come into the knowledge of their religion and therefore of Jesus. Therefore, Christians seem to automatically assume that a follower of any other religion has knowingly rejected their religion and therefore Jesus, and will summarily be punished for so doing.

It's interesting, then, to observe the statistics of the sheer volume of people throughout history and present day who will surely be forever tortured, simply for adopting the ideology of their own culture and families. I asked a "Hardcore Christian" once if he thought that all cognizant people who were not Christian would be tortured by his loving god & he immediately agreed. An overall percentage of the population of the world waiting in line to be thrown into the pit of fire prepared for us by our loving father would surely scare the hell out of any little kid I know.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Two words: egoistic grasping

For me, that description is important for me to remember so that I may continue to have compassion for them and to continue to offer loving kindness. These types of Christians are not the only ones who suffer from egoistic grasping, though............it's quite pervasive. :flower:



Well-Known Member
Reject jesus, yesssssss. He just made people confused since he contradicted some of the teachings of the OT. Here's a test, if today someone walks up to you and say "Follow me I am jesus, do what I say" . For me I would yell "get out of here"!


Well-Known Member
The sad fact is that the number of xian fundies is going up in America, while the number of "liberal" xians is declining. That fact alone says a lot about the religion.


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
Think about it, if you knew that Jesus Chrsit was the Son of God and you knew that you would not go to heaven if you didn't believe - who in their right mind would reject him?
I would. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is the son of God and the key to heaven, but I do not believe he is my savior...I do not even wish to accept him as my savior because I do not believe the salvation offered is valid. As far as I'm concerned, it's a bait and switch and poor Jesus doesn't even know it.

Aqualung said:
It's denying the Holy Ghost. It's what the sons of perdition did, when they knowingly rejected Christ to follow Satan. It's those people that it would be better for them to have never been born. It's those who it will be better for Sodom and Ghomorrah on the last day than for them.
Well thank you very much. :sarcastic

kassi said:
So if you reject him then the only hope you have is in earthly things.which are only temporary.
Not if you have a different savior...


wmam said:
Well I am in the same boat as I used to believe in that name as well, being that I was raised a Southern Baptist, but I no longer do. I can honestly say, and be at perfect peace, that I can reject jesus as my Saviour. Though I do not believe that I will suffer anymore than I may already for anything else. I believe in another name. That name would be Yahshua. I don't believe that Yahshua is the Most High. In otherwords........ It is written that Yahshua is a Mighty Elohim but no where does it state that He is the Almighty Elohim. That title is reserved for YAH. Therefore He is a part of the Elohim family being that He is now translated into that new being as he was before some of the Disciples on the mount when they saw Him with Moshe' and Eliyah. That makes him equal with the angels (Malakhim) somewhat, for they themselves are Elohim. He is higher than the Malakhim. See, even the Malakhim are Sons of Elohim (B'nai Elohim). Some men are elohim as well as B'nai Elohim. Its just that the Malak that abode in Yahshua was the only begotten B'nai Elohim. Yahshua was in the beginning only a flesh and blood man that came from the direct seed of Melek Daweed (King David) and the egg of Miryam (Mary). It wasn't until the purification, or baptism if you will, that the flesh became dead to sin and was thus clean for the Spirit (Malak) to descend down as a dove and abode on Him. "For all men have sinned". That is when the ministry started. He said Himself that the works and the words did not come from Him Himself but that which abode in Him.

I posted this only to show my reasoning in being able to reject that of mans foolish heart.


Well-Known Member
Haas said:

An interpretation of Messianic Christianity is his beliefs, no need to mark it away as foolish and alien :sarcastic