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relgion and y its hard for me to belive


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
o my bad well let me explain after text messaging for many years now and twitter whear thats how things are spelled and people understan it kinda becoms a apart of your spelling its so much easyer so forgive me no one is perfect

No one is perfect, and no one is asking you to have perfect grammar. Trust me; in real life, I have very bad articulation. I often stutter, and my grammar is often very bad, as well. I also sometimes screw up my grammar and punctuation here, as well. However, that does not excuse this kind of typing. You're not on a cellphone, and you're not on twitter. You're here to learn (I hope), and if you want to learn, you need to type in proper English, as it's what we all speak. The only time we really give leeway is if English is not a member's first language, which happens quite often.

I don't speak Twitter/Text at all. I don't have a Twitter account, nor do I have a cell phone. Therefore, if you want help from me (and I want to help you), I need to understand what you're talking about.
Welcome to RF! I wonder why you are concerned about believing anything anyone has to say if it doesn't feel right to you? I was raised in a religion that was basically a cult that believed that it was the only religion that was right and everyone else was going to hell. No deviation from that, not one. They based their beliefs on the bible and skewed it to meet their exclusive agenda. I rebelled and turned away from it at the age of 11 or 12. There is no reason in this world why you need to believe in something that is not making any sense to you. If it contradicts everything you understand to be true and goes against your sense of right or wrong then leave it alone.

Religion works for some people because it comforts them. Others believe in religion that is not so dogmatic and makes sense to them and they don't have to compromise their intellect to be a part of it. Do what is right for you. There is absolutely no reason why you need to believe there is a god. Or there is no reason why you can't either. There are thousands of religions and they each have a little special something that makes their belief unique, but all the them have more in common than they have differences. I am agnostic. I do not know and in many ways, it just doesn't matter.
i like what you said it is so right thanks a lot finally some one not trying to make me belive in whats not thier


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
its hard to come to a site like this and you all are worried about how i spell when im used to other places whear others use it and understand it like going to the jungel with a naked tribe you still whear your clothes because thats what you growen to know and be ok with so like i said forgive me

Bad analogy, though it's nice to see you using one. It shows me that you are intelligent.

A better analogy for this situation would be coming out of the jungle, wearing the dirty, stained, and smelly clothes you were wearing, and going to a job interview with them on. You'll get rejected in a heartbeat. You need to shed that jungle clothing and clean yourself up, first.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i feel sorry if you have to text or go on other web sites then lets just say get with the times no disrespect

No. (None taken.)

I will not "get with the times" if that means the destruction of the English language. Besides, "get with the times" was the slogan of the Sega CD. Look where it ended up.

If I ever start up a twitter account (not likely; I fail to see its appeal), I will speak proper English there.


resident hypnotist
i feel sorry if you have to text or go on other web sites then lets just say get with the times no disrespect

Would you feel respected or even be able to understand my posts if I started responding to everything you say in Hindi? Texting lingo is not English, it is a form of short hand that not everyone uses. Since this is a proper website where you have the space to type, it would make sense to use correct English.

If nothing else it is a sign of respect.


Well-Known Member
Nope, most forums use a real language.
I have an unlimited everything Plan so why would I waste time texting or reading them?
Bad analogy, though it's nice to see you using one. It shows me that you are intelligent.

A better analogy for this situation would be coming out of the jungle, wearing the dirty, stained, and smelly clothes you were wearing, and going to a job interview with them on. You'll get rejected in a heartbeat. You need to shed that jungle clothing and clean yourself up, first.
hey so you got my point good for you :clap
Nope, most forums use a real language. I have an unlimited everything Plan so why would I waste time texting or reading them?
well becuse some people in this world just in case you dident know have jobes or the only way of communication to most people you know is done with a text.it ont gives you so many letters to use wwhich is y people like me use ne instead of any do you get it now


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
well becuse some people in this world just in case you dident know have jobes or the only way of communication to most people you know is done with a text.it ont gives you so many letters to use wwhich is y people like me use ne instead of any do you get it now

So break the habit. Don't post right away.

Here's a suggestion: type away. BUT BEFORE POSTING, edit your post to fit proper grammar. You can also edit posts you've already made with a little "edit" button at the bottom of them. (Within 24 hours of posting, of course.)


Well-Known Member
i like what you said it is so right thanks a lot finally some one not trying to make me belive in whats not thier
Well that's the whole point. No one can make us believe anything. We can pretend to believe to make others happy, but what is the use of that? It's pointless imo. I research things and make up my mind about things. I have to make sure things make sense to me, not someone else.
So break the habit. Don't post right away.

Here's a suggestion: type away. BUT BEFORE POSTING, edit your post to fit proper grammar. You can also edit posts you've already made with a little "edit" button at the bottom of them. (Within 24 hours of posting, of course.)
thats a good idea but i just dont have time for that


Well-Known Member
well becuse some people in this world just in case you dident know have jobes or the only way of communication to most people you know is done with a text.it ont gives you so many letters to use wwhich is y people like me use ne instead of any do you get it now

Yeah I fired a guy for that crap one time, and honestly texting is for kids and it is bad because it is killing communication.
Well that's the whole point. No one can make us believe anything. We can pretend to believe to make others happy, but what is the use of that? It's pointless imo. I research things and make up my mind about things. I have to make sure things make sense to me, not someone else.
wouldent be more peacefull if every one thought like this less deaths in the name of god


Well-Known Member
yes its is i dident go back and proof read it sorry i learend to not care if you understand in the first dam place even if it is wrong

Sorry I only made the analogy after you stated that you were use to writing in short text.

*heads for the first exit*


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
thats a good idea but i just dont have time for that

Yeah, you do. It's been two hours since you posted the OP. (Opening Post.) In that time, you've had more than enough time to refine your grammar. You've also had time to refine your other posts here.

This entire thread has been dragged on for seven pages, because several of us can't understand what you're saying. All of that could have been avoided if you had taken the time to type proper English.

In other words, it's actually taking longer to get your point across because you're typing in this weird language.

Now... in PROPER English... what is your dilemma?