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relgion and y its hard for me to belive


resident hypnotist
(PS: any is spelled, a n y, not n e. please, it's only an extra tap on the key board. your posts are hard to read in twitter form) :cool:
if you know what it means y complain[/QUOTE]

Because it disrupts the flow of your comments and as mentioned before by others, it's about respect in your communications.


Well-Known Member
so your telling me i now i have to be the right religion for me to be for given so whos religion is right

Most religions will tell you they're the right religion so I've personally come to the conclusion that there is no right religion only belief and dogma.

I too have such a hard time looking at religion from a dogmatic point of view which is part of the reason why I joined this site. You also have to realize that not all religion caters to the idea of hell, fire and brimstone. Most of these are stemmed from the dualistic abrahamic religions. Good or bad, black or white.

On another note I try to look at it from their perspective which isn't easy. Some people really believe there is such a thing as hell and that they are only trying to help when they preach such ignorance. You need to look at it from their view, an eternity is forever while life on this earth is short. Can you imagine suffering in a place such as hell forever? This is just what some people are taught to believe and it's taken me a long time to realize that rather than attack me, they really think they're actually helping me by preaching something they truly believe exists.
the last thing that really bother me is that i did a study for a class few years back i asked bunch of really religious people including priest if the worl we live in today was just like heven the way the bibel says would you want to live for ever.the scry thing was this is no lie 90% said no they wouldent.In which i said so then what makes you think you wana go heven so bad and they all just stood thier dumb founded


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
im not trying to be proper just trying to get out whats on my mind the way i like not ne one who dont like it im doing it fast so im sorry

If you don't type properly, you won't make any sense. You might as well be speaking another language.

You need to type properly if you want others to understand just what the heck you're talking about. As it stands, I don't have a clue.


Well-Known Member
the last thing that really bother me is that i did a study for a class few years back i asked bunch of really religious people including priest if the worl we live in today was just like heven the way the bibel says would you want to live for ever.the scry thing was this is no lie 90% said no they wouldent.In which i said so then what makes you think you wana go heven so bad and they all just stood thier dumb founded

Could you clarify?
Most religions will tell you they're the right religion so I've personally come to the conclusion that there is no right religion only belief and dogma.

. You need to look at it from their view, correct i try to look at it in thier point of view but it is so dumb stuff only children should belive in which is y i dont belive


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i also dont get how you explain then dionos.Also thier is millions of planets in just one gallexy in which thier is millions of gallexys all that space.Do you really think we are the only ones here if so seems like a big waste

There's a start.

First of all, religion does not require a literal belief in mythology. I'm religious. I believe in God. However, I will not believe for ONE SECOND that Earth is the only planet in the universe that supports life. I also used to be a dinosaur nut as a kid. No way am I going to stop believing they existed now, when it's an undeniable fact that they existed.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
im sorrry i just dont i just new today and need get off my mind it seems always no one can give me a concret answer to ne thing i say so its hard for me

Well, we can't give a correct answer to a question if we don't know what the question is.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
(PS: any is spelled, a n y, not n e. please, it's only an extra tap on the key board. your posts are hard to read in twitter form) :cool:

THAT'S what "ne" means? I thought it was some weird misspelling of "no." (Or the Japanese word for isn't it. lol)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
(PS: any is spelled, a n y, not n e. please, it's only an extra tap on the key board. your posts are hard to read in twitter form) :cool:
if you know what it means y complain[/quote]

Because I had no idea what it meant, and I doubt many of us did.

Besides, it doesn't do well for your credibility if you type like that. It makes you look lazy (even if you're not really.) Laziness is your worst enemy if you want to learn.
THAT'S what "ne" means? I thought it was some weird misspelling of "no." (Or the Japanese word for isn't it. lol)
o my bad well let me explain after text messaging for many years now and twitter whear thats how things are spelled and people understan it kinda becoms a apart of your spelling its so much easyer so forgive me no one is perfect
if you know what it means y complain

Because I had no idea what it meant, and I doubt many of us did.

Besides, it doesn't do well for your credibility if you type like that. It makes you look lazy (even if you're not really.) Laziness is your worst enemy if you want to learn.[/quote]
its hard to come to a site like this and you all are worried about how i spell when im used to other places whear others use it and understand it like going to the jungel with a naked tribe you still whear your clothes because thats what you growen to know and be ok with so like i said forgive me


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RF! I wonder why you are concerned about believing anything anyone has to say if it doesn't feel right to you? I was raised in a religion that was basically a cult that believed that it was the only religion that was right and everyone else was going to hell. No deviation from that, not one. They based their beliefs on the bible and skewed it to meet their exclusive agenda. I rebelled and turned away from it at the age of 11 or 12. There is no reason in this world why you need to believe in something that is not making any sense to you. If it contradicts everything you understand to be true and goes against your sense of right or wrong then leave it alone.

Religion works for some people because it comforts them. Others believe in religion that is not so dogmatic and makes sense to them and they don't have to compromise their intellect to be a part of it. Do what is right for you. There is absolutely no reason why you need to believe there is a god. Or there is no reason why you can't either. There are thousands of religions and they each have a little special something that makes their belief unique, but all the them have more in common than they have differences. I am agnostic. I do not know and in many ways, it just doesn't matter.