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religion is slowly dying?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Sometimes yes. They make the text mean what they want it to mean, sometimes perverting it for personal or political ends. Examples are not hard to find, even in the modern world.

I do not say that it does not happen. The practice is quite rife, however, I see nobody "imposing" religious values on anybody anymore. "Impose" is to strong.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
How about Islamic fundamentalists for example?

I am a Christian. I do not have sufficient knowledge of Islamic Fundamentalists, other then they do impose their beliefs on the world. I cannot argue with you on that. I was questioning your use of the word "impose" from the point of view of a christian.


Relentlessly Rational
I am a Christian. I do not have sufficient knowledge of Islamic Fundamentalists, other then they do impose their beliefs on the world. I cannot argue with you on that. I was questioning your use of the word "impose" from the point of view of a christian.

But Christianity hasn't historically been any different than modern-day Islam. When Christianity ruled the roost, they put heretics to death, they forced their beliefs on anyone who lived in their world, etc. It wasn't Christianity that changed though, it was secular society that came along and told Christianity to knock it off. I have no doubt whatsoever that if secular society went away, it wouldn't be long before Christians would be out there slaughtering with the best of 'em. Christians aren't any better, they're just more under control than many Muslims.
Yes, but religion is morphing into a new phase, using politics as its framework. No, not God ruling a theocracy, socialism is the newest church on the block, yet none of its converts understand they're using the same brick and mortar and that it's just another form of faith based "good old time religion", with Lenin's same useful idiots in the pews and with phoney "compassion" on everyone's lips. Looks like that's what Obama's doing, only morphing mosques instead of churches. Politics and religion have almost always shared the same bed.

No idea what you mean, mate. Obama and Mosques? What's that about? Oh, and don't tangle a reply up with 'socialism'. In England that means something different than in Arizona, USA.


Well-Known Member
I can't remember where i read this, or perhaps heard it.. but i've heard/read that religions are slowl declining in favour of science.. would you say this is true? in 200 years from now might there be no religion ? your opinion :) I'm not sure, so I have no answer I guess..
I don't know, but I doubt it. I do know that polls indicate that increasingly fewer numbers of people are identifying with any specific religion (the "nones"), which is not the same as saying they are becoming atheists (although that number is growing, just not as rapidly). I've heard it postulated it's due to religions' inability to keep up with a socially progressive change toward acceptance of LGBTQ rights.
No, not really.
Vedic literature is not Hinduism. The earliest Upanishads were around 900 BCE. As a culture and religion, Hinduism did not formulate itself until some time later.
Although, everyone is free to believe what they want about their own particular ox.
Avraham Avinu was the first Jew, making Jews about 4,000 yeas old.
Then again, Christianity was fully formed until Constantine made it the religion of the Roman Empire - knocking off about 300 years from Christianity.
And, of course, the Koran and Hadiths weren't written and codified until sometime after Mohammad's death.

Your Father Abraham is a legend. Judaism as we understand it today postdates Christianity. Monotheistic Judaisms might go back to Josiah but more probably the Achaemenid period and the semi-legendary Ezra/Nehemiah. We can't translate the writing, but images from the Harrapa/Indus civilisation are suggestive that Hindu roots reach back into the fourth millenium. Thats way before Arameans; wandering or otherwise.
I don't know, but I doubt it. I do know that polls indicate that increasingly fewer numbers of people are identifying with any specific religion (the "nones"), which is not the same as saying they are becoming atheists (although that number is growing, just not as rapidly). I've heard it postulated it's due to religions' inability to keep up with a socially progressive change toward acceptance of LGBTQ rights.

That is granting lot to the LGBTQ community. I think most don't want to be identified with what they perceive as the sillier beliefs of the specific religions. Not all wings of those religions are socially Neanderthal.


Relentlessly Rational
That is granting lot to the LGBTQ community. I think most don't want to be identified with what they perceive as the sillier beliefs of the specific religions. Not all wings of those religions are socially Neanderthal.

I don't think it has anything to do with it. In reality, lots of people have pretended to be religious over the years for social reasons. They thought that claiming to be religious made them look good to their neighbors. They are now realizing that it is entirely unnecessary to pretend to believe something that they do not believe because it doesn't actually harm them significantly socially to just be honest. That is the biggest mass exodus from religion that has happened over the past decade or so and it's not done yet by any means. The next biggest group are those who figured out that all the questions that religion supposedly answers, it doesn't really answer. They have lost faith in faith because they actually care about what's true and religion simply isn't. A much smaller group are the ones who are leaving because they disagree with what the churches are doing. For most people, once you swill the kool-aid, it doesn't matter what the church does, you're in it win or lose.
I am a Christian. I do not have sufficient knowledge of Islamic Fundamentalists, other then they do impose their beliefs on the world. I cannot argue with you on that. I was questioning your use of the word "impose" from the point of view of a christian.

The Valleys are hardly the US Bible Belt. There are large numbers "Christian" idolaters out there who want to get all stabby for "Jebus". And over here we have had West African "Christians" murdering children because they were "possesed".

Me Myself

Back to my username
Utter nonsense. It's one thing to prop up or strive to legitimize one's religion, but to ignore what is widely accepted by numerous scholars as well as historians (with out agendas) is ridiculous and narrow minded.
Not necessarily. Both scholars and historians have been wrong on a matter of issues, and I do mean in percentagewise large quantities from time to time.
I don't think it has anything to do with it. In reality, lots of people have pretended to be religious over the years for social reasons. They thought that claiming to be religious made them look good to their neighbors. They are now realizing that it is entirely unnecessary to pretend to believe something that they do not believe because it doesn't actually harm them significantly socially to just be honest. That is the biggest mass exodus from religion that has happened over the past decade or so and it's not done yet by any means. The next biggest group are those who figured out that all the questions that religion supposedly answers, it doesn't really answer. They have lost faith in faith because they actually care about what's true and religion simply isn't. A much smaller group are the ones who are leaving because they disagree with what the churches are doing. For most people, once you swill the kool-aid, it doesn't matter what the church does, you're in it win or lose.

That might be true of California; but California is hardly representative of the wider Republic is it?


Well-Known Member
That is granting lot to the LGBTQ community. I think most don't want to be identified with what they perceive as the sillier beliefs of the specific religions. Not all wings of those religions are socially Neanderthal.
I agree, however that is the reason many are giving according to several articles I've read. Social liberalism is a thing, LOL. Even the catholic curch is coming aroubpnd on some social issues.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
But Christianity hasn't historically been any different than modern-day Islam. When Christianity ruled the roost, they put heretics to death, they forced their beliefs on anyone who lived in their world, etc. It wasn't Christianity that changed though, it was secular society that came along and told Christianity to knock it off. I have no doubt whatsoever that if secular society went away, it wouldn't be long before Christians would be out there slaughtering with the best of 'em. Christians aren't any better, they're just more under control than many Muslims.

You confuse Christianity with individual denominations. It was men who decided that they had the right to take lives in the name of Jesus Christ. I am a Christian who strives to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. None of those teaching condone cold blooded murder. That is one of the biggest misconception in religion. The difference between the actual truth of the word of God in the Holy Bible and the false doctrines of individual faiths who have misinterpreted the word of God to suit there own wicked agendas. Secular society was the church back then. How did it come along and tell itself to nock it off. It was Christians that told the organised religions to nock it off. Man made religions have never been able to shake the mantle of evil from its back. Christianity is faultless.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
The Valleys are hardly the US Bible Belt. There are large numbers "Christian" idolaters out there who want to get all stabby for "Jebus". And over here we have had West African "Christians" murdering children because they were "possesed".

There are 2.2 billion christians in the world today. Many of them follow the false teaching of men, men who draw near to God with their mouth but are far from him in their hearts. Relatively speaking there is but a handful of that number who have been converted my the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said that only a handful of mine elect will recognise the masters voice. Of course you will find undesirables in a group so large where the majority worship the God of mankind instead of the Christian God. This is all prophecy being fulfilled. It is all a fundamental part of the Plan of Salvation.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I don't think it has anything to do with it. In reality, lots of people have pretended to be religious over the years for social reasons. They thought that claiming to be religious made them look good to their neighbors. They are now realizing that it is entirely unnecessary to pretend to believe something that they do not believe because it doesn't actually harm them significantly socially to just be honest. That is the biggest mass exodus from religion that has happened over the past decade or so and it's not done yet by any means. The next biggest group are those who figured out that all the questions that religion supposedly answers, it doesn't really answer. They have lost faith in faith because they actually care about what's true and religion simply isn't. A much smaller group are the ones who are leaving because they disagree with what the churches are doing. For most people, once you swill the kool-aid, it doesn't matter what the church does, you're in it win or lose.

Absolute rubbish, just what you would expect from someone who is a failed Christian and prints lies about christianity. People are waking up to the false doctrines of man so no longer attended their edifices of debauchery. There is a falling away in church attendance, not in the numbers of christians in the world. Although it did drop my 4 million last year, but that is hardly noticeable when there is 2.2 billion worldwide. Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians That is hardly a mass exodus, as you have claimed here. I put it to you that you are lying in your attempt to discredit Christianity by resorting to dishonesty in order to achieve your goal. Knock christianity all you like, however, have the integrity to tell it as it is and not as you want it to be.
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There are 2.2 billion christians in the world today. Many of them follow the false teaching of men, men who draw near to God with their mouth but are far from him in their hearts. Relatively speaking there is but a handful of that number who have been converted my the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said that only a handful of mine elect will recognise the masters voice. Of course you will find undesirables in a group so large where the majority worship the God of mankind instead of the Christian God. This is all prophecy being fulfilled. It is all a fundamental part of the Plan of Salvation.

Yes, I just read your 103 pages about the Plan. Not sure what to make of you at all. God "speaks" to you in an overwhelmingly powerful fashion but doesn't communicate well enough for you to pass the message on in a way that doesn't make God and and you look stupid? God's Plan should be intelligible and intelligent. Why is it that every time God pulls this stunt 90% of the people who become aware of it roll their eyes? Does God want this Plan to go through or what? Or are you inadvertenly sabotaging it? Everyone is supposed to get a chance to be saved you have been told. So why do the dice appear loaded? There are you say 2.2 billion Christians, I think 36,000-40,000 varieties and your a sole trader: there doesn't appear to be anyone else in your particular sect. I'm not mocking you; I am genuinely interested in what you have to say and I think you are a genuine person; but you will have to help me out here.

Bugger. I just noticed the time. Get back to me tomorrow.