What you believe and what we know are two different thing's.
Firstly, My friends 5 cousins all captains in the USA fire department attended the blazes that day.
The youngest was in one of the towers when it collapsed.
I watched the second plane hit the towers live on tv.
We saw footage of live coverage and also calls from planes one brought down before hitting target,
How can anyone refuse to accept that terrorism was responsible?
I am not going to be drawn into a debate about you wanting to excuse terrorist fighting in the name of Islam from being responsible.
So let us make a quick statement for you to think about.
Whatever you believe about the 9/11 the fact that muslims in Islamic countries kill their own people in the street for sinning
shows how barbaric the reality of such a religion really is. Under that evidence I see no reason to doubt who was truly
responsible for the 9/11, The fact someone claiming to be from a 'peaceful religion' can try and excuse such actions
and remove blame elsewhere is actually dumbfounding by all sense of reason.
In 2010 there were 2.8 billion Christians not counting any other religion like the Jews who believe in YHWH.
But the number does not interest me. Because clearly YHWH is the only God to have actually done anything as far as gods go.
So he can still claim to be the only God. Whilst he is charge you haven't a chance of your beliefs being fulfilled.
Thank God.
Your terrorist, Islams terrorist still use the verses I quoted to action their killings.
Whatever verses you bring does not stop that being true. I am not interested in helping you try and excuse yourself or your religion for the part in plays (however small or large)
in the actions of terrorist.
To the honour of the true God , YHWH and all those people who have been hurt and murdered in the name of your religion, I will not give you a platform to dishonour their memories
or the greatest gift they gave for others to defend and help them... their lives.