we shall create man in our image.
This sentence doesn't make sense if you believe in a 1 God theory like the church claims.
The first way is simply the use of the majestic plural... another Christian understanding is that this was speaking of the Trinity...
The story of Adam and Eve MUST involve INCEST, right?
Possibly... therefore?
How's come they don't teach our kids who attend Sunday School about the "Inquisition?" Hmm?
The same reason we avoid many other such atrocities for our children.
"Thou shall not steal"...so if i steal a .2 cent piece of gum and don't ask for forgiveness I will burn in hell for all of eternity?
Should one be a unrepentant thief, one's soul may be in peril...
So if GOD is ALL KNOWING and he is incarnate in Jesus Christ wouldn't he have already known the Romans were going to crucify him? So whats the point?
Jesus dieing was part of the incarnation, part of the plan.
If there is ONE omnipotent GOD why all the different religions?
He rarely forces himself upon us, and there are other beings which are not deities but which have power above that of humans which are mistaken for deities... also, people are susceptible to being led astray by frauds.
How's come if I tell someone I saw ANGELS there is no problem with that and they would believe but if I told the same person I saw an ALIEN they would laugh hysterically and call me delusional when there is 1000% times more proof of the latter?
Some people would, some would not. Those you are speaking of believe in angels, but do not in aliens. Also, there is no proof for either.
When they talk of the "Heavens" aren't they not referring to "Outer Space?"
Often, however, when they speak of heaven, they are not.
They cant expect us to believe that angels and GOD live in the clouds, right?
I do not believe one could expect such...
I want my children to be taught the TRUTH and by brainwashing them with outlandish stories in the Bible I feel this a HUGE discredit to our educational system
Then do not send them to religious schools.