Yup. You seem to define religious liberty as no religious liberty at all.
Some time ago during the horrible Obama years, I wrote a piece about how Obama and the Left attempted to falsely equate FREEDOM OF RELIGION with WORHIP.
People came to America for religious freedom - to establish a society based on their religious precepts. They did NOT travel across the ocean and live in the wilderness to merely worship in private but live their daily lives according to the religion of secularism.
Apparently you don't understand your own topic at all, which is pretty strange. First, the Puritans who came to America were not looking for religious freedom. They were looking for the right to practice what they wanted, and ensure that everybody else around them did, too.
Second, religious freedom means nothing more than the right -- of everybody -- to practice their religion, and worship, or not worship, as they pleased. Everybody. That means the right of the Muslim to worship in his mosque, the Catholic in his cathedral, the Hindu in his temple, the Jew in his synagogue, the Quaker in his meeting house -- and for atheists not to bother with any of it. If you want, your sabbath can be on Friday or Saturday or Sunday. Or you don't need a sabbath, but can take your rest on any day, and in any way, that you choose.
So before you write another piece on this topic, you'd better figure out what your topic really is, and if that is the right to force your ways on everybody else, then say so -- and then defend it.