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Which would automatically make Religious Freedom extinct in America. (from a constitutional perspective).
But this is what millions of Christian Nationalists support and vote for in America. Changing the secular constitution into a theocratic document.
Completely backwards in every sentence.
1. The Constitutional perspective of Religious Freedom extinction would be only if the Federal Government imposed a State enforced religion - like secular humanism, for instance.
2. Millions of Christian Nationalists support and voted for in America religious freedom as the Christian Founding Father's meant that term. (Not how secular humanists, who revise history, suppose it meant)
3. The Christian Constitution emerged from a Christian nation by men who admitted they referred to the Bible in developing its tenets more than any other source.
4. The document that prohibits theocracy by the Creature is not in any way being perverted to be an instrument of theocratic rule at the national level by Christians.
My wife is left handed. I guess by your reasoning, our society would be better off if we did not impose which side of the road to drive on, in the name of so-called Liberty. Oh, the horror, the tyranny of returning to the founding principles that made America the freest, most prosperous, most powerful nation in the history of the word ...