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Replacing/Removing God/Religion


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Or the fact that there is no evidence that he doesnt exist?
Proving a negative is tricky. However, there's plenty of evidence that any and all gods are irrelevant. Distinguishing between a case where god(s) exist but just hide and don't do anything and one where no gods exist at all is more difficult, but at that point, it doesn't matter so much.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Is religion and/or god something that could be removed from human society?

Sort of. Some sort of religious activity is pretty much unavoidable unless and until an utopia of sorts comes into being.

God, however, is such a personal and loosely defined concept that it is at one time impossible to remove and quite unnecessary.

If so, could they simply be removed, or would they need to be replaced with something else? If so, what thing(s) could serve as adequate replacement(s) for religion and/or god?

For God, some people would not need any replacement at all. Others would choose some other pop figure or concept. Yet others will simply not let go of the concept.

For religion, there is no real substitute, although it may sometimes be well disguised as political movements or fringe groups.

Essentially, if there are components of god/religion which fill a necessary role for people in general, what are these components, and what else shares them?

There are necessary roles, but they change among people. Some people do indeed need Bhakti Yoga or devotion to an Abrahamic-like God. It is not always a healthy need, but it does exist.

Religion, however, is a far more universal and less danger-prone thing. At least when it does not run unleashed yielding claims of divine privilege. It provides social interactions that nurture goals and purpose, which is quite often sorely needed.

It can and probably should be replaced by some extent to initiatives that are more honest to themselves, such as Secular Humanism or perhaps even Marxism. Superstitious belief is an unhealthy, if not always significant, trait of most contemporary religious movements, and it definitely ought to be transcended if at all possible.


Is religion and/or god something that could be removed from human society?

Yes, but i dont believe that it would be a good idea at this time in Humanity. Alot of people, including me, rely on Religion to give us a feeling of purpose or that there is something higher than this material world. I know that the feeling of purpose could be "made up" or unneeded to some, but not to me and many others. Also, if you were to remove religions alot of good things would go away with them. Yes, I know that religions have done some bad things, but they do alot of good little things. Like feeding the poor and donations to the poor. And, if we were to get rid of Jainism then there would be mass insect killings for a lack of care for little life! :cover: :D

If so, could they simply be removed, or would they need to be replaced with something else? If so, what thing(s) could serve as adequate replacement(s) for religion and/or god?

The religion would need to be replaced with something else that gives a human meaning and purpose.


Its only a Label
Friend KT,

Replacing/Removing God/Religion
Is religion and/or god something that could be removed from human society? If so, could they simply be removed, or would they need to be replaced with something else? If so, what thing(s) could serve as adequate replacement(s) for religion and/or god? Essentially, if there are components of god/religion which fill a necessary role for people in general, what are these components, and what else shares them?

Any GUESS would be as good as yours!
whats yours, anyway??

Love & rgds


Admiral Obvious
Or the fact that there is no evidence that he doesnt exist?

Whatever you got to do to maintain your beliefs, right?

Or the fact that faith requires no proving?

"Faith is a device of self-delusion, a sleight of hand done with words and emotions founded on any irrational notion that can be dreamed up.
Faith is the attempt to coerce truth to surrender to whim.
In simple terms, it is trying to breathe life into a lie by trying to outshine reality with the beauty of wishes."
~Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander


Rogue Theologian

Whatever you got to do to maintain your beliefs, right?


"Faith is a device of self-delusion, a sleight of hand done with words and emotions founded on any irrational notion that can be dreamed up.
Faith is the attempt to coerce truth to surrender to whim.
In simple terms, it is trying to breathe life into a lie by trying to outshine reality with the beauty of wishes."
~Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander

And ZZZ is what.....snoring?


Or the fact that there is no evidence that he doesnt exist?

Demanding Negative Proof fallacy.

Do you have evidence that BigFoot doesn't exist? Do you have evidence that fairies from another galaxy dont exist?

The evidence that something doesn't exist is the lack of evidence for it's existence. But the problem is, you might as well say "there is no evidence for it's existence" rather than asking for evidence that there is no evidence; which is rather absurd and shows the incredibly poor thought process you use to come up with these immensely flawed arguments.



Done here.
Or the fact that there is no evidence that he doesnt exist?

It must be admitted that there's not much more evidence for the non-existence of God than there is for the non-existence of Babe the Big Blue Ox, and that a fair and reasonable person must consider one to be about as important and significant as the other.


Veteran Member
The religion would need to be replaced with something else that gives a human meaning and purpose.

There are many good Samaritans that have meaning and purpose in life even if they are atheists.
Troublesome religion is because the clergy have not listened to the words that came out of Jesus mouth, instead they put words in his mouth as if they are some sort of holy ventriloquist in order to further their own agenda, often political in nature instead of Scriptural.
Only what Jesus actually taught give more than meaning and purpose in life but gives: hope.
Future hope and everlasting hope.