It wasn't about converting to Islam, it was a war between the disbelievers and the believers,
you can't fight and kill someone to convert him,
Really? Because I'm pretty sure verses like this
"And fight with them until there is no more persecution (fitnah) and religion should be only for Allah; but if they desist, then surely Allah sees what they do" (8:39) and this
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter... and fight them until fitnah is no more, and religion is for Allah." (2:191) make it pretty clear that the war against the non-Muslims is waged with the ultimate goal of converting them to Islam.
the disbelievers were enemies whom were
targeting the prophet to kill him, so it was just a war to stop the aggression of the disbelievers.
Only after Muhammad fled to Medina and began targeting Meccan trade caravans. Before that the Meccans had put up with him slandering their beliefs and saying they worshipped false gods for
ten years. That's a hell of a lot longer than most Muslim nations would tolerate the reverse today. You and other Muslims often point out that violence in self-defence is okay but now it seems it's only okay for Muslims to engage in self-defence. Muhammad started attacking Mecca purely for the 'crime' of not believing his claims about deity & prophethood.
Disagree all you like; it still happened.
if it's so then how you explain that many are accepting Islam today
but not forced to and not for the need of money...etc
I don't get this. Why are you arguing as though I said those are the
only reasons people convert to Islam?
Was Spain slaved by Muslims or was progressed by them?
Spain was the best region in Europe during the Islamic golden age,
don't you think so?
Progressed, definitely. Does that defeat my original point? Not at all. I didn't say Muslims enslaved every non-Muslim they encountered. Please stop arguing strawmen.
We believe the quran was revealed to the prophet, you may think otherwise but that
doesn't make your guessing to be the right one.
Right back at ya. The difference between us is that while our claims are equally unprovable without time travel, I can admit that my claim is a guess.
You have the whole quran to discuss and find any mistakes about the religion then why you
need to discuss a narrated stories written hundreds of years after the prophet's death?
Well like it or not, Islam is more than just the Quran. The ahadith are an accepted part of Islamic doctrine so they're as much a part of your faith as the Quran. As to discussing the Quran and any mistakes therein, pick any relevant thread on this forum.
All-knowing doesn't mean that he knows what your decision will be for tomorrow,
but he's all knowing of what's happening at this moment and what's every ones intentions.
That's exactly what it means. If somebody is all-knowing it means they 'know all'; everything. If Allah is all-knowing then he not only knows what decisions I'll make tomorrow, he'll know what things I decided for & against, and which decisions I didn't get the chance to make. I'm honestly shocked at the inconsistency that is on display in your arguments. Ahadith don't matter even though they're part of Islam but are an inconvenience and now Allah's omniscience now doesn't matter because it's inconvenient.
And, as Shad has pointed out, your position has just destroyed the worth of every prophecy in Islam. Well done, you may have just committed apostasy!
But don't worry! Since Islam is not a violent religion you won't have to fear any sort of reprisals or risk of being attacked or anything.
What was the earth population before 4000 years ago?
I could guesstimate but truthfully I don't know. How is this pertinent?