You're supposed to put up a description though.
But I'm feeling generous and able to do it right now.
The video for those who can't watch it
Girl: And how in the sea the two waters, they don't mix but pass through each other.
Dawkins: Salty water and fresh water don't mix in the sea? [
Text: Remember "in the sea" and "natural barrier"
Girl: No, it's like, um, the natural barrier... [
[Dawkins' overvoice interrupts the girl: I was shocked that RE elbows out science like this.
Dawkins: So you think the Qur'an is a good source of scientific information [
Girls: Yep/yeah [etc]
Dawkins [ right. Yeah. And you're the one who wants to be a doctor, is that right? Yes...
Youtube Author:
So Dawkins takes this information to the public, with a "ltitle twist".
Cut to new scene
Dawkins: The pupils that I spoke to quite clearly think that the Qur'an is a superior source of scientific information than evidence, and they told me that for example salt water and fresh water don't mix. The reason? Because it says that in the Qur'an. [
[Text overlay: Little twist: No mention of "in the sea" and "natural barrier".
Dawkins: Now, alas I lack the presence of mind to turn to the teacher sitting next to me and say "will you please, at the very next science lesson, get some salt water, get some fresh water, and mix them and see what happens?
Text overlay with Qur'anic recitation: And it is He Who has let free the two seas, one palatable and sweet, the other salt and bitter, and He has set a brarrier and a complete partition between them. (Qur'an 25:53)
New scene, with Attenborough
Attenborough: The flooded caverns can play tricks on you in other ways. What seems like air isn't... it's just another kind of water. This is a halocline.
[Text overlay: Halocline
Attenborough: A meeting of fresh and salt water. Fresh water from the jungle flows over the heavy salt water from the sea.
2:16: Image of "Cold Artic air freezes sea water", description
2:27: Text: The discovery of the halocline with our modern advanced technology makes the Qur'an the word of God without any dispute...
2:37 But of course, you can also prove the Qur'an is wrong without any dispute.
2:46: All you have to do is see the two seas in the Qur'anic verse as two glasses of water, just like Dawkins did.
2:58: The girls did explain to "Professor" Dawkins that it's "in the sea" and "it's a natural barrier".
3:09: So Dawkins either lied or heard only what he wanted to hear.