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Richard Dawkins Reads His Hate Mail

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Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Well then. Better start hating on a whole lot of religions that attack each other and stick their busy fingers in a number of things.

Religion deserves to be attacked for the simple reason that if it can't stand up to attacks, what merits its role in society? We put up with a lot of religious crap and could do just as well without belief in something that isn't there.

Wonderful stuff.
Lets just attack anything we dont understand or agree with generalistically and without concience or reason...for the sake of it.
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Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
I dont understand nor see the point of Soccer/Football I think I might label all sports fans as simpleminded idiots...and maybe I could campaign to stop Sport being played in schools as its a waste of academic time...that will help I am sure...and everyone will realise eventually I have done them a great service.


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous apologetics...

Your video debate means bugger all to me...and does not counter anything I have said...it doesnt address what he has otherwise stated.

I can read everything else he has said and written ;)

Instead of posting videos of yor hero Dawkins how about defending the comments he makes...?

It is not apologetics. The video I posted was a debate involving exactly what you are claiming about Dawkins views are on religion and child abuse. It's the same thing he talked about in his book.

Oh you did...you said it's alright/acceptable to call the religious labelling and teaching of children a form of abuse...LOL

Here's what I actually stated:

Me said:
I don't necessarily agree with Dawkins use of the term abuse. I do agree with his view on calling children Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. merely because their parents are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc.

Then you go on about the negative things that might be taught by a particular religion...as if I was denying it...

Actually, no.

Please don't bother replying...I can see that it is simply not worth the effort for me to continue on this thread.

And frankly I am bored of it as well..

Because you have not put forth any effort. You whined about people being snarky, I provided you with a respectful dialogue and repeatedly asked you to source your claims about statements you believe Dawkins has made.

You failed to do so.

I know where Dawkins is coming from even if you dont...and I really don't care if you wish to continue to pretend dawkins a nice fair minded guy who doesnt have a problem with religion....it hardly makes any difference after all to the grand scheme of things...others can read the thread and maybe read some of Dawkins work as well and come to their own conclusions...the prosecution rests..its up to the jury in my opinion.

I never stated Dawkins does not have a problem with religion. This one sided discussion isn't really about Richard Dawkins or religion. It's about your intellectual aptitude. Basically, can you back up your opinions.

You are alright Gonomon btw...I mean no offence to you...I just think you underestimate the effects of denigration.

I fully understand the effects of denigration. If the mods were not so good at their job I would point you to several of my deleted posts in which I do it quite well.

All you have shown is that you are either unwilling or incapable of establishing a point of view and defending it. Anyone who counters or challenges your claims receives nothing more than ad hominem attacks or complete avoidance.

Alas, you are bored. Anytime you wish to actually formulate an argument rather than belt out poorly developed opinions about someone rejoin the thread.


Guardian of Asgaard
Wonderful stuff.
Lets just attack anything we dont understand or agree with generalistically and without concience or reason...for the sake of it.

Hey i understand religion, but religion has an awfully narrowminded opinion of everything. Their arrogance and ignorance meris attack given the negative role they play in society ie. voting down gay rights and all that.


Guardian of Asgaard
I dont understand nor see the point of Soccer/Football I think I might label all sports fans as simpleminded idiots...and maybe I could campaign to stop Sport being played in schools as its a waste of academic time...that will help I am sure...and everyone will realise eventually I have done them a great service.

Fitness is the point....... lol, also teamwork, bonding etc.

Nice try though.

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
I never stated Dawkins does not have a problem with religion. This one sided discussion isn't really about Richard Dawkins or religion. It's about your intellectual aptitude. Basically, can you back up your opinions.

So if you dont disagree with me why are you bothering to argue?
I dont get it...??

How peculiar.

I dont need to 'back up' the comments Dawkins made really, which my argument is based on, they speak for themselves...but as said I can elucidate on each one if you like..

As for an intellectual exericise how about one of us creates a new one on one thread more appropriate for this particular discussion where I will be happy to ensure you do not use your tactics of avoidance and sophistry...I will be able to concentrate on just your responses fully..and will re post the commentry of Dawkins with explanations for each and every comment and why they are anti religious.

Up fer it?
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Guardian of Asgaard
Screw teamwork, team sports is not the only way to teach that, but fitness can still be ensured with athletics and other aerobic style excercise.

Yes but its several vital components all rolled into one. Not the stupidest idea, aerobics i boring to young kids, trying to emulate their heroes on the pitch is fun.

That and football owns every other sport on the planet in terms of popularity, passion and economics.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yet again at work someone with an obvious bowel problem had to destroy a toilet in the restrooms. After looking at the horror on my employees face I knew it wouldn't get cleaned up quick enough. So I go in to clean it up myself.

The quality of it was truly disgusting. Someone with the worst dietary habits. There shouldn't be that much red in a toilet. So I began with the basic tactic using a plunger. Thought that might have done it, flush and the water rises. So now I'm looking at basically a horrifying soup from hell's kitchen and wondering how I'm going to get this done without having to call a professional plumber and not having a snake on hand to use.

Well, I did the only thing left. Grabbed some small trash bags that covered my arm up to the elbow, reached down into the miasma to try to see if there was some other object obstructing the hole. There wasn't. Just damn. Desperately I used the plunger because it was the only tool to work with and suddenly.....it's fixed.
Just in case.....here's the landlord's technique for the plumber's helper (aka, plunger...aka force cup):
- Remove the tank lid so you have ready access to the flush valve....in case you need to stop it from filling the bowl
- Slowly push the plunger into the bowl, letting all the air out.
- Rapidly, move the handle up & down with a one inch stroke, until you feel a change in resistance.
- Flush, & watch the bowl for potential overflow.
- If it rises too high, close the flush valve, & start plunging again.
- If it clears, then yell "Woo hoo!".
- Put the tank lid back on top.
(Of course, the procedure is different is you have a Sloan valve on the toilet.)
If the above technique doesn't work then you need a snake or a turd burgler (aka, sewer cleaner guy).
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remember the import fact that not all little green army men flush all the way down.

the ones that get caught half way down around the S bend can be a nightmare with TP.

snake clears the TP and blockage but that dang little green army guy with a bad attitude is there to wreak havoc tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Aye, but this was the kind of toilet without a tank.

What I really need to do is become a better manager and just make an employee clean the damn toilets. But they get that look in their eyes and I know I just want to clean one mess and not two so I just fo it myself to get it done fast.
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