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Richard Dawkins says he is a Cultural Christian


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Late in his life, he said his single biggest mistake was when he got involved in partisan politics when he cozied up to Nixon.
interesting. The whole thing is interesting and brings to the fore Jesus prayer, often known as the Our Father prayer -- "Let your kingdom come..." (No wonder...)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That's not at all what he was doing. He was using sarcasm to make a point about how ridiculous it was for her to call getting politely asked out by a man "harassment" when there is actual, horrific treatment of women in Muslim-dominated countries that most feminists of that time didn't even acknowledge was a problem or just attributed to "cultural differences."
To be able to "digest" sarcasm from someone else, one must understand the concept. Not everyone can deal with it well.

Rational Agnostic

Well-Known Member
Why did you leave out the details of the story? It wasn't just "a guy at a skeptic event asked her out." Other important details:

- it was 4:00 am and she had announced that she was tired and going to bed. IOW, anyone paying attention would have realized that an advance would have been unwanted.

- they had been out at the bar (so potentially, she was visibly drunk). IOW, she may have felt - or been - especially vulnerable.

- the guy followed her and waited until she was alone and wouldn't be able to immediately leave to "ask her out." IOW, he made choices to increase her vulnerability.

Definitely creepy, unwelcome behaviour.

Not any circumstance, but if you don't have good reason to think the woman's answer will be "yes," then you ought to know that there's a good chance that the advance will be unwelcome.

And when a woman is:

1) in a vulnerable position (e.g. she's alone, tipsy or both), or
2) has already indicated that isn't interested in doing what you want to do with her,

... then no, you definitely shouldn't ask her back to your hotel room for "coffee."

I didn't intentionally leave out details of the story, I just didn't know all the details and frankly I don't really care that much about the details either. I want to be clear, I don't condone any type of harassment of women at all. I still think Dawkins made a good point, I'll admit that he could have been more sensitive in his choice of words, yes. Still, even if you disagree with him on this particular topic, it's not a good reason to dismiss all of his great work. I don't agree with everything he says. I disagreed with him when he told Sam Harris that he thought meditation was a pointless waste of time, for example. Just because there are some instances where you disagree with him doesn't mean you have to lose all respect for him. The same principle applies in general.


Veteran Member
Richard Dawkins says he is a Cultural Christian

Will G-d, whom (Jesus) Yeshua- the true Israelite Messiah, used to describe as G-d -the-Father, accept him as a follower of him, if not, then why is Richard Dawkins doing such a useless/unreasonable, as I understand, of an exercise, please, right?
It simply means, I would say, he is not a reasonable person, right, please??!



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Richard Dawkins says he is a Cultural Christian

Will G-d, whom (Jesus) Yeshua- the true Israelite Messiah, used to describe as G-d -the-Father, accept him as a follower of him, if not, then why is Richard Dawkins doing such a useless/unreasonable, as I understand, of an exercise, please, right?
It simply means, I would say, he is not a reasonable person, right, please??!

He seems perfectly reasonable to me. All he is saying, is that while yes he is an atheist, he cannot help but also be the product of the Christian culture in which he lives. He enjoys Cathedrals and hymns and Christmas carols... He not claiming to be a Christian, only that he is culturally Christian right please.
Perhaps "cultural Christian" is British for "refined islamophobe."

He’s a fundamentalist cultural Christian.

Bertrand Russell has an essay where he talks about the differences between Catholic Skeptics and Protestant Skeptics, that anthropologists who study atheism sometimes use as a touchstone.

The newfangled atheism is generally regarded as a version of Protestant skepticism in Bertrand Russell’s classification, due to their tendency to start a new religion after leaving the old religion.

Here’s an interesting conversation between a Catholic Skeptic and a Protestant Skeptic.

The difference really shows, here, so the contrast between these two versions is quite interesting and illuminating..

Richard Dawkins Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson at Hayden Planetarium​



Veteran Member
Richard Dawkins says he is a Cultural Christian

paarsurrey said:
Will G-d, whom (Jesus) Yeshua- the true Israelite Messiah, used to describe as G-d -the-Father, accept him as a follower of him, if not, then why is Richard Dawkins doing such a useless/unreasonable, as I understand, of an exercise, please, right?
It simply means, I would say, he is not a reasonable person, right, please??!
He seems perfectly reasonable to me. All he is saying, is that while yes he is an atheist, he cannot help but also be the product of the Christian culture in which he lives. He enjoys Cathedrals and hymns and Christmas carols... He not claiming to be a Christian, only that he is culturally Christian right please.
Well, we already apprehend that Western Atheism and the likes is in a way a denomination and or a bye-product of the Deviant Pauline Christianity as Saul/Paul made the religion of (Jesus)Yeshua- the Israelite Messiah, a mythical Christ of Hellenism which generated Western Atheism and the like, truthful Israelite can never make such a religion, I understand, please, right??!

Richard Dawkins therefore, I am afraid, is not a reasonable man, he is the flip side of the same coin (Christianity), one would say ,please, right?



Well-Known Member
He’s a fundamentalist cultural Christian.

Bertrand Russell has an essay where he talks about the differences between Catholic Skeptics and Protestant Skeptics, that anthropologists who study atheism sometimes use as a touchstone.

The newfangled atheism is generally regarded as a version of Protestant skepticism in Bertrand Russell’s classification, due to their tendency to start a new religion after leaving the old religion.

Here’s an interesting conversation between a Catholic Skeptic and a Protestant Skeptic.

The difference really shows, here, so the contrast between these two versions is quite interesting and illuminating..

Richard Dawkins Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson at Hayden Planetarium​

Tyson has been quite outspoken about his personal spirituality and genuine agnosticism, has he not? These guys are worlds apart in their world views. Tyson keeps an open mind on spiritual matters, Dawkins does not. Perhaps that's because Catholicism is more comfortable with mystery than Protestantism, but that's a very speculative leap tbh.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Well, we already apprehend that Western Atheism and the likes is in a way a denomination
No, absolutely not. A denomination is a particular group of Christians that share common doctrines and usually an organized headquarters. Atheism is not only not a denomination, it is not even a religion. It is nothing more and nothing less than a lack of belief in God/gods. Saying that atheism is a kind of religion (or denomination ) makes as much sense as saying bald is a kind of hair color.
and or a bye-product of the Deviant Pauline Christianity as Saul/Paul made the religion of (Jesus)Yeshua- the Israelite Messiah, a mythical Christ of Hellenism which generated Western Atheism and the like, truthful Israelite can never make such a religion, I understand, please, right??!
Okay, this comment wins the medal for silliest statement of the day. I do not care for Paul in the slightest, but to accuse him of being responsible for atheism is absolutely ridiculous. Would you like to accuse him of being responsible for Japanese earthquakes while you're on a roll?
Richard Dawkins therefore, I am afraid, is not a reasonable man, he is the flip side of the same coin (Christianity), one would say ,please, right?

I think Richard Dawkins is a jerk. Most atheists don't like him either. But I wouldn't call him "the flip side of the same coin (Christianity)." He is a strident, hostile person, but he nevertheless shares certain ideas with Christianity, such as the virtue of not harming others, showing empathy, and acting fairly.


Veteran Member
Most people are "cultural Christians" if they grew up in countries that are or were predominantly Christian. They may not be Christian in a religious way, but they are in a general philosophical/ethical way. It's unavoidable.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Perhaps "cultural Christian" is British for "refined islamophobe."
I missed this first time around.
No. It doesn't. In Carl Sagan's novel Contact the protagonist, Ellie, is an American, atheist and describes herself as a cultural Christian. The book is from the mid 80s, and I doubt Sagan was the first to use the term. And, if anything, it's WAY too optimistic and idealistic as to how well we can all get along ("There are no Nationalists in space," Ellie reflects in one scene looking down on the Earth from a space station).
Great book, by the way. I highly recommend it. The movie is also good, but it doesn't get to the religious and philosophical implications of contact with aliens like the book does.


Veteran Member
Most people are "cultural Christians" if they grew up in countries that are or were predominantly Christian. They may not be Christian in a religious way, but they are in a general philosophical/ethical way. It's unavoidable.
All Paulines are only the Cultural Christian people, on the one side and or on the flip side they are Western Atheism people, both of them have got nothing to do with (Jesus) Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah, right, please?



Veteran Member
All Paulines are only the Cultural Christian people, on the one side and or on the flip side they are Western Atheism people, both of them have got nothing to do with (Jesus) Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah, right, please?

You clearly have no idea about other people's beliefs .. the vast majority of Christians are
not atheists. They believe in God .. and they believe in Jesus.

..just like Muslims, who believe in God .. and believe in Muhammad. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
All Paulines are only the Cultural Christian people, on the one side and or on the flip side they are Western Atheism people, both of them have got nothing to do with (Jesus) Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah, right, please?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying all Christians are "Paulines"?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Most people are "cultural Christians" if they grew up in countries that are or were predominantly Christian. They may not be Christian in a religious way, but they are in a general philosophical/ethical way. It's unavoidable.
I am sure for sure there are so-called "cultural Christians," but interestingly enough, some celebrate Christmas on different days, don't they? Such as "More than 200 million Christians around the world are associated with Orthodox Churches and most celebrate Christmas on 7 January as they follow the Julian calendar, unlike those Christian denominations which follow the Gregorian calendar." Not sure how it works with the difference of calendars, perhaps you do and can explain it. Thanks.
Tyson has been quite outspoken about his personal spirituality and genuine agnosticism and his, has he not? These guys are worlds apart in their world views.

I don’t recall hearing him mention agnosticism.

He does mention some sort of “Land Grab” where others try to claim him for their cause (I’ve definitely seen a lot of that, so I’m not surprised.)

But I don’t really pay much attention to him, since the Cosmos that I saw was the original series by Carl Sagan.

But listening to him talk, he strikes me as pretty much an atheist, even if he doesn’t like to use the label before he gets a chance to actually interact with them.

His atheism doesn’t have the sense of victimization that Dawkin’s atheism has.

In that respect, he’s kind if like me, in that his experience as an atheist has not been one of oppression and victimization, or anything he ever felt he had to hide, so he seems to have difficulty relating to that.

He seems more interested in science for its own sake, whereas, according to Dawkins, science is mainly a tool for evangelizing for the atheist cause, if I understand what he is saying correctly.

I am sure for sure there are so-called "cultural Christians," but interestingly enough, some celebrate Christmas on different days, don't they? Such as "More than 200 million Christians around the world are associated with Orthodox Churches and most celebrate Christmas on 7 January as they follow the Julian calendar, unlike those Christian denominations which follow the Gregorian calendar." Not sure how it works with the difference of calendars, perhaps you do and can explain it. Thanks.

There’s a town that celebrates Christmas in February.

The New York Times had a story about, but there’s a lot more information in Paloma Munoz’s dissertation.


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
All Paulines are only the Cultural Christian people, on the one side and or on the flip side they are Western Atheism people, both of them have got nothing to do with (Jesus) Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah, right, please?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying all Christians are "Paulines"?
When they have nothing written/spoken/dictated by (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, of his teachings as well as of his deeds, what else they could be called, please, right?



Veteran Member
..When they have nothing written/spoken/dictated by (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, of his teachings as well as of his deeds..
..and who says that Christians don't have any true religious knowledge?
..only satan and his cronies would suggest that :expressionless:

That is because satan's agenda is to cause division and enmity.