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Romance, the erie evidence of God.


Well-Known Member
At least once a year I like going into Romance, because I think its a Great Power and evidence of God. We want to Love and be Loved, and I think that comes from a purposeful design of a Great designer. Romance is a fingerprint of God, for sure. In my view, its just sure proof of him, absolute to me. If its one thing I have learned and experienced in life, its the Love of a Woman. Its one of the finest things I have ever experienced. The devotion, the attraction, the dedication they will show, the support, the friendship and companionship-- this keys me into Gods existence, I know this Great emotional reality comes from him, and lets me know God must be a very Loving being.

He has expressed a unique part of himself through his creation of the female species, and we can look at them, and learn some of God. I have known women who would do anything for me and would cry and break down if they thought I would leave them. I had one even get violent with me when I told her I am through, she said if she couldnot have me, then nobodyelse would, and proceeded to try and kill me with a knife. I had to literally run from that woman. But she was a good woman, just too tempermental for me, yet today she is a minister of a growing church and we laugh about this event 15 years ago.

But its the intense emotion that attracts my keen intrest in God, his existence, his hiding of himself,

And his way of leaving sure signs of himself, to those who can see. Listen, let me tell you something very real. This whole thing is two worlds merging, and yet not merging. The Spirit world exist, I believe, and this physical world does, this we can see. But we can't see this Spiritual world, but we can see its " Fingerprints", and learn to consciously identify it.

And Romance is a definte fingerprint of God.

And I want to go into why.



Well-Known Member
Romance is complette evidence that our emotional content was " Placed within our being', by another being who has it himself. Emotions have no evolution and cannot evolve from unemotional things.

We were programed in a sense, and are simply living out that creational program.

And I want to continue on that.



Veteran Member
Romance!! And here I always thought the great evidence for god was 2-ply toilet tissue.


Well-Known Member
Romance!! And here I always thought the great evidence for god was 2-ply toilet tissue.

I think the ability to eliminate waste from your body is a great designed blessing from God, thats how I see the tissue.

Romance eliminates emotional waste and stimulates us. That stimulation is proof of a design that was meant to be, not a design that just happen to be by luck.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
I love your evidence of god threads Mick.

*grabs popcorn and settles in for a giggle*


Well thank you, I enjoy them myself. Its just so much evidence of God, that is unseen and unrealized by others, its a common thing for people to claim there is none. Its just none that their Consciousness can see, mine can see truckloads of evidence. I recall a post on another site where I gave over 100 proofs of God, and was just getting started. My emotional content combined with my reason, and it just kept opening my mind to more evidence. I am a Romantic for sure, I think woman is Gods finest creation,.... that I have seen. They are just lovely creatures.

Their ability to Love is unquestioned, thats why I think Love itself is unquestioned... It exist.

The bible says that God is Love, so I know Romance comes from him. God is in Love with his creation of man, he just can't help himself. Thats how he is;

And much can be gleaned from this, which I want to go into.



Well-Known Member
Romance, the erie evidence of God.

You ever just were so attracted to someone, that you just couldnot help yourself? This is how God feels about humanity, hes going to get to us in his own time. His own way. And hes going to Love us, with a great Love like nothing none of us have ever known. Its being set up. We have been set up by him, in a most incredible way!

This heavy attraction that we often feel for others, is definte proof that we are emotional creatures of a creative being who is emotional. We want to Love and be Loved, and thats how God is.

And I want to get into that.



Well-Known Member
Human Love is not continous with the idiot hierarchcies of speechless apes, it is continous with God. Our God is a jealous God, thats where our jealousy comes from. Our God cares for his own, thats why we care for our own.

We are continous with God.



Well-Known Member
Romance is just a fancy term for "sexual encounter later".

Well Romance can lead to sex, but they are two different creatures in my view. People can have sex and have no Romance at all. Romance is the Sugar that can sweeten the sex.



non-existential luminary
being high on other drugs...specially the non-biological ones, sweetens it up even more ;)


Well-Known Member
Not again...

Mick, how about you just admit that you choose to think that romance is evidence for God and that's why you think it is evidence for God. Not everyone shares that opinion!


Well-Known Member
Not again...

Mick, how about you just admit that you choose to think that romance is evidence for God and that's why you think it is evidence for God. Not everyone shares that opinion!

My opinions are not based on others opinions.

They are based on my mind.
