He makes some good points here.
There is absolutely nothing that ISIS is doing that Muhammad didn’t do.
They take sex slaves just the same as Muhammad did.
He makes a good point about Buddhists.
ISIS has the theology on their side.
Charlie Hebdo was mocking other religions as well as Islam, but only the religion of peace retaliated.
Political correctness is enslaving the free thinkers. If you are killed for doing or saying something that offends Islam, it is your own fault. The Mormons wouldn’t come after you for speaking against them.
Instead of defending free speech when the Benghazi Embassy was attacked because of a YouTube video, the state department capitulated.
He said there is a politician in the UK that would like to reintroduce a blasphemy law that would make islamophobia a criminal offence.
Is freedom of speech restricted because of our need for oil?
He says we have to support the genuine reformers in the Muslim world, but the western liberals criticise the wrong parties. Liberalism has lost the plot!