There are five references in the Qur'an, which have been cited as referring to gay and lesbian behavior. Some obviously deal with effeminate men and masculine women. The two main references to homosexual behavior are in Surah 7, verses 80 81, where the Quran says that:
*{We also sent Lut. He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation [ever] committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.}*
Then Surah 26, verse 165 says that:
*{What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk.}*
Both references relate to gay sexual activities; lesbian practices are not mentioned in the Qur'an. Lut is referred to as "Lot" in the Hebrew Scriptures. This passage is an apparent reference to the activities at Sodom and Gamorah.
It seems to imply that there was no homosexual behavior before it first appeared in Sodom. This is a uniquely Islamic concept; it does not appear in Jewish or Christian beliefs. The passage also links the sin of Sodom - the reason for its destruction - to homosexuality.