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satanic music


Edit: Haha, of course, shortly after posting this I realise it actually was this song that was posted. No matter; this one's worth a second post.

Not at all surprised to see a couple of Behemoth's best in this thread, but am very, very surprised to see that this was not one of them (from scanning over the content ITT)! Darksi is an absolute genius - this is raw, unbridled artistic language about the idea of Satanic self-actualisation. Possibly my favourite song, from my all-time favourite band.


Behemoth - At The Left Hand Ov God
O, Serpent and Lion!
I invoke Thee!
Inside the shrine called life
By the seven wonders
By myriad mortals
That gone,
And are to come
Outside desert ov restriction
In act ov rebellion
On the sea ov motion
Stability ov matter
By serenity, strength and beauty
By the mighty chant ov every breath

In serpentine dance ov blood cells
In simplicity ov spells
Divine names, meta-games
I greet Thy presence

Oh Snake! Thou art God!
Coiled underneath my throne
With Thee I reunite
With blood we make this covenant
Myself I redefine
Look in and above:
There is more than the flesh
Look careful and Thou may see
The unextinguished flame
The nectar ov Thy rage
I taste from the cup ov fornication
And woman by my side
And scarlet is her skin
She's eager to rise
And so eager to please

Another day
Another eternity gone
And on the stairway to salvation
I walk alone among the falling stars
Looking for company
Where art Thou?
Oh, lacerate ones!

Arise! my sweetest friend
Or be forever fallen
We have finally arrived
From prison ov this life
To Kali's womb
Down to the earth
As angels ov almighty god-
'Tis our last fall
To touch our mother whore
The harlot ov the saints
That spits on the rotten cross
Incinerate the icon
The symbol ov all loss
To stand straight
At the left hand ov god

Samael! be Thou my ally!
Join me among the bright hosts
Wondering neither way ov light
Nor darkness
Ov which seed
Sprouts dispassionately
In the summer ov my life

Adding this one onto the end of this post - similar themes, but a lot more melodic and heavy in a musical sense.


Behemoth - Ov Fire And The Void
I the Sun ov man
The offspring ov the stellar race
My halo fallen and crushed upon the earth
That I may bring balance to this world

I son ov perdition
From sheer nothingness transgressed
Unto the highest self -- to utmost freedom
To explore the starry nature ov my rage

I pulse ov existence
The law ov nature undenied
I hold the torch ov Heraclitus
So I can shake the earth and move the suns

I divine Iconoclast
Injecting chaos into my veins
With life accepted
With pain resurrected
Is the embrace ov god in man profound

The joy ov a dawn
The ecstasy ov dusk
Nourished have I this karmic flow
Where great above meets great below
Let it be written!
Let it be done!
Scattered I walk towards the fractured light
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Ancient One

These guys were the real deal back in the day. They did Black Mass, worked with the Ancient Ones (Necronomicon) and other Sumerian Demons, and practiced other Satanic rituals. Their rhythm guitar player claims that he was cursed during and after his stay with Morbid Angel. These demons "attacked him to the point of insanity" and led to his coke addiction. He also said that incredible forces were brought forth when they played the music and that there was much evil that came from the band.

Ninnghizhidda - open my eyes
Ninnghizhidda - hear my cries
Plumed serpent of the deep
Plumed serpent of the gate
I command - come before me
I command - bring the key
Rise from the depths
See the fire in my wand

Ia iak sakkakh iak sakkakth
Ia shaxul

I call forth the god pazuzu
I call forth the lord of plague
I am of the lost
Creatures of spawn of hate
Rejoice in the heaving earth
Praise the ripping sky
Rise spread disease
Consume their puny souls

Ia iak sakkakh ia sakkakth
Ia shaxul
Ia kingu ia cthulu ia azbul
Ia azabua

Ride the wings of death...
Ride the wings of...
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Another track to share.


Breathing slowly, mechanical heartbeat
losing contact with the living
Almighty TV plugged, hybrid empty brain
don't see anything real in the game
The tension is building constantly
No reason just a reflex I have, driven by clockwork
I try to keep an eye open
And I realize I haven't closed my eyes in a long time

Neglected emotions lead to catastrophic voyage on the other side
I have been given so much stress and lack of confidence
I've been given the gift of so small hope deep inside
I haven't closed my eyes in a long time, I am trying

I cannot stomach these forms and colors anymore
but I'm here to continue, after all I have been through
I try to keep my eyes open, I am realizing
This life and death more precious than anything

I won't bring no material in the after life
Take no possessions, I would rather travel light
I'm of this kind that kills all day
but I don't know yet how to die

Art of dying, is the way to let all go
Within I practice in the secret of my soul
My shape in the reflector
Has now for ever, a life on its own.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I am Sathan - I hear your voice
Deliverance in flesh - I am with you
I am sin - sin - the bringer of freedom
The ravendaemon - Verächter des Glaubens

I bless thee with the waters of life!

Veneratio Diaboli - wine, urine and blood
Drunk from a human skull
Veneratio Diaboli - der Pakt mit dem Teufel
The dead rise and come to me

I am Sathan - I hear your yearning
Infinity in fire - I am with you
I am sin - sin - lecherous and proud
Conjuration - Totenritus Triumphator

I bless thee with the waters of life!

Veneratio Diaboli - wine, urine and blood
Drunk from a human skull
Veneratio Diaboli - der Pakt mit dem Teufel
The dead rise and come to me

Veneratio Diaboli - von schwarzen Seelen befallen
Veneratio Diaboli - der Höllenritt der Finsternis

[Lead: Helmuth]


17 pages of really good music. I like bands like Dimmu Borgir and Children of Bodom; I'm more into the symphonic/melodic metal. But, I can't believe I haven't seen anything by Morbid Angel yet. Try "Angel of Disease" for something truly dark:

Warning: NSFW

Morbid Angel Angel Of Disease Covenant version - YouTube

If you're wanting something non-metal and satanic, blues legend Robert Johnson, according to legend, sold his soul to satan to get his ability, and wrote a few songs along those lines, as well:

Robert Johnson - Me and the Devil Blues - YouTube



By the blessing of shunned Gods
the cord of life was deformed, twisted into a noose
to strangle the miscarriage of the I
upon which he shall feast that was spawned
by the semen of horror's fertile
as his many limbs extend across the Abyss
thirteen horns and a million tusks
in a thousand jaws that breathe
only to chew the chains that tie him to Assiah
and titan is their strength

Metamorphosphordus malformation
your's is the call I follow
astride the wings of Death
to the crossroads

Malfeitor, the master and servant in unity
at one with the Abyss when in your possession I am
against the blindness of men
thine eyes have been granted immunity
so that my sight be clear when wielding the Sword of the Damned

For I am begotten of the virgin whore
as truth and torment, priest and warrior
now behold as I pervert and destroy their law
as the image of my philius moists the labia of Shekinah
for dark are the desires that dwell within my heart
and the Devil is in my kiss

Yes he is

in your possession I am
twilight god of transformation
at the crossroads we meet again
I'll pace the path of madness with your banner held high
to the death's head true
yes, I am of my father the Devil and the lusts of my father I will do



Come redeeming wings of final judgement
The greatest war to bring the deepest peace
Tread forth in shapeless silence
Through the gateway prepared for thee
Oh bringer of firbidden fire
In the midst of the underworld borth
Let us hold high the Chalice of Satan
And drink deep, to the world's end

Let our praise reach out to all corners of the earth
Hail Levyathan!
And put fear in the hearts of all those by its mud given birth
Hail Lucifer!
Tonight the heavens shall burn by the love of our Lord
Hail Beelzebuth!
Great god of the lawless no longer in shadows adored
Hail Belial!

May these words of your sons and daughters
Churn thee up from chaos waters
As they reach into the outer world to summon forth the final tide
When bottomless Absu has drunk itself dry
And turns from womb to tomb
A gaping hole into which all shall fall
Day of wrath unto night without end
Equilibrium of Total Death

Majesties of lawless darkness
In our hearts thy thrones prepared
Storm and water, earth and flame
In spirit joined, released and untamed

Deep of the west, dragon, ye crocked one
Hail Leviathan!
Flame of the south, lightbringer, morning sun
Hail Lucifer!
Storm of the east, wordless and desolate lord
Hail Beelzebuth!
Mount of the north, wrath of the underworld
Hail Belial!


Active Member
I think to the few that do get up into more mature philosophical outlooks anti-life satanic music is re-seen as a lingering strain of adolescence. I do not see any pro-life, pro-individual themes in the last two videos. If LHP or Satanic means pro-you, those weren't. Sorry guys.
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I think to the few that do get up into more mature philosophical outlooks anti-life satanic music is re-seen as a lingering strain of adolescence. I do not see any pro-life, pro-individual themes in the last two videos. If LHP or Satanic means pro-you, those weren't. Sorry guys.

I thought the LHP DIR as a whole was now past the point of isolating the definition of Satanism to LaVeyan philosophy and excluding the ideas of theistic/traditional Satanism. You don't treat your professors/tutors as inferior to you, do you?
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Premium Member
All music is Satanic, as music is a form of individual artistic Self-expression be it extreme metal, jazz, or techno or classical, etc.



Active Member
I thought the LHP DIR as a whole was now past the point of isolating the definition of Satanism to LaVeyan philosophy and excluding the ideas of theistic/traditional Satanism. You don't treat your professors/tutors as inferior to you, do you?

Sure, define it how you like. But if you lose the self there isn't much for the definition of the LHP to work with. And if you decide keeping the self is an important distinction for Satanism or the LHP, skip your love for it or desire to nourish it so that you choose pessimism as your modus operandi and still don't realize it is a remnant of self-hate, suit yourself.