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Satya Sai Baba - man or God?


Its only a Label

Existence is one and follows a law of its own which is termed *dharma* and since existence is eternal it is also be said to be *sanatan*.
Humans are just another form of existence and not a separate entity and that part which separates human from existence is the MIND.
Mind in humans is the most developed to the extent that in this form the mind can be transcended and those who have done so have done so by following a way and each individual have his own way even though following a way or path which another had followed and transcended.
Transcendence can be momentary or eternal. Those having transcended the boundaries of time are said to have achieved the state of nirvana and leave no trace as the traces of the mind no more remains.
Individual like Satya Sai Baba as he was referred to as never reached the final state of liberation as otherwise his desire to take birth too would not have remained besides the various controversial stories about him too would not have arisen.
What have been trying to point from the start of the thread is that we too are part of existence and not perfect till our own minds are not transcendent and for that we individually have to travel to do so and carrying anything about any one else proves that our mind is active to keep us separated from existence and see things in duality besides an impediment to the objective of transcending that very mind.
Rgds karma: None can prove it nor are there any laws written by anyone but those who have reached to certain understanding understand that each action brings about a reaction and normally actions are desire related only when actions are spontaneous and without any desire does the cycle of action and reaction is transcended and in this manner even the mind.
If someone acts out of desire be he known as Satya Sai Baba will have to face its consequences and he too being a part of existence like any other form like us should be aware of the mind play here and accept the laws of karma to go through its own course.

Am sorry if some minds are not satisfied with the response as have no powers to satisfy the minds which views/perceives through its own coloured glasses.

Love & rgds


New Member
I have been a devotee of Sri Satya Sai Baba since 1993 and since that time without going into minute and personal detail I would have to say that His influence in and on my life has been nothing short of 'miraculous' .I can only speak of my own direct experience , however when you examine the countless testimonials surrounding the influence that this 'God Man' has had on the countless peoples' lives that He has touched, it is extremely difficult to deny his far reaching love of, and for humanity; and his ceace-less work in teaching the principals of Truth,Love,Peace,Right Action and Non-violence to those that would listen. I was blessed once to hear Sai Baba tell a number of people who had been granted an interview ( inner -view) that EVERYTHING WAS GOD.
I too was curious about the fact that Sai Baba who had announced he was going to be amongst Us until he was 96 years of age. passed away aproximately a decade early? That was until i reached Puttaparthi ,his home town recently and shortly after His final services had concluded. Talking to some of the local villagers it became quickly clear that the Telegu calender is different to the Gregorian one we use in the West. The locals told me that their Telegu calender had only 324 days in it? ( my initial Googling did show there was a difference in the way their calender months were calculated) but did not support the yearly figure of 324 days which would have made Sai Baba 96.However it did raise the possibility that Sai Baba Himself was using another dating system other than our Euro -Centric one, and if that is the case than He could well have been 'much older'? It is also possible that someone born in a tiny rural village in southern india somewhere around 1923 and who may have had no issued birth certificate might have his true age distorted? i don't know but its all food for thought? The one thing i know is that He will be missed by many, many people who received the Grace which was and is still available through having a direct experience of Him, His message of Love All, Serve All; and the catalysing effect that this can have on Ones' own life by enabling a direct experience of Ones'-Own-Self .Sai Ram.


Its only a Label
Friend jhon,

Kindly understand that cessation of all thoughts rather the active mind is what separates us from existence and by stating *food for thoughts* is keeping oneself further away by allowing thoughts to separate oneself [self is buddha nature]

Also kindly understand that *INFLUENCE* itself is of the mind the mind gets influenced and that very mind needs to be transcended.

Meditate over IT.

Love & rgds


Its only a Label

To come to a final understanding on the OP:
Satya Sai Baba - man or God?
Let us understand that the words Satya, Sai and Baba are 3 words used as a label for an understanding of a form a form which was human.
Was this form a form of man or God was the question of this OP.
God is just a concept for human understanding as there is nothing individually in form or no-form that stands separated as god. Rather the concept is that the summation of all forms and no-forms is what god is and so each form and no-form are constituents of that *whole* labelled *god*.
So each constituents/part of the whole too are containing whatever the *whole* IS since the whole is the summation only meaning human form is a small part of the whole and so is also god in its own way but is in a form.
The form holds till the mind is holding onto that form or else there are no forms nor no-forms.
So whether the form was true to its own label Satya or TRUTH Sai or God and Baba as father/ respected old man/etc can only be judged by its own self.
So in effect each form is part of the concept God till the form's mind realises this very fact and liberates itself from this form and is till the mind holds on to it rather holding on to the word God itself is holding the mind and form back rooted to where it is.
Liberate the mind and the form too gets liberated.

Love & rgds


New Member
Dear Zen, the' food for thought' statement was merely my way of saying that deductive reasoning could come to several conclusions as to why a man who died apparently earlier than He Himself had predicted did just that.
i'm sorry but i don't quite understand how my thoughts keep me from experiencing myself? i always felt it was my feelings which allowed me to do this..
much Love and Peace ,Hare Om, jhon


Its only a Label
Friend jhon,

Understand your situation and nothing to be sorry about.
Dharmic religions are about realisations which are possible when the mind is transcended and for which meditation is the key.
It is difficult to say on the subject in a post but if you study the various posts under hinduism, buddhism, taoism, zen etc you may start to get the hang of it.
Best Wishes.

Love & rgds


Immobile Wanderer
God is just a concept for human understanding as there is nothing individually in form or no-form that stands separated as god. Rather the concept is that the summation of all forms and no-forms is what god is and so each form and no-form are constituents of that *whole* labelled *god*.
So each constituents/part of the whole too are containing whatever the *whole* IS since the whole is the summation only meaning human form is a small part of the whole and so is also god in its own way but is in a form.
The form holds till the mind is holding onto that form or else there are no forms nor no-forms.
This is quintessence of Hindu understanding. Congratulations for putting it so succinctly.


Its only a Label
Friend Venu,

This is quintessence of Hindu understanding. Congratulations for putting it so succinctly.
This is the same understanding that every human that have transcended their minds have reached to and since TRUTH/LAW is eternal our earlier enlightened one's have labelled it SANATAN DHARMA.
Here it is necessary to understand that the individual is not in the picture when the words SANATAN DHARMA is used , it is the eternal law of existence of which humans as forms are part of the evolutionary process and forms keeps changing even the human form.
Enlightened ones outside of this cultural milieu too would have similar understanding/realization but have failed in creating that milieu, in translating the understanding in day to day living. Efforts by them to translate the same and create a similar milieu have not been able to generate the trust that the minds should hold to till the minds are active towards that understanding that each form is a constituent of the *whole*; and so the present world situation.

Love & rgds

n.b. Please do start threads which are general and common for every human and not restricted to a specific path as we as humans need to understand where we are in relation to the universal truth so that we can correct our paths towards THAT and attempt to start living harmoniously with existence which includes every form including humans.