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Saved to what end?


Well-Known Member
We tend to have a need to do good and evil to be balanced.
It is often said without evil good would not be known. Therefore that is how it plays out in life with all endeavor.
It is written in to the mind somewhere because some people always seem to have bad things happen and others good and some a bit of both. Some purposely do bad things or things against society and some will jump in and do good while others stand around.

This reminds me of a corrective procedure I sometimes do for clients using the accupressure system, called a Body to Brain Energy Integration (BBEI).
Basically either through direct trauma or via exposure to a strong fear at a very young age, a person picks up a fear that acts like a piece of sand on their psyche. The person then layers the fear with psychological constructs to protect itself from the irritant much like a clam covers a piece of sand with mucus to create a pearl.

The procedure is quite simple. Just having the client focus on the specific fear while holding 3 points. This can be something as 'specific' as a "Fear of spiders" or as global as "Fear that I am not good enough,"" Fear that things will happen to me beyond my control," or "Fear that others don't trust me." Often the client subconsciously sabotages their lives to prove that they are correct, and once the relevant fears are dealt with the 'bad luck' seems to disappear on it's own.

To me this is not good verse evil vying for control, but merely an injury that needs help to heal.
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Active Member
This reminds me of a corrective procedure I sometimes do for clients using the accupressure system, called a Body to Brain Energy Integration (BBEI).
Basically either through direct trauma or via exposure to a strong fear at a very young age, a person picks up a fear that acts like a piece of sand on their psyche. The person then layers the fear with psychological constructs to protect itself from the irritant much like a clam covers a piece of sand with mucus to create a pearl.

The procedure is quite simple. Just having the client focus on the specific fear while holding 3 points. This can be something as 'specific' as a "Fear of spiders" or as global as "Fear that I am not good enough,"" Fear that things will happen to me beyond my control," or "Fear that others don't trust me." Often the client subconsciously sabotages their lives to prove that they are correct, and once the relevant fears are dealt with the 'bad luck' seems to disappear on it's own.

To me this is not good verse evil vying for control, but merely an injury that needs help to heal.

It is good that you have some practical experience in this area.

The fact it can be isolated and shown shows how this is written into a normal kind of response. The consciousness of Adam that all mankind has harbors all the traits.

It also shows the problem of the mind where it can be injured or over whelmed from outside influences.
Many people are in this situation all the time. Man empowers his own self with all faults in his belief. This can be extended all the way to injury and sickness and mutations through hereditary genetics so it is deep seated. This is actually Satan's domain.

Modern religion has a watered down message and is not understanding what the scriptures are actually saying.
This whole procedure is incomprehensible to the natural mind and the end result can not be seen from within it. But to Know God and believe in God a person must take a purifying pathway and go beyond it and deeper than it.

The goal of the christian religion is Love and my understanding from practical experience is that God the Eternal Father will energize the Love in the divine nature.

The mind is completely clear and the old nature is covered with the same nature of Jesus. Instead of the nature and the consciousness of Adam the mind is renewed to another consciousness entirely. Every thing is washed away with the word.

I did not realize what I was doing exactly but just followed the way the spirit showed. The spirit was obeyed. If the correct changes in my mind were occurring then the spirit and belief increased. Faith comes by hearing. I wasn't following the letter but it was by the spirit.

There is a way to holiness and it washes the old mind completely with the encumbering influences of Satan (projected magnification of self as shown in the personality with all flaws.)
The first spontaneous experience of God showed me how it is all very close and in the mind and consciousness. We have our being and presence in God.
God is a God close at hand but there is a barrier in the type of mind everyone has.

It is all written in scriptures but misunderstood or even perhaps on purpose. This explains why there are so many differing doctrines and the Christian Church is exposed because the truth will come out.
I was referring to understanding of the truth.

Since you changed the subject altogether.....

People are born defective -but the reasons for this are complex -and can often be traced back to human action or lack thereof at some point -though ultimately to God allowing it temporarily for a purpose.

20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.…

"In the media, I'm often asked what causes sociopathy. "Are they born this way?" is one of the most frequently asked questions. The truth is that we don't know. Stout (2005) sums up the research well, explaining that as much as 50% percent of the cause of sociopathy can be attributed to heritability, while the remaining percentage is a confusing and not-yet-understood mixture of environmental factors."
(from Understanding the Sociopath: Cause, Motivation, Relationship | Psychology Today
Most Modern Day Diseases Are Man-Made

The reason God did not make everything and everyone perfect "to begin with" is that it was not possible.
More correctly, God DID make everything and everyone perfect "to begin with" -but he allowed them to mess things up -and mess up themselves and each other.

The reason for this has to do with his purpose -the intended end result -and that is to reproduce himself -to literally make more gods.

6Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7"If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it."

Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

God could have made us incapable of error -but this would mean he could not have made us both creative and independently perfect/righteous.
If God did everything for us -programmed all of our thoughts and deeds, what would be the point of creating us in the first place? Why not simply do everything himself?
His goal is to create creators who can create things new even to God -who can go out into the universe and not need to be micro-managed -and who will not mess up the whole universe.

That requires that they learn that they indeed can mess everything up -then decide to not mess everything up -and then learn how to not mess everything up.
Because new beings begin at a certain point in time, they are inherently ignorant. God is able to give them knowledge -but he also wants them to independently seek it.
(He has even been known to give people talents they otherwise did not have -like in the movie "The Matrix"...
Exo 31:3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,
Exo 31:4 To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
Exo 31:5 And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship)

For new creators to be truly independent, THEY need to make THEMSELVES perfect. God necessarily guides and enables them to do so -but they must do it.
That could not have been accomplished instantaneously. The goal is endless creation of beauty and joy without conflict -and this required understanding and overcoming conflict -then accepting the laws which prevent it.

God is the source of perfection which we continually reject. He told us what to do to become perfect -beginning with keeping the commandments -and man continually chooses otherwise -until man learns to choose correctly by experience.
That perfection is called "the tree of life" -but we like to find things out for ourselves -we'll eat what we like and no one will tell us otherwise... but we will eventually tell ourselves God was and is correct -because we will know so.

You are long winded aren't you? It is a fact that there are people who are born with mental conditions that make it impossible to meet the demands/requirements set forth by your god. The only reconciliation for this that you seem able to provide for this puzzling and inconvenient truth (for you) seems to be that god works in mysterious ways and we just shouldn't question it.

As for your inability to except that humanity is a species of flesh and blood beings with obvious limitations and flaws whose actions could very easily be manipulated by a higher power if it so choose to smacks of wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
You are long winded aren't you? It is a fact that there are people who are born with mental conditions that make it impossible to meet the demands/requirements set forth by your god. The only reconciliation for this that you seem able to provide for this puzzling and inconvenient truth (for you) seems to be that god works in mysterious ways and we just shouldn't question it.

As for your inability to except that humanity is a species of flesh and blood beings with obvious limitations and flaws whose actions could very easily be manipulated by a higher power if it so choose to smacks of wishful thinking.
I'm long-texted, perhaps -but rather quiet in real life.

If you read anything that I wrote you would not continually make statements and conclusions about it that are completely wrong.
What you are saying has nothing to do with me or what I wrote.
Perhaps someone is interceding and writing different things to you than what I wrote.
That's certainly not outside the realm of possibility. It's happened before.
Such should really consider the end results of such actions, though.
When you give people the wrong idea, they will act on it and do the wrong thing.
That's sometimes the goal -but it is not something that can actually be controlled.


Rogue Theologian
If every one could be in this state of mind there would be no conflict. .

The state of mind was the target in the garden.

Man had enough mindful will....his overtaking the planet would have preceded the 'gel' of spirit.
The alteration in the garden was needful.

If you do not possess the will to know....even as death is pending....you lack the spirit to crossover.

(having said this much....I do hope lesser forms can crossover)

As for Jesus.....
I see no means to say His mind and heart was not pained by conflict.
(noting the play in the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane.)


Active Member
The state of mind was the target in the garden.

Man had enough mindful will....his overtaking the planet would have preceded the 'gel' of spirit.
The alteration in the garden was needful.

If you do not possess the will to know....even as death is pending....you lack the spirit to crossover.

(having said this much....I do hope lesser forms can crossover)

As for Jesus.....
I see no means to say His mind and heart was not pained by conflict.
(noting the play in the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane.)

Yes there was plenty of human in Jesus that is why it is amazing that he got through. The fact He did means there is hope for you and I and many others. Who wants to have a try?


Veteran Member
Yes there was plenty of human in Jesus that is why it is amazing that he got through.

1. Is Jesus a human being or is he Almighty God? (or son, cousin, grandson of God)
.. your comment above suggests that he is a hybrid ;)

2. I don't see it as 'amazing that he got through' .. Almighty God is the Best of Helpers

Can anybody who opposes Almighty God and his pious 'servants' be successful? Of course not! Not in the long run..


Active Member
1. Is Jesus a human being or is he Almighty God? (or son, cousin, grandson of God)
.. your comment above suggests that he is a hybrid ;)

2. I don't see it as 'amazing that he got through' .. Almighty God is the Best of Helpers

Can anybody who opposes Almighty God and his pious 'servants' be successful? Of course not! Not in the long run..

We have a god on this planet who brings destruction and this spirit rests in the mind and personalty with all faults. His hold and deception is strong. He stands in the place of God in the mind.
The nature of Adam brings death but the nature of Jesus brings everlasting life, immortality, because God the Almighty energizes the Love in that nature. God is an energizing life giving Spirit.


Rogue Theologian
1. Is Jesus a human being or is he Almighty God? (or son, cousin, grandson of God)
.. your comment above suggests that he is a hybrid ;)

2. I don't see it as 'amazing that he got through' .. Almighty God is the Best of Helpers

Can anybody who opposes Almighty God and his pious 'servants' be successful? Of course not! Not in the long run..

According to scripture Jesus would BE a hybrid.

The Spirit as Father.....Mary as mother.


Veteran Member
According to scripture Jesus would BE a hybrid.

The Spirit as Father.....Mary as mother.

I understand your point .. yet when it comes to the important subject of understanding the nature of Almighty God, the creator of the universe, we have to differentiate between what a human being is (part of the creation) and what GOD is..

it makes no sense that Jesus, peace be with him, could be both a human being and the Creator of the universe simultaneously :)

It DOES make sense, however, that Almighty God could create a human being without a mother and father .. just as He created Adam, peace be with him..

Is Adam 'part God' as well?
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Rogue Theologian
I understand your point .. yet when it comes to the important subject of understanding the nature of Almighty God, the creator of the universe, we have to differentiate between what a human being is (part of the creation) and what GOD is..

it makes no sense that a 'creature' (is a 'hybrid' created?) could be both a human being and a Creator of the universe simultaneously :)

Many believe some kind of uniting with their Maker as we enter into the next life.

So, there seems a number of people have awaited the coming of a Son of God.
He would have that Spirit of example and grace.

The same people had very high standards for that Coming.
Apparently there was division about what the standard should look and sound like.
Many were disappointed.

I report as I have read.....The Carpenter spoke of Himself....brother and fellow servant.
I see this much as a standard difficult enough.
That He might someday call me ...brother....with His hand on my shoulder and that look in His eye......
That He might someday call me....fellow servant...and expect service like unto His own.....

That we might share the same mind and heart......!!!!!!!!


Rogue Theologian
What does that mean? Care to explain?

The Carpenter dealt a prayer that become a mainstay recital......'Our Father.....'

Contained therein....
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Not once in my entire life has anyone ever said so....
That one line is a pledge.
It is a pledge to perform here in this life as you intend to do so in the next.

Millions of recitals have gone by....and I don't think anyone realizes what they are saying.


Veteran Member
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Not once in my entire life has anyone ever said so....
That one line is a pledge.
It is a pledge to perform here in this life as you intend to do so in the next.

I don't see the relevance to the subject that we are discussing..

Our Father, whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven


I have no problem with that at all !
Our Father is not just Jesus' father ie. we are ALL sons of God in this terminology..

How does this suggest to you that Jesus, peace be with him, is part-God, part human?

(other than the obvious thing, that we all share as humans ie. we have a God-given soul)


Rogue Theologian
I don't see the relevance to the subject that we are discussing..

Our Father, whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven


I have no problem with that at all !
Our Father is not just Jesus' father ie. we are ALL sons of God in this terminology..

How does this suggest to you that Jesus, peace be with him, is part-God, part human?

(other than the obvious thing, that we all share as humans ie. we have a God-given soul)

I don't believe the angels have cause to be friendly.

When you recite the Our Father....you have made a declaration....

Our Father....
Your Father?....My Father?....brothers are we?
Are we really of kindred spirit?

And the peace of heaven is guarded.
The angels are displayed with sword in hand.

As we make our declaration and pledge....heaven hears it.
So too the devil.

I have cause to say....swords drawn.


Jesus in me
Good for you. Is that why we're made defective? So we'd need him? Isn't that the most textbook definition of an abusive relationship possible?

I do not believe we are made defective to need Him but I do see it as possible Karma for sins comitted in a previous life although there was one blind man in the Bible that was blind so God could be glorified in healing him.

I believe It depends on how one looks at it. I sometimes fantasize that I die and am resurrected. Dying isn't so wonderful but it would be worth it to be resurrected.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
I do not believe we are made defective to need Him but I do see it as possible Karma for sins comitted in a previous life although there was one blind man in the Bible that was blind so God could be glorified in healing him.

You understand why I would view that as utterly despicable yes?

I believe It depends on how one looks at it. I sometimes fantasize that I die and am resurrected. Dying isn't so wonderful but it would be worth it to be resurrected.
"Depends on how you look at it". Many a battered wife or husband, or abused child, say the same thing. "S/he really loves me, I know they do, I just don't always act right and that's why s/he hits me".