As you were told no way, nothing like that. I am not suggested embedded ages. Get over it.
Yes, you are. You're trying to hide it though. I'll demonstrate with the rest of this post.
No, the deception of yours. That doesn't affect reality or me.
As first part of my demonstration i'll notify you that you didn't negate my claim of you being a young earth creationist. This will come into play later too.
The faith of God and creation by Him is not my idea actually. Nor are you probably capable of discussing that and that is not the topic. Your belief system is. Science so called.
I wasn't talking about ideas at all there. Try to read your opponents' posts as they are instead of how you're imagining them to be. What i actually did was claim that this thread is really about your beliefs, and specifically, your trouble connecting these beliefs to science. Your solution:
Keep badmouthing science. Then you don't have to do any connecting.
You're practically describing psychological defence mechanisms. Last thursdayism IS a psychological defence mechanism.
You are wrong. The tampering is a conspiracy theory inside your head.
= Since your god doesn't do any tampering, it's all of US who are being deceived by the devil.
This is still last thursdayism. Just a more obscure form of it. You're trying to decry ALL your opponents in one fell swoop. Instead of your own god. But it's still exactly the same thing, and exactly same part of your brain being engaged.
Aside from your insults try and focus on ideas rather than persons in a debate. I would be a fool NOT to insult evo fables falsely called science. That is nothing like your personal (attempted) insults.
So, you're asking me to stop insulting you, even though that's not what i'm doing, and are giving yourself a free pass to insult everyone else... Because it's "obviously right."
That's cognitive dissonance. You are actually acting highly delusional here. This is an observation.
So is this your claim? Try and relate posts to the thread and posters at hand.
I am relating it to to you. You're a last thursdayist.
My claim is that science of origins is belief based. Nothing to do with your strawman diversion. Really. Science really does assume and therefore claim that nature.laws were the same in the past. That is a basis for models of the past. Why can you not prove or support this basis for science claims? Instead we see lies about what my position is, repeated even after I clarified how you were not even in the ball park. This shows us you are DESPERATE to avoid dealing with having to support the basis and beliefs used for actual origin science claims. It also shows a deep dishonesty in lying about my position.
Empty rhetoric, but you display the very same defence mechanisms i was talking about earlier.
False. I do not keep with flood geology at all! That is a lie.
It's a lie, from me, to make the claim that you believe in Noah's flood?
Alright, alright, the flood is a silly story anyway. What was i thinking. Of course you don't believe in it.
Nor is the delusion of the deceived due to God tampering with evidence.
So, everyone else IS being deceived but you? Very convenient.
It's also a form of last thursdayism.
As you were told it is due to the beliefs you impose on things when looking at them, so that they then start to look old to you.
That's last thursdayism again. You're literally advocating for the idea that the world is 6000 years ago, and that god didn't plant evidence to make it look like millions of years ago: Instead we're just being deceived by satan.
Still the same thing. I don't believe in satan. You do.
The reasons it looks old are faith based.
That's just rhetoric and you know it. You're a young earth creationist. By default you believe the exact opposite. And you're trying to make sense of it all by relying on last thursdayism. This is why your points are not convincing:
Last thursdayists tend to be insane.
Namely that our laws and nature existed back then, so that we had the radioactive decay and etc. All your premises rest on that belief of a same state past. Nothing looks old without it!
All your premises rest on the belief of last thursdayism. Nothing looks young without it.
Never. That would be your religion that deceives. Like the OP says. Focus. be honest.
I think i should stop trying to feed your delusions. You're a YEC and a last thursdayist. You keep claiming that "my religion deceives" yet you haven't shown it to be case. But i fully know you have convinced yourself that it's all you need to do: Just shout and yell, and tell them to repent.
That is why you blather on about 'these evidences' without providing any!
I am not providing any. I've seen your previous arguments too. Every single time someone TRIES to even post evidence, you make the argument that "bu but you can't prove old age" because the implements with which we could do that have been poisoned by satan. And every time someone tries to give you evidence of the past, you just assume we'll all accept your alternative explanation: Last thursdayism.
So you engage in personal insults, lie about my position repeatedly, fail to defend your beliefs falsely called science and then finish the symphony of insanity with an insult to the Almighty!
So you engage in ignoring the point of what was said because you saw someone call your god things you didn't like. And then expecting me to recoil in horror for realizing what i have done.
I called your god a dodgy bastid.
Not bad for someone accusing others of insulting people.
I'm accusing you of insulting others. Yet i'm also making the claim that i'm not actually insulting you in any way, but you're such a small minded person that you FEEL insulted by everything i say. And especially everything what i represent. That's all that really ever happened. You got insulted by me existing.
You are a young earth creationist, trying to do apologetics. That's what last thursdayism usually is.