What makes you think that it came from below upwards?
I don't know which direction it came from. I asked the question so we can see if a fountain of the deep can be ruled out. Some people have theorized that a rupturing fount of the deep could eject water and material from below forcefully enough to even have some of the ejecta leave earth gravity.
That's putting the cart before the horse. First you have to show that there was a worldwide flood to begin with. Without a worldwide flood evidence, the reason the explanation of the presence of iridium must necessarily defer to the explanation with the most evidence supporting it.
No, YOU have t show that all the iridium had to have come exclusively from an asteroid impact if you claim it did!
Huh? No, I claim the limits of human imagination; they told stories according to that which they knew, and they knew salt.
You don't know what they knew. Nor have you ant evidence it was a fraud.
There are some aspects of beliefs that have a basis in assumption; but an assumption is not necessarily a belief in itself.
We are not talking generalities, but the specific beliefs and assumptions actually used in models of the past by science.
If you understood astronomy, you would understand why this claim is utterly ridiculous.
If you understood it you could say why.
Judges 11:30-31 clearly show Jephthah making a promise to render a "burnt offering" of the first thing he saw unto the Lord upon his triumphant return.
Yeah, so he lied! Ha. He gave his daughter a few months to prepare for whatever he was planning to do. The spirit of what the sinner said seems to have been an immediate sacrifice to God. Basically he was running at the mouth.
Judges 11:39 clearly states that Jephthah did as he had vowed.
This scholarly commentary addresses the issue.
The text is
vehayah layhovah, vehaalithihu olah; the translation of which, according to the most accurate Hebrew scholars, is this:
I will consecrate it to the Lord, or
I will offer it for a burnt-offering; that is, "
If it be a thing fit for a burnt-offering, it shall be made one; if fit for the
service of God, it shall be consecrated to him." That
conditions of this kind must have been implied in the vow, is evident enough; to have been made without them, it must have been the vow of a heathen, or a
madman. If a
dog had met him, this could not have been made a
burnt-offering; and if his neighbour or friend's
wife, son, or
daughter, visit to his family, his vow gave him no right over them. Besides,
human sacrifices were ever an abomination to the Lord; and this was one of the grand reasons why God drove out the Canaanites,
the fire, i.e., made burnt-offerings of them, as is generally supposed. That Jephthah was a deeply pious man, appears in the whole of his conduct; and that he was well acquainted with the
law of Moses, which prohibited all such sacrifices, and stated
what was to be offered in sacrifice, is evident enough from his expostulation with the king and people of Ammon,
Judges 11:14-27. Therefore it must be granted that he never made that rash vow which several suppose he did; nor was he capable, if he had, of executing it in that most shocking manner which some Christian writers ("tell it not in Gath") have contended for. He could not commit a crime which himself had just now been an executor of God's justice to punish in others.
It has been supposed that "the text itself might have been read differently in former times; if instead of the words
I will offer IT a burnt-offering, we read
I will offer HIM (i.e., the Lord)
a burnt-offering: this will make a widely different sense, more consistent with everything that is sacred; and it is formed by the addition of only a
single letter, (
aleph,) and the separation of the
pronoun from the verb. Now the letter
aleph is so like the letter
ain, which immediately follows it in the word
olah, that the one might easily have been lost in the other, and thus the
pronoun be joined to the
verb as at present, where it expresses the
thing to be sacrificed instead of the
person to
whom the sacrifice was to be made. With this emendation the passage will read thus:
Whatsoever cometh forth of the doors or my house to meet me-shall be the Lord's; and I will offer HIM a burnt-offering." For this criticism there is no absolute need, because the pronoun
hu, in the above verse, may with as much propriety be translated
him as
it. The latter part of the verse is, literally,
And I will offer him a burnt-offering,
olah, not
FOR a burnt-offering, which is the common Hebrew form when
for is intended to be expressed. This is strong presumption that the text should be thus understood: and this avoids the very disputable construction which is put on the
vau, in
vehaalithihu, OR
I will offer IT up, instead of AND
I will offer HIM a burnt-offering.
From Judges 11:39 it appears evident that Jephthah's daughter was not SACRIFICED to God, but consecrated to him in a state of perpetual virginity; for the text says,
She knew no man, for this was a statute in Israel.
vattehi chokbeyishrael; viz., that
persons thus dedicated or consecrated to God, should live in a state of unchangeable celibacy. Thus this celebrated place is, without violence to any part of the text, or to any proper rule of construction, cleared of all difficulty, and caused to speak a language consistent with itself, and with the nature of God."
Those who assert that Jephthah did sacrifice his daughter, attempt to justify the opinion from the barbarous usages of those times: but in answer to this it may be justly observed, that Jephthah was now under the influence of the Spirit of God,
Judges 11:29; and that
Spirit could not permit him to imbrue his hands in the blood of his own child; and especially under the pretence of offering a
pleasing sacrifice to that God who is the Father of mankind, and the Fountain of love, mercy, and compassion."
Judges - Chapter 11 - Adam Clarke Commentary on StudyLight.org
Already did. You ignored it and dismissed it.
Link? Hahaha
Gaps in our knowledge just means that we have more to learn.
The issue is NO knowledge at all and making stuff up fraudulently pretending to know.