Science is actually not in conflict with religion. Aristotles Prime Mover is often said to start the school of logic, and so science. Both religion and science is misunderstood, however for a highly intelligent person, they are really the same. Ofcourse logic, but also things we call social science today. Indeed many scientists agree that learned men should really be the ones who run a society, and that really was a theocracy, that voices truth in a way commonly accessible.
Many intelligent people today find the democracy a feeble idea, and the idea of listening to "the man in the streets", and his promiscuous culture.Obviously not something that works.
If one would ever underestand the popularity of Abraham, or Ibrahim as really was his name, and "Ahura has no other", which is why abrahamic religion is called so, one would indeed tap into that ultimate space of monotheism.
Many people try to get there through self-development techniques, or by following standard religion such as in The Quran. But many get stuck in paradigims such as pantheism, that seems just as religious to atheists and "believers" alike.
Truth is, not many people believe anymore. They are happy with society as it is. There is no big political factions organised online. Revolution is a myth, and statistically everything is normal. And one may wonder if there is any such thing at all.
But definately the individual can go there. And something I particulary notice today, is the popularity of transcendent meditation, and the idea that "Buddha" has some idea of such things.
Which really is a typical thing in our times, regardless of if the Buddha really originally knew anything, or just wanted to claim desirelessness for himself, in a yellow robe.
Still, the hypertranscendence can be meditated on, and paradoxes and letters of the divine.