Hevenly Heathen
Nothing is as it seems. An orange is an orange because it appears so. What makes an orange appear? What gives the orange its taste and smell? Where did the orange come from? A myriad of similar questions goes into understanding of the phrase: nothing is as it seems. It could, by appearance, be a juicy, healthy, satisfying orange, until one peels it and finds out there is a worm in it, then, POOF, it becomes something else. See, by accepting what is place before us as it seems, we blind ourselves to what it could be. You could each day pass the next Einstein on the street, but until he revealed himself, then he wouldn't be. Perhaps it adds a sense of fantasy to the mundane world, who wouldn't want that?No it does not, it implies the opposite - accepting the world for what it is unless there is evidence to the contrary. Perhaps I was over-simplifying.
As for your notion that "nothing is as it seems", again, you've added nothing to the discussion in terms of insight or actual knowledge. Such statements have no purpose in any intelligent, rational debate because it creates a dead-end argument. "You cannot know anything absolutely therefore everything is subjective" is a cheap cop-out argument that people use to avoid facing the fact that there are degrees of certainty. Like it or not, human beings do have a reliable basis for establishing fact from fantasy.
You are speaking from a scientific stance. If you want physical proof for everything, then many r/s matters will disappoint you.Because if you're going to forgo the requirement for evidence and rationale you could make any statement you want and it would not be possible to demonstrate it to be false - since there is no basis.
Nothing is certain. Can you prove to me that I will not die tomorrow? Can you prove that a plane won't land on my house? Can you prove that a tear in the space-time continuum won't open up beneath my feet while I'm in the bathroom?So, every morning you wake up terrified of the possibility of a black hole opening-up where your bedroom floor should be?
Why do you never, for a change, decide to leap out of your bedroom window rather than leave your house via the front door?
You're avoiding the simple undeniable fact that there are degrees of certainty that we employ on every level of our lives. Your argument has no point other than to ignore this fact in favor of fantasy.
I know that there are different degrees of certainty, but one cannot be 100% certain of anything. We expect to see the sun rise because it always has, and we have a model to base it from that has not failed us, but that is not to say it will always be so. So why expect somethings to continue to produce results simply because they have? Why expect somethings to fail because they have never succeeded?
Change is always around. And our understanding of the universe changes as well. I do not seek to ignore physics, nor do I seek to disprove any scientific theory. I keep an open mind as nothing is lasting, and nothing remains the same. That doesn't mean I walk on the ceiling and swim through rock.
I know you'll have a field trip with this, but: nothing is pointless. I think very rationally, just not along the same lines as you. It is arrogant to assume that all must think and rationalize the same.Except you're neither questioning nor confirming anything with such ruminations as "nothing is certain", just positing an intellectual black hole in place of substance. You're effectively forgoing the rationale part of your brain so that you can leap to a meaningless conclusion that neither answers anything nor provides any real benefit to either your perception of those around you. It's pointless.
Ah, now we have the climax. I never stated that the scientific community does not go through years of compiling and research. I simply illustrated that in my opinion you lashed all r/s in to a group who took something as it seemed to be presented to them without their own research; that they were sheep. My response was that there are many who spend years searching for the truth, questioning, testing, researching, observing, etc., who have humility to admit they do not know what it is.Are you saying that people who study science do not spend years reading, learning, searching, travelling, examining, writing and testing their minds? And yet at the end of this process their effort is deemed for naught if they cannot then utilize what they have learned to formulate an observation, test it, make predictions, test it again, make more predictions and submit their findings for peer review before finally applying their theory and dedicating the remainder of their lives to utilizing it for further study for the benefit of mankind.
And yet, according to you, the job of these people is "easier" than that of someone who spends years "searching" and coming up with nothing?
You're just plain wrong.
Science, to you, benefits mankind. R/S, to me, enlightens mankind. Which is more important is just as personal of an opinion.
Your post still seems attacking, imo, or at least VERY opinionated. Try to tone it down, eh? It does not do well for continuing discussion.
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