Well-Known Member
All I'm 'doing', is trying to have a discussion about common descent. The evidence, facts, and reasoning behind it, as a MAJOR belief in the public's perceptions.I don’t see any victims here, but I will say that agreeing with some things that @usfan is saying doesn’t mean that I’m endorsing what he’s doing.
Is it based on facts? Observable science? Sound reason and methodology?
Or is it based on Indoctrination? Propaganda? Fallacies?
Evidence is called for, in any scientific discipline. It is not unreasonable nor unscientific to critically examine the alleged 'facts' behind this popular belief.
If there is no compelling evidence, one can only conclude Indoctrination as the basis for this belief. If the belief in common descent is based on empirical evidence, then it should be easy to defend.
Hysteria, religious fervor, hostility, and dependence on fallacies indicate 'Indoctrination', as the basis for this belief. Calm, civil, rational delivery of facts would indicate 'science' and Reason.