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Scientific Falsification of the Theory of Evolution (ToE) and


Be your own guru
If a person believes in evolution and not a creator, then of course, evolution is what moves ever onward to the culmination. Which is death. No way out.
Yeah, I am comfortable with that. Lived my life as it came to me, with its fund and sorrows (I am an 80-year old). If there is no way out then I accept it. I accept that there is no rebirth or resurrection, and only chemical recycling after death. That is the carrot theists hold for the dunce.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yeah, I am comfortable with that. Lived my life as it came to me, with its fund and sorrows (I am an 80-year old). If there is no way out then I accept it. I accept that there is no rebirth or resurrection, and only chemical recycling after death. That is the carrot theists hold for the dunce.
you look much younger in your picture with the insignia on your head.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Death is the natural outcome no mater what you believe. All living things will eventually die. What's your point?

I don't blame any God for anything. That would be as silly as blaming purple people eaters for the weather.
Animals can be vicious to each other and other animals. It is considered by many as part of evolution.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Men claim laws.

No entity claimed laws.

Men said free will. I think. I am In telligent. Speak. Listen. Do you agree. Do you disagree.

Basic just a human advice..

Men said infinte space one plane empty with no energy as it's gone.

Filled in with gases. Stretched. The state the heavens. Across. So you can't include what came in above our heads.

Only told by the status self living. Above my head.

It is across you dimwit theist.

It goes right across space. No more space the heavens accumulative mass travelled. He thinks then he says just a human inside the heavens .... I space travelled.

As only satellites or rockets actually space travel.

Do you now think you evolved into a machine by thesis? Including above our head falseness?

I would say consciousness as a human fake law talker.... as most of you lying scientists break them.. even social laws. How can laws be real if you remove the status the law?

How can laws exist if you change anything you liar.

Pretty basic the destroyer story depicted by human liars.

Does evolution exist no.

Does human egotism exist? Yes.

Arguments all about human egotists. Just human egotists.

Men liars. Humans.

A heavens....same gases same water.

Hot or cold heating or cooling status changes our heavens.

Is not creating. I think intelligent humans say it's change.


Veteran Member
Ok, I understand. Keeping that in mind, however, someone who doesn't believe God (or gods) exists really cannot complain too much about man's inhumanity to man because... that's simply evolution.
Not to mention a strawman.

However, not to leave you stranded, I will say that the Bible offers hope for a better world and personal existence.

False hope isn't hope.


Veteran Member
hmmm If I said man's inhumanity to man is natural selection I was being sarcastic. I think. (Yes, I checked my post and see I was, in fact, being sarcastic. Unless, of course, you think it's just the way things are -- i.e., part of evolution of the "natural" kind, biologically speaking of course. So maybe - with all the in's and out's of the evolutionary process, things will get ?? better?? worse?? given the murders, bombings, selfishness, cruelty and more of 'mankind.' Oh, let me not leave out lying stealing, fraud, greediness, what else...

What on earth are you on about?


Veteran Member
I will rephrase the post I made earlier.
Whether local statistics of crime are better than they were 20 years ago isn't the issue. Because one death or crime is not good. Murder is murder and death is death and a reasonable person should be able to discern what cruelty is. Summing this up, if evolution has as its natural outcome death, one cannot blame God for anything. Because he doesn't believe God exists in relation to the creative process.

Still makes no sense to me.
I'm not seeing the link from being able to tell right from wrong, to "evolution having as natural outcome death". In fact, I'm not even sure what you mean by that. Death is a natural outcome of life. What does that have to do with evolution?
Third, I'm also not seeing how you get from that bizar statement about evolution to this god comment. Or how it concerns a "creative process"?

It's just bizar nonsensical word salad from beginning to end.

I don't even know how to respond, because I have no idea what you think your point is.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
You don't know what gorillas will evolve into. ! And you think they likely will go extinct because of poaching. But if they were to continue, you think they would evolve into something more than their present type form?? Sorry I know it's not nice to laugh sometimes but I am laughing a bit. My brain has evolved to laugh at what sometimes appears to me as stupid, silly, or ridiculous.

Yes, absolutely, they would evolve into something different than their current form. And, further, they would almost certainly do so within 10 million years or so.

The change would be gradual with no specific time when they change from 'gorillas' to 'not gorillas'. Instead, they would be less and less gorilla-like until it was clear that they are not gorillas.

The same is true for chimpanzees. Assuming they don't go extinct, they *will* evolve into some other type of primate.

And, yes, the same is true for humans, although we have a large enough population that it will take longer for major changes to happen.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
@Astrophile I'm doing a little research on this and I'll get back to you. But anyway to sum up what I've read so far, with the time element and seas changing, floods, you think what, that chimpanzees evolved from?? Maybe I did not get that far in my reading what evolution believing scientists put together. This is not to say that I don't believe the earth is millions or billions of years old. I am speaking solely of the conjectures scientists put forth about emergence by natural selection of plants and animals.

OK, if you accept that the Earth is billions of years old, do you also accept that everything alive today is descended from something alive 100 million years ago?

If so, do you agree that there were no gorillas, chimpanzees, or humans 100 million years ago?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And they can also be compassionate and kind to each other. That is also part of evolution.
I believe that God had a very creative hand in composing life. Words are hard to describe it. Even people who don't believe in God and the Bible are thrilled when they see or investigate life. Yes, animals can be kind and compassionate.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
OK, if you accept that the Earth is billions of years old, do you also accept that everything alive today is descended from something alive 100 million years ago?

If so, do you agree that there were no gorillas, chimpanzees, or humans 100 million years ago?
Here's what I agree to: the word 'day' as used in the creation account in the book of Genesis does not mean a 24-hour period. It can mean many thousands of years, even millions for certain things such as the existence of the roundish ball known as the planet Earth. Each considered day of creation had a closure except for one.
It is also clear (to me) that geologic strata show that life and composition came in layers.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes, absolutely, they would evolve into something different than their current form. And, further, they would almost certainly do so within 10 million years or so.

The change would be gradual with no specific time when they change from 'gorillas' to 'not gorillas'. Instead, they would be less and less gorilla-like until it was clear that they are not gorillas.

The same is true for chimpanzees. Assuming they don't go extinct, they *will* evolve into some other type of primate.

And, yes, the same is true for humans, although we have a large enough population that it will take longer for major changes to happen.
When I took biology I distinctly remember that the teacher said animals (not humans) have a "flight or fight" instinct, differentiating that with human reasoning about self-preservation and analysis of life and death. I find that to be true with the little lizards that run around the area. When I get near them if they're in my path, they run away. Since they freeze slightly in place, I may stamp my foot to frighten them, they then scoot away. I'm glad about that, I'm not thrilled to imagine they might impede my path.
Humans also have a desire to live, only I believe it is on a far higher level than that of a lizard or bird flying away in order to be safe. I say "I believe" because I also believe someone will say, "How do you know?" My answer? I figure that. :) But they, like bees and ants, have fabulous qualities we humans do not have.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes, absolutely, they would evolve into something different than their current form. And, further, they would almost certainly do so within 10 million years or so.

The change would be gradual with no specific time when they change from 'gorillas' to 'not gorillas'. Instead, they would be less and less gorilla-like until it was clear that they are not gorillas.

The same is true for chimpanzees. Assuming they don't go extinct, they *will* evolve into some other type of primate.

And, yes, the same is true for humans, although we have a large enough population that it will take longer for major changes to happen.
In reference to your statement that given enough time, humans would develop into something different than the present form, one point is that there are apparently, as I've read, only a few genes different between gorillas and humans. In other words, that difference makes the difference. And -- no one know what the in-between is, or perhaps better put, how the genes developed from some "unknown common ancestor" to the gorillas, bonobos, monkeys, etc., despite their closeness of genes the gap is -- rather signifcant.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
In reference to your statement that given enough time, humans would develop into something different than the present form, one point is that there are apparently, as I've read, only a few genes different between gorillas and humans. In other words, that difference makes the difference. And -- no one know what the in-between is, or perhaps better put, how the genes developed from some "unknown common ancestor" to the gorillas, bonobos, monkeys, etc., despite their closeness of genes the gap is -- rather signifcant.
We are even closer to bonobos and chimpanzees. Depending upon how one measures it the difference can be as little as 1 to 2%.

Have you ever thought of really buckling down and trying to understand the theory of evolution? It is not all that difficult.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Here's what I agree to: the word 'day' as used in the creation account in the book of Genesis does not mean a 24-hour period. It can mean many thousands of years, even millions for certain things such as the existence of the roundish ball known as the planet Earth. Each considered day of creation had a closure except for one.
It is also clear (to me) that geologic strata show that life and composition came in layers.

Not responsive to the point. Was there a time in the past when there were living things and no gorillas or chimpanzees?

Are all living things now descendants of living things from that time in the past?


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
When I took biology I distinctly remember that the teacher said animals (not humans) have a "flight or fight" instinct, differentiating that with human reasoning about self-preservation and analysis of life and death. I find that to be true with the little lizards that run around the area. When I get near them if they're in my path, they run away. Since they freeze slightly in place, I may stamp my foot to frighten them, they then scoot away. I'm glad about that, I'm not thrilled to imagine they might impede my path.
Humans also have a desire to live, only I believe it is on a far higher level than that of a lizard or bird flying away in order to be safe. I say "I believe" because I also believe someone will say, "How do you know?" My answer? I figure that. :) But they, like bees and ants, have fabulous qualities we humans do not have.

Again, beside the point of my post.

Let's stick to the fact that 100 million years ago, there were no gorillas or chimpanzees. In fact,t hat is even true of 10 million years ago.

Let's also notice the fact that there *are* gorillas and chimpanzees now.

Since everything alive NOW is descended from something alive THEN, we can conclude that something *not* a gorillas evolved into gorillas and something NOT a chimpanzee evolved into chimpanzees.

Also, over the course of millions of years (as opposed to hundreds or thousands), your dictum that chimps stay chimps and gorillas stay gorillas is simply false.

And, yes, humans also have the fight or flight response.
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