You are being like those who maintained the world was flat until Christopher Columbus physically proved it was not...
Some Greek philosophers and astronomers had deducted that the Earth wasn't flat but round like a ball, over 1500 years before Columbus ever making that voyage.
And what ever make you think I ever supported flat earth.
I am saying that it is very probable that there are life in other planets other than Earth, but we have none...yet. We actually don't know anything about these other planets, let alone just how prevalence life in other part of the universe.
My point is that you are making baseless claims about the universe (again), which everyone, including "you" cannot possibly know.
How do you know that life is "intrinsic" in the universe?
Now unless you have some hidden abilities to travel across distant galaxies and visit those worlds up close and personal, I am going to go that it is nothing than your new-age thingy.