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Scientists and Religion


Asteroid insurance?
Jim Holt said that Science « is ressurecting » God.
Is this « trend » confirmed?

I found this pool but I don ‘t know if it’s reliable:
I noticed among scientists, the younger are more inclined to believe in God or ID.. and the older they become the trend is faith is replaced by years critical thinking. Nobody I know was automatically an atheist or agnostic in there youth. Life seems to have eternal meaning when your young.. atheism comes when reality sinks in about natural physics, observation and history of what we really are.


Well-Known Member
Science and, presumably, most scientists, work methodically, from observations to theorems to testing and re-evaluation. Science is an evidence based research modality.
Religion is usually faith, not evidence based. It's not falsifiable or even tested.
Scientists, used to following the evidence and withholding belief in unsupported theorems, would be expected to do the same with religious dogma. A low level of religious faith would be expected.

Science in its most simplest form is as you say. But with bigger questions, or when you question certain assumptions of science, it's actually not a better explanation of reality than God. Take the word "Time" for example:

"If you try to get your hands on time, it's always slipping through your fingers," says Barbour. "People are sure time is there, but they can't get hold of it. My feeling is that they can't get hold of it because it isn't there at all."


Time only exists because people practicing science say it does the same way people claim God exists. Or take any scientific law for example. We have no way to prove by testing if science laws are universal or eternal. It does not take much imagination to conclude somethingness violates the law of conservation of energy.

You are probably going to make some ad hominem attack on me that I'm just a theist idiot who just doesn't understand science. But it really seems to me science as a belief system is built on a number of assumptions that are not evidence based, not falsifiable, or even tested. Please don't come back with the old but bombs blow stuff up argument. Nature dictates its behavior to science not the other way around. Just because God does not dictate in the way you prefer doesn't make assumptions made by faith any less valuable in making a difference in people's lives..

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Stay in ignorance then

I am not the ignorant one here. You were given a simple challenge. And one that you were responsible to meet. Your act of running away tells us that you did not find "reputable scientists" that agreed with you.

Do you even know how to tell the loons apart from real scientists?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
That study is already outdated. I believe with the insurgence of the LGBTQWXYZ the amount of those believing in God has diminished. Not only has the reprobate minds of the LGBTQWXYZ affected their own, but also the general public and the scientific world as well. Weak believers have been shamed into denouncing God by the secularists who have stated the homosexual acts are sin. People don't want to be known as homophobic.
There has been lots of scientists that have become creation scientist proving the Bible, especially Genesis is factual. It's pretty interesting if you have any curiosity and aren't easily shamed.

"Creationist scientist" is an oxymoron.


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
It survives as it is the reason we are here with the ability to make a choice.

Peace be with you.

Make a choice? You mean among the thousands gods people believe, or believed, in?


- viole


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Make a choice? You mean among the thousands gods people believe, or believed, in? Ciao - viole

We know now there is but One God who gave Messages in His many Names, each Name a blessing to this world.

Peace be with you always.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There has been lots of scientists that have become creation scientist proving the Bible, especially Genesis is factual. It's pretty interesting if you have any curiosity and aren't easily shamed.
I don't believe this. I think you've been reading creationist propaganda.
There are no scientists 'proving' the Bible. Where did you come up with this? Clearly you don't understand what science is, or what proof is.
"Creation science" is an oxymoron, and creationism is l an assertion of magic. How is magic within the purview of science, logic or reason?
Scientists and believers have to begin looking at the physical evidence from their own beginning points of understanding.
What does this mean?
It's easily possible to prove Genesis true if you start from the belief in God and that the Bible is true.
Genesis the book, or genesis 'creation'?
So you're saying it's easy to prove what you already believe? I don't think you understand what proof is.
Could you point us to some of these 'proofs'?
Scientists have to take geological evidence and assume the Big Bang is a true theory.
What does geology have to do with the Big Bang?
They have to assume that the universe and earth are billions of years old. When they do, they have to guess on much of the time line.
No they don't. Why do you say scientists are guessing at these dates? I don't think you understand dating techniques.
And, they have to make other assumptions about human beings not being made in the likeness of our Father in Heaven.
No. it's you who is being presumptuous. You begin with your conclusion.
Faith is always tested in the Spiritual State and has ample evidence in this Mind. In fact it is the only sense that can not be taken away from a person when death visits them upon this earth.
Faith is unfounded belief. How do you test that in a "spiritual state?" Does actual evidence factor in at any level?
Faith does not need science to confirm or refute this well know truth, it is what it is.
Yes, it's belief without evidence, but I don't see how it could be confirmed without evidence, nor am I aware of any well known truth here.
LOL!!! Many reputable scientists are now slowly backing away from a Big Bang. No one is disbuting the size and distances of stars and galaxies. But, how we came into being is changing based on new information.
This just isn't true, Cougarbear. Where are you getting this? What is this new information?
But, once again, that information is “interpreted” based on the belief the universe is old. While a creationist can interpret what is seen and known differently and theorize differently too. The fact is, no one really knows for sure. Except God :)
But science's assertions are backed by evidence. Scientists aren't just pulling this out of their hats.
Creationists aren't researching anything. Their 'interpretations' are a priori religious doctrine.[/quote][/quote]


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yep! Faith does not need empirical evidence.
Which is why it cannot be considered true or factual. It's no more than a comfortable, individual belief.
But, I can refer you to sites you could actually look up yourself that has work from PhD’s from renowned universities. Try doing some balanced investigation yourself. I have.

Do some investigation. I did. You should try.
Links, please.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Science in its most simplest form is as you say. But with bigger questions, or when you question certain assumptions of science, it's actually not a better explanation of reality than God.
But God isn't an 'explanation' of anything, He's just a proposed agent.
We know now there is but One God who gave Messages in His many Names, each Name a blessing to this world.
How do we know this? Can you link to the studies?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
But God isn't an 'explanation' of anything, He's just a proposed agent.
How do we know this? Can you link to the studies?

I could link you to all the Holy Books, any one of them you will find God through.

Peace be with you always.


Well-Known Member
I believe with the insurgence of the LGBTQWXYZ the amount of those believing in God has diminished. Not only has the reprobate minds of the LGBTQWXYZ affected their own, but also the general public and the scientific world as well. Weak believers have been shamed into denouncing God by the secularists who have stated the homosexual acts are sin. People don't want to be known as homophobic.
There is another side to this, one is that out of touch with science attitudes held by modern literalist believers tend to alienate more educated among the masses from religion.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
You don't seem to understand the concept of proof. A person isn't proof.

I could in return say one does not understand the concept of Gods Messenger and the obvious proof they are in connection to the Message they give.

One needs no further proof about what life is after accepting their Station.

We know that every planet has its own creatures and Science is excited they might find life, many already know what science will find.

"....Thou hast, moreover, asked Me concerning the nature of the celestial spheres. To comprehend their nature, it would be necessary to inquire into the meaning of the allusions that have been made in the Books of old to the celestial spheres and the heavens, and to discover the character of their relationship to this physical world, and the influence which they exert upon it. Every heart is filled with wonder at so bewildering a theme, and every mind is perplexed by its mystery. God, alone, can fathom its import…. Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute. – Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, pp. 162-163.

Peace be with you and all.