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Seeing That Women Can Go Topless Now Do You Suppose A Lot More Rapes Will Happen?

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Well-Known Member
PTSD left untreated or undiagnosed/misdiagnosed is devastating. Soldiers who return from combat have been known to avoid large malls and box stores because of the open spaces with no cover, and they have been known to refuse to go to see fireworks on U.S. 4th of July celebrations because of the sights and booming noises. Too many triggers.

It's much the same with rape survivors. I once worked with a woman attorney who was repeatedly drugged by her law partner, and leaving her oblivious to how she wound up being gang raped by a small group of men. She was gaslighted to the extreme, waking up amidst being raped, and then dropped off at her home telling her she was imagining things. She endured that for well over 6 months if the records were correct, but she wound up moving a couple hundred miles away closer to family with the help of the FBI and local law enforcement, and changing her name so she couldn't be found. The authorities had been attempting a sting operation to infiltrate this ring because she was not the only one being prostituted out without being fully cognizant of what was going on, and it was an underground illicit drug ring as well.

She couldn't be in the same room with other people with bare feet. She could be alone bare-footed, but anywhere else where she's inside somewhere and more than one person because barefoot, she starts to panic. Again, plenty of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques help her to cope, and especially if someone is there to guide her back to what she's seeing, sensing, hearing, feeling right there at that moment, and not what was happening many moons ago.
The person I'm talking about has been diagnosed and treated for PTSD over the years, she still can not go more then 15mins outside by herself without having a panic attack and even then she sometimes has to be on the phone to someone.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I never said staff don't make decisions on consensus -_-

I really couldn't care less how you interpreted my words. It's not at the top of my list of priorities to have my words understood properly by you. If you want to continue to debate, be my guest but I'm not interested. What I said isn't up for debate in my opinion take it or leave it.

I see. You are simply wanting to state your opinion on what you really think of rape victims and then walk away? Especially if your opinions come across as crass, condescending, and sexist? If what you said isn't up for debate, that it's just your opinion, then I take that to mean you don't want to debate with others or to be challenged in your views.

Also, I take this to mean if any triggers happen - which it seems to be the case when Dallas said she had a difficult time shaking while posting her experience - that it means no consequence with you?

That attitude is sad and atrocious.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
The person I'm talking about has been diagnosed and treated for PTSD over the years, she still can not go more then 15mins outside by herself without having a panic attack and even then she sometimes has to be on the phone to someone.

:( My heart goes out to her. I wish her peace and safety. :flower:


Active Member
then I take that to mean
You can take it to mean absolutely anything, that's something I don't have control over in an internet forum. People can interpret other people's words in the most inaccurate, disgusting and selfish manner. But that's nature of the internet. So you have to understand that it cannot be my priority to make everybody see things the way I do, that's not a realistic feat or even worthwhile. What am I going to gain from it? Nothing.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
You can take it to mean absolutely anything, that's something I don't have control over in an internet forum. People can interpret other people's words in the most inaccurate, disgusting and selfish manner. But that's nature of the internet.

Which is why I asked for clarification. You're avoiding the opportunity. I'm left to assume what you're saying. If you don't wish to be interpreted that way by myself and others who are reading your messages, it isn't that difficult to clarify what you mean.

So you have to understand that it cannot be my priority to make everybody see things the way I do, that's not a realistic feat or even worthwhile. What am I going to gain from it? Nothing.

I never asked for you to try to convince everybody to see things the way you do. I asked repeatedly if you could clarify your position. Are you suggesting that rape survivors brought it on themselves, even partially, and even on occassion?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I think it's safe to say you have clear double standards and sexist views. Your sig doesn't help either. I agree with Me Myself.

So you couldn't resist responding to a comment you found sexist toward men, right? Now you know why people are asking you to clarify what you meant when you said this, among other things:

I agree with that, apart from the assault of the children the rest could have probably been avoided but if you start making suggestions like don't walk alone in the dark, trust people you don't know, dress appropriately etc. etc. you get the militant feminist internet keyboard warriors get all defensive and say "but it's the fault of the rapist why should I change my lifestyle, I can do whatever I want". To that I say: Fine. Forget self defence precautions. Do what you want. But I don't want to know nor do I care if something happens to you.

It's really stupid, poor working class women who don't really know anything. My mum has a very successful career of nearly 30 years and in all that time she was very respectable and knew what to do in all situations and didn't get in trouble, nothing happened to her. She didn't let the poor stupid people get to her. If you want to get somewhere in life sometimes you have to do things you don't want, even if that means not drinking alcohol late at night, always going with people and dressing properly and NOT talking to random strangers.

And as far as I can see, the posts you quoted aren't nearly as provocative as your own.

Now, do you care to clarify what you meant there, or do you have no problem with blatant double standards in your posts?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I think these are the key words. But yeah, keep you tinted glasses on, and while you're at it, would you like to bend over backwards some more to defend and deflect the sexist views?

I think the posts you replied to aren't as provocative as yours because

1. they didn't call rape survivors "stupid" or "poor"

2. they didn't imply that victims of sexual assault are at fault merely for being assaulted like yours seemed to

If you think it's sexist to point that out, then by all means have a go at showing me why I'm wrong. I still think your posts are more provocative.


You can take it to mean absolutely anything, that's something I don't have control over in an internet forum. People can interpret other people's words in the most inaccurate, disgusting and selfish manner. But that's nature of the internet. So you have to understand that it cannot be my priority to make everybody see things the way I do, that's not a realistic feat or even worthwhile. What am I going to gain from it? Nothing.

You could perhaps gain some insight about the error of your ways and grow as a person. Do you really want to be the poster boy for rape myth acceptance forever? There are lots of down sides to that, and no up sides.

The first step to recovery is going back and reading Dallas's posts again and try to put yourself in her shoes as opposed to telling her only stupid, poor, ignorant women who don't take steps to defend themselves get raped.


Active Member
You could perhaps gain some insight about the error of your ways and grow as a person. Do you really want to be the poster boy for rape myth acceptance forever? There are lots of down sides to that, and no up sides.

The first step to recovery is going back and reading Dallas's posts again and try to put yourself in her shoes as opposed to telling her only stupid, poor, ignorant women who don't take steps to defend themselves get raped.
The only person who needs to grow up is the one who uses ad-hom as arguments and thinks it is wise to defend sexist views. What do you do for a living?


Active Member
I think the posts you replied to aren't as provocative as yours because

1. they didn't call rape survivors "stupid" or "poor"

2. they didn't imply that victims of sexual assault are at fault merely for being assaulted like yours seemed to

If you think it's sexist to point that out, then by all means have a go at showing me why I'm wrong. I still think your posts are more provocative.
Yeah yeah. Carry on interpreting my words like that, I really couldn't care less. It is telling though how there is not one word of condemnation for what I and Me Myself pointed out were blatantly sexist viewpoints. Tells me everything I need to know about you.


The only person who needs to grow up is the one who uses ad-hom as arguments and thinks it is wise to defend sexist views. What do you do for a living?

I smash silly ideas and provoke those who advocate them to humiliate themselves. What about you?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Seriously wtf? Either you make friends in a rape victims center or you're flat out lying.

He also said this to Alceste when she talked about friends she had that had been sexually assaulted.

Then when others including me said its common ..He continued to say it was "unrealistic" and not "normal" to know that many people .

That's how the whole thing got started.

Next I guess but for children all sexual assault victims are stupid , poor,"working class".Oh that is of course if they aren't lying about it in the first place.

Anyway it demonstrates too exactly why I would have concerns that more women would be assaulted if we were a topless society.Because the 'stupid" woman shoudn't have been walking around without her top on .She wanted the right to "do whatever she wanted" so don't complain to me if your that stupid and get raped because of it.


Wonder Woman
Ignition, perhaps the lesson to learn here is the whole "glass houses" thing. When you, yourself, are highly guilty of a certain attitude, it really doesn't bode well to try to use an accusation of that same attitude against someone else as an argument. It will backfire badly.

At this point, it really has gone beyond whether or not what someone else said was sexist or not, you pointing it out was highly hypocritical considering your own sexist position. It was rather an "open mouth insert foot" moment.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah yeah. Carry on interpreting my words like that, I really couldn't care less. It is telling though how there is not one word of condemnation for what I and Me Myself pointed out were blatantly sexist viewpoints. Tells me everything I need to know about you.

So... are you going to keep bringing up every post you view as sexist in this thread and not clarify yours? Why do you expect all sexist posts but yours to be "condemned"?

Anyway, I do object to blatantly sexist viewpoints. That's precisely why I'm taking issue with your earlier posts in this thread and asking you to clarify them. ;)


You mean you're a keyboard basher? You smash the keyboard, not ideas?


Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
You will see. Call me it one more time and I will report you.

Dude, calm down. You're putting more emotional energy into the charge of sexism being laid against you than you are sticking up for two women that have had their privacy and dignity robbed from them, and have had to spend years getting that back. So much for the stereotype that women are emotional and men are rational.