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Seeking Truth and Seeking Certainty

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Fine but I take issue with the notion that it is some kind of hierarchical arrangement. It's more like Interdependent Origination. Even the glorious Sun is dependent upon the miniscule helium atom for it's robust existence.
Hey...what we see is evolution...starting from Brahman as rock....through the kingdoms of nature.....to that of pure Brahman beyond the angel stage....as seen from the dualistic mind.....take all descriptions of aspects of Brahman as those seen from a dualistic perspective....


Thou art That
Then there is this:

A Tantric Perspective on the Myth of Adam and Eve

Every time a man and woman make love, they reenact the myth of Shiva and Shakti who, by their Tantric union, conceive and give birth to the universes. Since we are childrem of the West, I would like to present a positive, ecstatic version of the myth that plagued us with original sin. To do this we have to go straight to the root of the problem: our sexuality. In your mind, imagine Adam and Eve in Paradise, sitting naked under the Tree of Knowledge, kissing...

Adam and Eve are becoming asroused, and Adam wants to make love. Eve hesitates. She says to Adam, "I'd like to be different, more spiritual this time." Adam is confused, "I'm not sure I know how."

Eve says, "Me neither, Let's ask God to help us." She calls God in prayer: "Dear God, be with us in our joining and bring us your blessings that we may experience your divine light and become one with you. Thank you for giving us Paradise."

Now there is a great Sssweeesh! in the leaves of the tree above their heads. And a great big sexy slinky boa constrictor slowly slides down to them holding a shiny red apple between his fangs. Eve gently stretches her hands out to receive the apple, and thanks him. Holding the juicy sweet apple in her right hand, she settles her naked body on Adam's lap, nestling his erection against her round, smooth belly. They began to sway their pelvises against each other, kissing passionaltely. Adam slides his tongue into Eve's mouth. she sucks his tongue, licks his lips, and pulls away to take a bite of the apple. then she slides the juicy bite into his mouth and they suck and chew on it together while hisVasjragently penetrates herYoni. A shudder of delight ripples through her spine as she takes another bite, shares it. Then another and another, while they make love.

The juice of God's apple oozes from their mouths onto their bodies, as the juice of herYonidrenches hisVajra. Their excitement rises with every bite until they can hold it no longer and she cries, "Mow, oh yes, Adam, come, oh dear God..." And at that very moment God comes in the form of a great white light, filling their mind, their third eye, their entire body with bliss. And they hear this whisper: "I am the Holy Spirit. Ane ye are my children, in whom I am well pleased. Be you blessed, for the Father and Mother have united in you and through you they will now bring forth healing to the Earth, that She may always be honored as our Mother."

And from the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple, they knew that God had listened to Eve's prayer and that they must use wisely the revelations that would pour down to them through the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge, and give back to Gaia, the Earth, in loving kindness, the beauty that she bestowed upon them.

Adam and Eve exist within each of us as the original man and woman, father and mother. Through them we need to acknowledge our inner male and female components, as archetypes of the God and Goddess, images of our dual nature fulfilled in the creative and spiritual dimensions. In every relationship and act of love, women and men are seeking the union of their inner male and female selves, their own divine wholeness. Yet we achieve union not through an outer lover, but by uniting these inner male and female archetypes in our own psyches. Ultimately, the key to ecstasy, inner peace, tribal peace, and world peace is our own individual wholeness.


Desert Snake

Veteran Member
First off, Iøm panentheistic, as opposed to panthiest. I don't know if you call yourself a panthiest, but what you are talking about, seems the definition of pantheism.

Dualism is not illusion in entirety, it's an aspect of it, //a unit, or part of the illusion that we create, or are faced with, by necessity. It would be difficult to quantify that 'amount', of dualistic illusion...it's alot. You say the ''I'', is an illusion, but i do not think that the ''I'' is apparent, in the first place, to be observed //who is observing//. The ''I'', therefore, may not come up lol , for all practical purposes. Anyways, that's a basic explanation of the usage of the words, that I'm using in the dialogue.


Thou art That
Hey...what we see is evolution...starting from Brahman as rock....through the kingdoms of nature.....to that of pure Brahman beyond the angel stage....as seen from the dualistic mind.....take all descriptions of aspects of Brahman as those seen from a dualistic perspective....

We read into evolution the idea of a hierarchy. It isn't actually the case. It's just transformation from the simple to the complex, and sometimes back to the simple, depending on environmental pressures. Nothing is greater than anything else. The Tao does not dominate, yet nurtures all things.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
First off, Iøm panentheistic, as opposed to panthiest. I don't know if you call yourself a panthiest, but what you are talking about, seems the definition of pantheism.

Dualism is not illusion in entirety, it's an aspect of it, //a unit, or part of the illusion that we create, or are faced with, by necessity. It would be difficult to quantify that 'amount', of dualistic illusion...it's alot. You say the ''I'', is an illusion, but i do not think that the ''I'' is apparent, in the first place, to be observed //who is observing//. The ''I'', therefore, may not come up lol , for all practical purposes. Anyways, that's a basic explanation of the usage of the words, that I'm using in the dialogue.
Thank you....yes you can consider my understanding as a pantheistic one.. I can see why there was misunderstanding for I am not familiar with panetheism.... I see the'I' as the manifestation of the kundlini energy and as such, is meant eventually to return to unite with non-dual Brahman.. But in any event...the unfolding story will eventually reveal all....sooner or later.. Cheers...

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
We read into evolution the idea of a hierarchy. It isn't actually the case. It's just transformation from the simple to the complex, and sometimes back to the simple, depending on environmental pressures. Nothing is greater than anything else. The Tao does not dominate, yet nurtures all things.
No one mentioned relative greatness.....it is Brahman at every stage...but saying that does not imply that stages are equal...they are not...the angelic stage is more Brahman realized than the human stage...even within stages, say the human, men are not equal, some are more Brahman realized than others... All is unfolding as it should...Brahman is perfect...


Thou art That
No one mentioned relative greatness.....it is Brahman at every stage...but saying that does not imply that stages are equal...they are not...the angelic stage is more Brahman realized than the human stage...even within stages, say the human, men are not equal, some are more Brahman realized than others... All is unfolding as it should...Brahman is perfect...

If all is unfolding as it should, then it is perfect at every moment. Being perfect at every moment, nothing is imperfect, from the POV of Higher Consciousness. So no. Nothing is greater than anything else. It only seems that way as maya. Brahman is The Absolute. There is nothing relative to it. The maya is that some things seem more realized than others. The reality is that Everything is already enlightened, and that Everything is none other than Brahman, playing at not being Brahman. The essential key here is divine play, and it unlocks the secret of true Reality behind the stone-faced facade we call 'reality'.

Brahman is playing itself as all the parts of the Universe,* all at once. Brahman cannot be greater or lesser than itself. That would be indulging in duality. The play of maya makes it only seem as if there is 'lesser' and 'greater'.

* "The Universe is [none other than] The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"

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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
If all is unfolding as it should, then it is perfect at every moment. Being perfect at every moment, nothing is imperfect, from the POV of Higher Consciousness. So no. Nothing is greater than anything else. It only seems that way as maya. Brahman is The Absolute. There is nothing relative to it. The maya is that some things seem more realized than others. The reality is that Everything is already enlightened, and that Everything is none other than Brahman, playing at not being Brahman. The essential key here is divine play, and it unlocks the secret of true Reality behind the stone-faced facade we call 'reality'.
Yes...I suppose it's a valid way of contemplating existence....so long as there is no copyright infringement...I may consider it mine and apply it... :)


Thou art That
Now I'm the richest in existence...and note there are all those poor uncertain atheists...it's time to really start sharing some of this inexhaustible abundance.. :)

Just remember that the atheist is playing the game of Hide and Seek as well, and that they are none other than the divine nature pretending that it doesn't exist; that they are nothing more than a fluke of nature, no more than a 'skin bag full of blood'....Alas.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Just remember that the atheist is playing the game of Hide and Seek as well, and that they are none other than the divine nature pretending that it doesn't exist; that they are nothing more than a fluke of nature, no more than a 'skin bag full of blood'....Alas.

Haha..it's worse than you think...atheists think existence itself was nothing more than a fluke of nothingness...a big bang in non-existence that created existence...
If anyone could swallow that...it's a breeze for them to imagine that they also came into sentient existence from some fluke of non-sentient existence


Thou art That
Haha..it's worse than you think...atheists think existence itself was nothing more than a fluke of nothingness...a big bang in non-existence that created existence...
If anyone could swallow that...it's a breeze to imagine that they also came into sentient existence from some fluke of non-sentient existence

Maybe they're right, ha ha...'now you see it; now you don't'...magic!

"In the Beginning, there was Nothing, which exploded!"


Seeking Truth and Certainty.

What is it that would cause a person to even care about such things in a world full of lies and uncertainty?
Isn't it a little to much to ask of the average person to consider whether they should lie or tell the truth?
It seems the average person does not concern themselves with anymore truth or certainty than circumstance warrants.

What about the rest?
What about those who are looking for truth and certainty, what drives them?
Is it not the place that this desire for truth and certainty comes from the same place in which we ultimately turn for truth and certainty in life?
Who is it that can give truth and certainty to another?
Is it not something that we must find from within ourselves?