Of course it is wrong, because you are making someone else do what you should be doing yourself.
People have a certain obligation to look after themselves. This tends to operate within the personal space sphere. For instance, one should dress, wash and clean themselves, not have another do it for them.
Otherwise it is just slothfulness which encourages negativity.
and of course, just because you pay someone to do something does not make it right.
You seem to have fallen into the trap of self-justification here.
There is a principle that you simply don't grasp, and that is that time is money. And we all only have 24 hours in each day.
If I earn $50 an hour, and I cut that earning time down to do two hours of housework, then I just lost out on $100 that I could use to pay for books for school, or give to a charity, or whatever. If I can pay someone $10 an hour then I am ahead $80.
You may say, "Clean on your own time," but if I can pay someone else so that I can spend that very limited time after work, with my family or friends or doing something more meaningful to me than housework, then it's worth it to me to spend the money - which I've earned.
What on earth is wrong with that? My maid works during the day, and not sure if you realize this or not, but many maids don't work full time at their job. They choose maid service precisely BECAUSE the schedule is flexible and this job allows them to spend more time with their own families.
Everyone wins.